Thursday 12 April 2012

The " Spooks " are watching !

Bob Brown of the " Greens " thinks it is " intolerable " that the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization ( ASIO )  is using surveillance to keep an eye on conservation groups.  He misses the point.   The purpose of a defence mechanism such as ASIO is to keep watch and detect the tendency for groups with conservation issues to move from peaceful protest - to the dark world of terrorism in pursuing their aims.

A case in point.   This week those who seek to close this nation's coal mines and cease all coal exports launched a graffiti attack on the home of Gujarat NRE Coking coal.   They defaced a wall with slogans, resulting in a police investigation.   The job of ASIO is to be watchful in case a more radical element within this group resorts to extreme methods to further their aims.

So far, our " Spooks " have done a good job keeping Australia safe from internal terrorism.  Compared with comparable countries, we have escaped any major incidents and planning by some with evil in mind has been nipped in the bud - and the perpetraters dealt with in the courts.

The attitude of the Greens must be of concern to our security people.  In a democratic country, our security services make regular reports to parliament and it would be disastrous if left leaning politicians " leaked " details of operational matters to the very people under covert investigation.

In a perfect world, the members of the government and the state security people would work together to achieve national security.   There is always a danger that when politics enters the equation,  the need for secrecy will undermine reporting honesty - and that leads to the shadowy world of James Bond novels.

Honest people who intend to remain within the law have nothing to fear.  So far the ASIO track record delivers Australia as a safe country.   Let's hope it stays that way !

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