Monday 31 December 2007

What the new year may bring !

A new year on the horizon - and a new government in Canberra. Unfortunately all the old problems will still be around when the fireworks herald in the new year at midnight.

One of those problems will be the question of Sydney airport ! The previous government successfully stone walled on a solution - hoping that quieter aircraft engines at some future date would resolve the issue.

Kevin Rudd gives the appearance of a leader who will not duck unpopular decisions. Badgerys Creek is no longer an option, nor is any other site in the greater Sydney basin. A second airport for Sydney will need a sweep of a broader brush - and this may be seen as an opportunity.

If a second airport eventuates there will be a major problem with the allocation of flights landing there. All the airlines want to land at Kingsford-Smith right in the heart of Australia's largest city.

Obviously freight will be quarantined to the new airport - but there would be a tendency to favour Australian owned airlines at the old facility and shunt overseas carriers to the out of town site.

Maybe this is the time to " think big ".

An ideal airport site exists near Goulburn. Just suppose the government located the new airport there - and delivered passengers to Sydney by a very fast train. The technology exists. Japan has it's " Bullet trains ", the French have the GTV and an experimental Maglev line in China is proving successful.

Now just suppose the government thought even bigger - and extended that very fast train line from Goulburn to Canberra - and on to Melbourne ! Later, a link to Brisbane would not be out of the question.

It would cost money - a huge amount of money ! But just suppose the government thought really big - established the new airport - and then closed Kingsford-Smith. Can you imagine what that huge acreage, right in the city would command as a site for housing and industry?

It would be a solution that should please nearly everyone. Sydney residents would be spared aircraft noise. All the airlines would be delivering to one airport to service Sydney - and Australia would have a transport system that would be the envy of the world

New years eve is a time for making resolutions. Perhaps this is one for Kevin to ponder !

Sunday 30 December 2007

The difference between two countries !

Just over a month ago Australians went to the polls to select a government. There were no assassination attempts. There were no suicide bombings. The public was continuously assailed with advertising by both sides of politics - but the issues spanned the running of the nation in either a conservative or a socialist manner.
Absent as an issue was - religion ! It is doubtful if the average voter had the faintest clue as to the religious preference of any of the candidates.

Just twelve days away from an election to restore democracy in Pakistan things are very different. An embattled president is retreating from virtual martial law and former leader Benazir Bhutto returned to the country to contest the election.

There have been numerous assassination attempts against the president - all of them unsuccessful - but the second attack on Bhutto saw her shot dead - and the assailant then detonated explosives that killed many of her supporters.

The problem is a hard core of al Qaeda fanatics who refuse to accept any form of democratic government. They will continue to bomb and kill in the hope that one day the Pakistan people will revolt - similar to the happening in Iran - and elevate them to power.

If that happens Pakistan will become a theocracy. The ruling fanatics will dictate who will be educated. What people may view or listen to. What form of dress will be worn nationally - and what will become of that county's nuclear arsenal.

It may never happen - but if it does then world war three is almost inevitable !

Saturday 29 December 2007

The illusion of freedom.

Today David Hicks ( 32 ) will emerge from South Australia's Yatala prison - but he will not be a free man.

Hicks will be required to report to police three times a week, live in a designated dwelling and observe a midnight to six am curfew. He will also be restricted to the use of any telephone or computer registered with the authorities - and he will have given an undertaking not to associate with terrorists or commit terrorist crimes.

David Hicks is an enigma. He converted to Islam and joined an al Qaeda terrorist network which took up arms against western troops engaging the Taliban in Afghanistan.

He was captured - and spent five and a half years in " Gitmo " - Camp X-Ray at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. As a result of a " deal " he pleaded guilty to aiding terrorism and was repatriated to Australia to serve a final seven month sentence in Yatala.

So - Where is his future after today's release ?

He will probably register with Centrelink for " Newstart " - formerly known as "the dole " and receive $ 465 a fortnight while he looks for a paid job. He has supporters in Australia and the majority of people believe in " a fair go " - so he may not have too much trouble settling back into the Australian way of life.

What happens after that is entirely up to him. If his experience with terrorists was a rush of blood as a young man he will turn his back on his former life. He is an Australian citizen and he is entitled to the services this country provides, but many will remain suspicious - and for the remainder of his life he can expect that ASIO observers will not be far away !

Friday 28 December 2007

The death that stalks us !

Tragedy strikes when little kids and water coincides. Sometimes it is at the beach - sometimes in a river - but all too often in the apparent safety of our treasured back yard swimming pools.

A usual, the finger pointing tries to evade blame. There are ample rules in place and if they were observed death by drowning would be rare.

It is necessary to get council approval to build a swimming pool - and it takes the consent of Sydney Water to fill it. There are regulations governing fences and gates - and all pools must have a resuscitation poster on display.

So - why is there a problem ?

Councils are lax in inspecting fencing and gates. An annual inspection would cost them resources - and they fear the backlash from angry pool owners who may resent an inspection as an intrusion.

If the state government is serious about pool safety it should legislate to require councils to inspect all pools annually - and if necessary - charge a fee to cover that cost. This is the only way that fences will be adequate and gates fitted with self closing devices and child proof locks.

Ratepayers will certainly moan about an inspection fee, but after all a pool is a measure of wealth and what price can be put on the life of a child.

Unfortunately inspections and a tightened law will not stop all drownings. The biggest user of pools are kids - and older kids have a habit of quick dashes back to the house for cold drinks - a visit to the toilet - or pool toys.

Older kids resent the child proof locks on pool gates - and in many cases prop the gate open to make for quick passage. This opens the opportunity for younger - non swimmers - or the kids next door - to access the pool.

The biggest safety device that can prevent drownings is parent supervision of all children using swimming pools - but unfortunately that is the one thing that can not be guaranteed by legislation !

Thursday 27 December 2007

The " Ranger " bandits !

It is said that only two things are certain in life - death and taxes ! Get ready for a sharp increase in taxes !

Councils have discovered a new pot of gold. Their " Ranger " workforce has been tasked with increasing revenue by issuing on the spot fines for a vast array of " offences ".

It all started several years ago when the police force decided to quit the policing of parking fines. This became a council matter and councils increased the number of rangers in their employ.

It didn't take long for greed to take over. Find more offences for rangers to discover - and the flow of money to council coffers would become a river of gold.

Councils are now petitioning the government to permit their rangers to increase the scope of motoring offences under their control - but the things ordinary citizens are noticing is that rangers have become active in areas which were not previously policed.

For instance, if your dog or cat is discovered not wearing an identity tag you can cop a hefty fine. If you live in an area with parking problems and you park on the nature strip - expect a brown envelope under the windscreen - and if you contravene water restrictions then that eager ranger will be quick to hand you an infringement notice.

All areas of government - and that includes local government - are desperate for more money and the one source of revenue that has no logical limit is law enforcement.

Councils are eagerly sifting through their by-laws to discover a treasure trove of fineable offences. Life just became a little more difficult - and expensive - for the average citizen !

Wednesday 26 December 2007

The day after !

Christmas day dawned bright and clear - and there was evidence that the jolly man in the red suit had completed his rounds. Inevitably - there were a few problems.

In many households there were wailing kids whose parents had wrapped - but not read the small print that said " batteries not included ". On Christmas morning the world is a commercial desert. On this one day of the year finding a shop open that sells batteries is worse than finding a needle in a haystack.

Then there were the people of mature years presented with a laptop, perhaps an I-Pod - or even a nice, shiny new mobile phone - with furrowed brow and anguished expression as they tried to figure out the operating instructions - which seem to be written in Swahili !

From today there will be a steady stream of people returning to retailers with a great assortment of clothing. Too big ! Too small ! The wrong colour !

But these are small problems compared to the joy of Christmas day. In most households Christmas dinner is a feast to remember - and the excuse to have perhaps a drink too many - or a puff of something denied by the law.

And what is even better is the absolute certainty that it will return in twelve months time - once again on December twenty-five - 2008.

Monday 24 December 2007

Desperation Day !

Christmas Eve ! The last shopping day before Christmas - and for many people that equates to desperation day !

Shopping for that special Christmas present is something that often causes procrastination. We think of something - and then reject it. We spend hours looking at gifts in shops - and the more worldly wise do the same thing on their computers - but in the end we find ourselves on Christmas eve with no gift to wrap !

Today the shops will see a steady stream of people with a desperate glint in their eye - because the evil hour is fast approaching. Now is decision time - and depending on that decision tomorrow will be either joy or disappointment.

It's strange that Christmas has evolved into the biggest shopping spree of the year, followed only by individual birthdays - and of course - Mothers Day.

Amid all this gift giving and feasting it might be nice to give a thought to some of the less fortunate people in the world. There are many who will not manage to eat - because they have no food. For many more , any sort of gift would be a first experience.

We in this country are lucky people - and this is often called " the lucky country ". Christmas might be a nice time to be generous with our donations to overseas aid !

Sunday 23 December 2007

The cut that delivers safety.

Raymond Barry Cornwall ( 52 ) is not the sort of person you would welcome into your community. Cornwall is a sex pervert who preys on young boys.

Cornwall was recently released from gaol. This release was not without strings. Cornwall was required to wear a security bracelet 24/7, report to police three times a week, reside at an approved address - and honour a curfew.

Within hours, he had cut off the security bracelet and fled the scene. He was recaptured days later on a beach at Stanwell Park, ogling young boys playing in the surf. For this breach of parole he will be returned to gaol.

This raises the question. " Where do we go from here ? "

Inevitably, some time in the future Cornwall will again come before the parole board. The Civil Liberties people will urge that he be given another chance. The prison people and medical people who know him and supervise him daily will be horrified at the thought of his release into an unsuspecting public domain.

It is time the state government bit the bullet and decided on a plan to deal with this sort of person. There seems to be only two options available.

Option one would be to keep them in prison for the duration of their lives

A second option would be to cure those deviant urges - by castration !

No doubt the Civil Liberties people will holler blue murder - but the children of this state also have civil liberties - and one of those liberties is the right not to be a victim of a sex pervert.

Maybe the loss of testicles would be a reasonable swap for the right of such a person to walk through the prison gates as a free man !

Saturday 22 December 2007

Divided views on health !

The report on the shambles that is Royal North Shore hospital has finally been filed. It was chaired by a politician - and it seems that the main objective was not to make waves - and not to rock the boat.

Few would be surprised to find that the report failed to sheet home the blame for this mess to anyone. It was not the fault of the state government. It was not the fault of the doctors and nurses. It was not the fault of the Health Commission. With a shrug of the shoulders - maybe just serendipity !

At the same time new prime minister Kevin Rudd is taking a serious look at eliminating the long waiting time for elective surgery. Two options are being explored.

It is suggested that vouchers may be used to enable those at the end of a long queue to have the job done in a private hospital - at public expense.

There is also a suggestion that rivate hospitals be asked to quote on a tender basis for accepting some of the load for knee replacements and cataracts.

It is a bold move, but if adopted there could be an unfortunate backlash. Many insured people might be offended to find a public patient in the next bed - scheduled for the same operation - and getting it for free.

After all, that insured patient has been forced to take out insurance by the Medicare levy impost - the purpose of which was to free up the public hospital system by making private hospitals affordable for the insured.

All it proves is that there is no easy answer to the health mess !

Friday 21 December 2007

The creeping veil of secrecy.

One of the basic tenets of a democracy is transparency. The public have the right to view the workings of government - even when that includes blunders that the politicians seek to hide.

Over the years the right to transparency has been the subject of many battles resulting in the passing of the " Freedom of Information act ". Ever since governments have been hatching plots to restrict that information.

The latest battle is between the government and it's police force. Frustration has resulted in some officers leaking information to the media. The Police Integrity Commission ( PIC ) has now moved to permanently plug that leak.

It is proposed that no police officer will be allowed any form of comment other than that authorised by the Police Media Unit. As a result, the public will only have access to whatever information the spin doctors choose to release !

The penalties are draconian. An officer who breaks that edict can be dismissed from the force and may even serve time in gaol.

The fact that such comment is " true and accurate " - and " in the public interest " will be no defence. The intention is to permanently gag our police and force them to work behind a wall of silence.

If this edict becomes law the morale of New South ales police can only sink lower. Obviously there must be balance in comments - otherwise indiscretion could wreck a police investigation if the crooks become aware of surveillance - but the police should have the same rights as ordinary citizens when it comes to expressing opinions.

The fact tha recruitment is barely keeping pace with resignations indicates that there are serious problems with policing in this state. If this " gag policy " becomes law then job satisfaction may pass beyond the point of no return !

Thursday 20 December 2007

The road toll.

We are approaching the best time of the year - Christmas and the holiday season - and summer. Unfortunately it is also the time when more of us will die or be critically injured in road accidents.

Fortunately there is every reason to think that the annual death toll will continue to fall. Slowly and surely we are getting better roads - with more and more of the state highways divided multi carriageways - and at the same time cars are getting better too.

As older cars head for the wreckers yard the proportion of cars equipped with air bags, traction control and better braking and handling systems becomes the majority. Each year as new models enter the marketplace the safety factor follows a steep upward curve. We can not blame our cars as the main cause of accidents !

As somebody once observed The main cause of road accidents " is the nut behind the wheel "!

That seems to be true. This holiday season there will be a percentage of drivers sharing the roads with us who are over the limit for alcohol consumption.
There will be others travelling well above the posted speed limit - and some drivers will be showing a degree of aggression better suited to a boxing ring.

No matter what laws are passed by parliament - and no matter how many police patrol cars supervise our roads - there will be a percentage of drivers who will act in a suicidal manner.

The only thing between us and an accident is sheer good luck - and the hope that these " accidents looking for a place to happen " are driving on some other road !

Wednesday 19 December 2007

One flew over the Cuckoos nest !

Gilbert and Sullivan specialised in writing farcical theatre - but it would be hard to trump the efforts of Shellharbour council when it comes to stupidity !

This council has been noted for in-fighting between people with big ego's and small minds. It culminated in a dispute over supposedly leaked confidential matters concerning the renumeration package of the council's CEO - which became a matter of public record anyway !

Push came to shove and the matter became a court case with three people the subject of litigation. Ratepayers - and the state government - became alarmed as costs quickly elevated and the council was warned - Put your house in order and get out of this mess - or face being placed in administration !

Sanity seemed to be prevailing when three Labor councillors sponsored a motion to drop the matter and retreat from further cost - but then party politics entered the fray. Dissenting Labor councillors decided to caucus on the matter - and because one councillor in favour was unable to be present - the decision was to oppose the motion.

We now have the situation where the three Labor councillors will propose and second the motion - but will be unable to vote for it because the caucus decision would see such a vote as against the policy of the ALP.

We are therefore back to square one - but at least this illustrates the stupidity of party politics having a place in local government !

Tuesday 18 December 2007

The sub-prime flow on !

In the past few years the finance world went mad ! There was simply too much money offering in a fast expanding home sector and so the standards for loans for housing dropped to zero.

Lenders ignored the old formulae of at least a twenty percent deposit, repayments no more than twenty-five percent of income - and the total loan over no more than twenty-five years.

One hundred percent loans became the norm - and ability to pay was totally ignored.

We are now paying the price for that madness. The sub-prime fiasco in America has the ability to create huge losses - and we are not immune here in Australia because exactly the same procedure was followed by a fast expanding plethora of mortgage brokers.

Unfortunately the fall-out will not be quarantined to the home lending area - and that is already becoming apparent in the general financing market.

One of the first casualties has been Cosco - a developer of shopping centres and malls. This firm is highly leveraged and needs to continually re-finance to fund it's increasing expansion.

This week the money market shut it's purse. We can expect a similar fate to overtake any company that has a similar structure - and any new company looking to establish in the market will face an intense scrutiny before money starts to flow.

A lot of this is simply money market nerves. There is no real reason for a panic, but a little bit of bad news seems to generate a tsatsumi of fear and the reaction is to slap the lid of the money bin shut - and stop spending.

Like all such downturns - there will be rich opportunities for the canny investor who is cashed up and has the nerve to jump in when prices of quality investments are low.

2008 may be the year of dread for many companies with a volatile money market - but those opportunities will see many people turn disaster into a huge personal advantage.

It offers better odds than betting on race horses !

Monday 17 December 2007

Insensitive !

The Indonesian government appears particularly insensitive to world feeling by letting Abu Bakar Bashir - spiritual leader of the terrorist group Jemaah Islamiah - publicly visit and commend the three terrorists responsible for the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 tourists - 88 of them Australian.

Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, but it officially condemns Islamic terror and it has passed the death sentence on those who committed murder in the name of Islam. Passing sentence is one thing - carrying it out is another - and so far that has not happened !

There seems to be an air of indifference towards the Bali bombing. Perhaps the fact that the residents in Bali are not Muslims - and the people murdered were western tourists has something to do with that separation of guilt.

There also seems to be a lack of outrage amongst ordinary Indonesians that followers of a violent brand of Islam are trying to force their way of life onto the entire country. Indonesia follows a secular path that allows freedom of choice as to way of life in many ways - and that includes the freedom to watch television, listen to music and educate women - something that the extremists would forbid if they managed to install Sharia law.

When a bigot like Bashir is featured in the media smiling and conferring blessings on those who have confessed to murder - but shown no contrition - then many observers must wonder how sincere are the Indonesian government's efforts to suppress terrorism.

Sunday 16 December 2007

An end to the beach holiday !

Many years ago - in a kinder and gentler age - a holiday home near the beach was a reality for many families. These ranged from affluent homes - built with retirement living in mind - to rough shacks built by battlers with a scarcity of both skill and money.

Land was cheap in those days and council rates in most areas a mere pittance. Change overtook this idyllic scene with land prices reaching and in some cases surpassing city levels - and council rates pushing the holiday home from dream to nightmare !

Many owners saw deliverance by way of offering the holiday home as a rental property when not in use by the family. The rental income covered out-goings - and so the status quo was maintained.

In recent times rents for these properties have reached ridiculous levels. In peak season rents in excess of two thousand dollars a week are common - and as a result the complexity of those renting has changed.

Now it is common for a mixture of families in excess of twenty people to share a beach house. This large group descends on the beach house with additional sleeping accommodation - including tents and caravans - and as a result there is often a noise problem for neighbours - and the lease ends with a large amount of rubbish left behind.

There is now pressure to ban short term tenancy in beach front areas. Councils are exploring options open to them under existing legislation - but they are also salivating at the prospect of slapping " Section 94 Contribution Fees " on beach properties offered for rental.

This impost was originally designed to apply to new hotels, motels and boarding houses as a means of developers contributing to the tourist facilities that would be needed. The impost was a whopping $ 7,500 per bed !

It seems that the battle is about to be joined between neighbours - who want a little peace and quiet - holiday home owners - who want to offset the cost of maintaining their beach side asset - and councils - who simply see a new bag of money within grabbing range !

Whatever the outcome - a holiday by the sea can only cost a whole heap more !

Saturday 15 December 2007

Fair go for renters !

The state government has agreed to review the Residential Tenancy Act, but is dismayed that so far there has been little input from renters and their associations.
The majority of the submissions have come from strata managers and real estate agents - and they view the rental laws from an entirely different perspective !

The Residential Tenancy Act has not been changed for over twenty years, but in that time there have been major movements in the market place.
The surge in home prices in recent times caused many to invest in residential property and place that property on the rental market while awaiting a possible future capital gain.

Tenants who have the security of a signed lease have been dismayed to find the Sheriff at their door, demanding that they vacate in a matter of days.
This happens when the owner defaults on a mortgage and the mortagee files for immediate repossession. In such cases, the default laws take precedence over any lease in place - and the renter is the loser.

This anomaly needs legal clarification - and at the same time it would be a good idea to cleanup the " black list " that applies to so called " bad tenants ".
Once a tenant is named on the " black list " the chances of renting diminish to zero - and yet the rules for declaring a tenant " bad " seem to be entirely at the discretion of the landlord or the landlord's agent.

There have been cases when such listings has been malicious and unfounded, and yet the procedure for removal is vague and without teeth.

An opportunity now exists to bring the act up to date. It would be a shame if apathy prevented progress because the vast array of people renting failed to make their case.

Friday 14 December 2007

The drug " Supremos " !

Law enforcement has watched the increasingly sophisticated methods used to bring drugs to market in all parts of the world.
Drug supply has come a long way from the enthusiast growing a few Marijuana plants in the backyard - to the " doctored " electricity meters and hydroponic setups in suburban homes - to state sponsored narcotic empires delivering their cargos to our shores.

Law enforcement has just cracked a Canadian/Asian based drug syndicate that has moved the goal posts and set a new benchmark in sophistication.
Forty people have been arrested - fourteen in Australia - and $ 13.7 million of Ecstacy and Ice confiscated.
Internationally, real estate worth $ 6.7 million - and $ 2.3 million in cash - has been seized as the profit from drug crime.

This drug organization has been formed around a number of " cells " - none of whom know or have any contact with one another. This is reminiscent of the way terrorist organizations operate - and there is a chance that the principals may be spy masters from a foreign power - or disenchanted religious fanatics - who have decided to go into business for their own profit.

Whatever the background, this will make penetration by the police harder to accomplish. The " Supremos " are quite ruthless. They discard without mercy those who get caught and simply target a new cell to maintain an uninterrupted supply.

It is obvious that the world of drugs will never be completely defeated. There is simply too much money involved and that sort of money brings out the best in criminal minds.
There is no answer - only continued vigilance !

Thursday 13 December 2007

Crime and punishment.

Recent events confirm that the wheels of justice grind unevenly in this country.

In north Queensland nine young men are charged with the rape of a ten year old girl.
No gaol time will be served and the inference is that the girl was a willing accomplice. This flies in the face of the law - which states that the age of consent is sixteen.

In Sydney, a judge is accused of perjury by nominating others as the driver of his car which was detected by cameras speeding and running red lights. If true, it would seem to be a case of arrogance to avoid what was a minor fine and loss of points.

The principle of law is that it should be fair - and equally available to all.
Clearly - that is not the case. A defendant who has the money to engage what is known as " a silk " - a Queens Councillor or other highly placed lawyer - has a much better chance of beating the charge than a person who has to rely on a court appointed lawyer - or worse still - represent himself or herself !

Now we have the added distortion of justice - plea bargaining. A person charged with a serious crime that carries a heavy penalty is often offered " a deal ".
Plead guilty to a lesser charge and receive a nominated lesser penalty as a reward for saving court time - and saving the prosecution time and money in preparing the case.

In many cases that person has no option than to accept the deal. No money for a smart lawyer ! No expectation of proving innocence - and a convincing prosecutor who contends that he is being lenient and acting for the prisoner's benefit.

Equality for all before the law - is a joke !

For the prosecution it is a relentless march of cases before the court - to be disposed of in the shortest possible time.

For the judiciary it is a balance of equating sentences to the availability of cells within the prison system.

To the legal profession - it is a money machine. When was the last time you saw a lawyer driving a beat-up old car - or living in a Housing Commission flat ?

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Opportunity knocks !

The severe hail storm that hit Blacktown, Baulkham Hills and Hornsby a few days ago resulted in three thousand calls to the SES for help, eight thousand insurance claims - and sixty five million dollars in damage - and still counting !

Analysis of the damage reveals a lot of damaged cars caught in the open, but the main loss is associated with roof damage. Not only will there be a huge bill for roof repair, but water entry wrecked appliances like sound systems and wide screen TV's and ruined carpets. In many cases, saturated plaster ceilings collapsed, adding to the loss.

Storms containing destructive cells that produce hail as big as cricket balls are becoming more common - and if the global warming predictions are correct - we will see more of them in the years ahead on a more frequent basis.

It is time the building industry had a long, hard look at the materials we have been using for roofing for centuries. Clay roof tiles were in use when the pyramids were under construction - and they have served us well. There are instances in Europe where such tiles are still in good condition centuries later.

The problem is that clay roof tiles do not withstand large hail - and what is needed now is for the building supply industry to use it's ingenuity to develop a way to protect the millions of tile roofs in this country from the coming hail storms.

Many new houses in recent times have abandoned tiles in favour of metal sheeting. This will be badly dented by large hail, but it will prevent water entry - and it is cheaper to replace than damaged tiles - with the added bonus of no interior damage.

What is needed is for building science to develop an overlay that will give clay tiles the strength to resist hail damage. The market is huge, considering the existing stock of homes with clay tile roofing far exceeds that using sheet metal roofing.

Such an addition will not be cheap - but in the long run home owners will need to bite the bullet and protect their roofing - or face an added insurance premium for clay tile roofed homes - and the chance of facing ruin from a storm !

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Escape from future oblivion !

The decision by the New South Wales government to sell power generation and distribution to the private sector is a canny political move to avoid future oblivion !

There is no doubt that unless generation capacity is enhanced there will be a shortfall leading to rolling blackouts during peak load periods some years in the future. To avoid that, new generating stations costing over fifteen billion dollars will need to be started now - to be certain of coming on line in ten to fifteen years time.

If power generation is still owned by the government that decision would be on the horns of a dilemma. Power generation is one of the greatest contributors to increasing carbon emissions - so the decision would need to be between coal or gas - or nuclear.

To adopt nuclear would mean an even bigger initial outlay, but would also create confrontation with Kevin Rudd's Federal government, a fight with the left wing of the Labor party - and bring the anti-nuclear forces to do battle for the minds of the general public.

Whatever the decision - there is still the spectre of enforceable carbon credit trading becoming binding somewhere in the short term. This introduces a big, new cost into power generation - and ultimately means a steep rise in the retail power price is unavoidable.

The state government advisers are savvy people and can see that this is a scenario that would signal oblivion for whatever government was in office when the bad news arrived.

So the decision has been made to distance the state government from the coming disaster by selling off power - and gaining a twenty five billion dollar windfall.
The unions will be bought off by the offer of a $ 40,000 " bonus " per worker for transferring from the public to the private sector - and the public will be insulated from power price hikes until 2015. After that - all bets are off !

There is also the opportunity to cement the government's hold on power by using that twenty five billion dollar windfall to do showcase improvements in the hospital system, education - and possibly build a few more roads - not to mention the abysmal rail system.

No doubt the wavering local politicians have been brought into line by a private revelation of the doom that lies ahead if power is not shed to the private sector, but to many it is a case of a great public asset and source of revenue being lost to the ownership of the people - and as a result - a sharp increase in each individuals cost of living when the inevitable price rises hit !

Monday 10 December 2007

The peril above !

When it rains the first thing we do is seek shelter. In the city and suburbs the available shelter is usually a shop awning. Events of this week have caused us to stop and think after a man was crushed to death when such an awning fell on him.

Shop awnings are something that we take for granted. Unfortunately, many belong to a past era and many adorn the front of failed shops which became victims of the rise of supermarkets. Shops with boarded up windows exist in many suburbs - a reminder of the times when " the corner shop " supplied most of our needs.

Why did this awning fail ? A lot of reasons have been suggested. Some think the awning became too heavy when pigeons used it as a roost. A pigeon can drop up to a kilo of guano a day - and given the number of pigeons in the city that can cause a mind boggling weight increase.

Another reason could be lack of maintenance. Old awnings eventually allow the entry of water, and wet timbers increase in weight. In the instance of the awning that caused death the whole front of the store collapsed, indicating that there may have been a further fault in the restraining brickwork.

This tragedy is a timely reminder to all the councils in this state. Building inspectors now have a duty to inspect shop awnings - and where danger is detected they should either be demolished - or work done to make them safe.

It took a death to put the spotlight on a source of danger. It would be sheer negligence if this danger was ignored.
A council that decides to take no action may face a charge of culpability if a further death or injury occurs !

Sunday 9 December 2007

The disenchanted !

Last year the big push was converting cars from petrol to natural gas. The government was offering a two thousand dollar incentive - and the conversion industry was so overwhelmed that it refused to accept new bookings.

How things change ! That industry is now working month to month with just a steady stream of new customers. There are a number of reasons why car owners are having second thoughts.

Some see liquid gas as a bigger explosive danger than petrol. Some dislike losing boot space to accommodate that gas cylinder. Some are wary because gas outlets in country areas are not expanding at the same speed as the conversion industry - and some simply do not trust government not to claw back the savings when gas powered car numbers rise !

They have a point. Petrol prices are rising fast with the Christmas holiday traffic surge ahead - and gas prices are keeping pace. The difference is that petrol is supposedly priced in tandem with the Mayasian benchmark - and Australia has local supplies of natural gas measured in availability for centuries to come.

There is an old saying that nothing is certain - except death and taxes.
One certainty is that governments never relent on extracting the maximum tax possible from all and every avenue of opportunity.

On that basis, once the level of gas powered cars - or cars using ethanol - decrease the tax now obtained from petrol - the tax mix will immediately change to deliver precisely the same return to government coffers.

The only question remaining is just what new form taxation will take when hybrid cars travel more miles on electricity than they do on petrol - ethanol - or gas !

Saturday 8 December 2007

The next rail disaster.

Commuters from the north coast and the Illawarra have for years put up with peak rail travel in cars designed for inner city use, packed in like Sardines and without water or toilets.

Relief was promised when the Millennium train was being built, but that turned into a disaster when it simply was not reliable enough to be run on main lines. It was back to years of the infamous Tangara travel.

It seemed that a new dawn was breaking when the first of the OSCARS - outer suburban carriages specifically designed for the inter-city running began to come on line. These had more space, comfortable seats - and the greatest blessing of all - toilets and the chance to access drinking water.

It seems that the government has chosen to break the bad news slowly. There are seventy-eight OSCAR eight carriage set trains on order - but many will be diverted from the north coast and Illawarra run to service the new Epping to Chatswood line that will be completed next year.

The government and it's planners must have known - but chose to remain silent during the state election earlier this year - that the Tangara trains were incapable of handling the length and steep grade of the tunnels involved in this new line.
Their drive motors would overheat and burn out - hence the OSCARS will be diverted to solve the problem.

What will not be solved is the dilemma faced by commuters from the Illawarra and the north coast. With the OSCARS confiscated to run this new inner Sydney line many inter-city services will have to make do with the reviled Tangaras - again without toilet facilities for journeys of an hour and a half.

This is simply another case of bad planning by the government and the railway bosses.
Once more promises have been blatantly broken and the relief offered snatched away at the last moment.

No wonder many people are cynical and subscribe to the notion that when it comes to efficient planning of future events - this government would be hard pressed to successfully raffle a duck !

Friday 7 December 2007

The money merchants !

Finding the best interest rate return for your investments is relatively easy. Financial institutions from banks to building societies - to credit unions and investment houses are prolific advertisers on radio and TV - and in newspapers and journals.

Beware those that offer a rate of interest well above the average. They may look good on paper - and from the size and scope of their advertising they appear rock solid - but they could be nothing more than an in-house financier for a builder speculating in apartment blocks. Great while the market is booming ! A disaster when the market cools !

Now a new flam is making an appearance. Interest offers are usually on the basis of a wide choice of investment terms. The rate of interest varies depending on the number of months - or years - chosen.

Most people settle for the period offering the best return - and when that investment matures they usually get a reminder letter from the company involved offering the opportunity to reinvest.
This is where the unwary face a trap. This letter gives them a short period to add money, withdraw funds or select a new investment term. It also suggests that if ignored the funds will be automatically reinvested - and the unwary assume that this will be on the same terms as the initial investment.

Not so ! This is where the mix of terms and corresponding interest rates suddenly begin to vary. The old term is no longer the one attracting the best return. That is now a month longer - or a month shorter - than the previous offer.

It is a wise idea to review every investment that matures and carefully check the new terms being offered to ensure that you are getting the return you expect. Otherwise - you may find that your investment is earning as much as two percent less interest than the market benchmark !

Thursday 6 December 2007

" HO - HO - HO "

For centuries Santa Claus has remained unchanged. Ask any little kid and you will learn that Santa lives at the North Pole, travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeers - one of which is named Rudolph and has a red nose - makes toys all year with the help of elves - and is easily recognisable by his hearty greeting of " Ho - Ho - Ho "!

This week the biggest department store chain in Australia sacked a store Santa for continuing to greet kids by saying " Ho - Ho - Ho " !

It seems that one of the sub cultures in the United States has taken to denigrating women by referring to them as " Ho " !
Presumeably this is an abbreviation of the word " Hoare " !

What this has to do with the culture of Australia is anyone's guess. It is not a term used here and it seems an example of political correctness gone wrong to think that senior store executives are seeking to have Australia's Santas abandon tradition and substitute the greeting with " Ha - Ha - Ha " or possibly an imbecilic " He - He - He ".

Many will remember a similar incident several years ago when store and mall managers banned nativity scenes from public display - on the grounds that other religions might be offended. At the same time, the streets of the city of Sydney were suddenly bereft of Christmas decorations and even the word " Christmas " seemed to make retailers uncomfortable.

That madness has passed. The nativity displays are back in public view and we are promised a return of street decorations in the days ahead.

Maybe the shareholders of that company that sacked Santa need a rethink. Maybe the store sacked the wrong person !

Wednesday 5 December 2007

A moral dilemma.

In most cities and towns in this country a clash of wills is under way on the subject of legal brothels. Governments faced reality and agreed that since the earliest days of civilization no administration had succeeded in stamping them out. Coming to terms with reality - brothels are legal, provided they meet planning and conduct laws.

In Auburn street, Wollongong an illegal brothel has served it's clientele for the past four years. It is discreet and it's staff of three sex workers provide in-house services and do " outsourcing " on a 24/7 basis.

There have been no problems and other residents are probably unaware of it's presence. Council efforts to close down brothels have faced many problems, but recent legislation has made it easier to establish legal identity - and shut off power and water as a measure of closure. For that reason, many brothels have taken steps to legalise their activities.

And that raises a huge problem. The moment a council takes steps to advertise it's intention to grant legal status to a brothel a host of critics crawl out of the woodwork. In the main, they are people with religious objections - and such objections have no status in the acceptance or rejection of an application - but they make a lot of noise and they hog the media, putting pressure on councillors and council officers who are vilified if they accept what the law allows.

The result is usually delay - sometimes picketing of the site involved - and threats of withholding votes if decisions go against the wishes of some objectors.

The whole concept of democracy is that the will of the majority will prevail. The average person accepts that brothels are a way of life and probably serve as a safety valve in the community.

That same democracy preserves the right of protest against any decisions made by a ruling body. In this case, such provisions contradict each other !

Tuesday 4 December 2007

THe silent assassin !

One of the things most people find unacceptable is domestic violence. The courts come down heavily upon it - and in recent years it has been dragged screaming into the open and disclosed for all to see.

Unfortunately the equal balance of justice is not a factor when guilt is assessed. We have this stereotype of a huge male savagely beating a defenceless female - and this springs to mind whenever the subject arises.

Now it seems that a claim of domestic violence has become a political weapon employed to destroy an opponent. The mere whisper of violence against such a person can destroy a career - and leave a permanent tarnish.

Such a case appears to be directed against state minister Phil Koperberg. This man was an illustrious fire commissioner, stood as a Labor candidate and is now a minister in the Iemma government.

It has been suggested that domestic violence occurred in 1987 during a relationship breakup. Koperberg denies this, but agrees " there were many blues. It was a turbulent time ".

How is it possible to prove or disprove something that happened twenty years ago ?
To muddy the water, it appears that the claim may have originated from a political opponent within the same political party - who also had a relationship with this same woman.

The minister has stood aside during the enquiry that will follow, but this case illustrates the huge damage that occur when a rumour finds it's way to the media - and in the minds of many - that rumour becomes fact !

There simply is no answer. We will never condone domestic violence, but as long as we immediately associate guilt with innuendo then the tools are there for a political assasination.

Hopefully we will get to the stage of carefully considering that there are usually two sides to every argument !

Monday 3 December 2007

The " Mirage " hospital.

For maternity patients Shellharbour hospital is like a mirage on the horizon. You can see it - but the moment you have a need it simply fades from sight !

In 1986 the maternity ward had twenty-two beds. Since then those beds have reduced to eighteen - then twelve - then ten - then six - and finally the ward was entirely closed.
It is expected to reopen on December 21 - with just four beds !

At the same time the maternity facilities at Wollongong hospital are under such stress that four experienced midwives have thrown in the towel, resigned for a less stressful life. It wouldn't take a brain like Einstein to figure out that there is a lot wrong with the maternity system in the Illawarra.

The main problem is that specialist doctors simply refuse to travel to Shellharbour. They live in the affluent suburbs near Wollongong hospital and their credo is - " Make the patients travel to us " !
Such doctors are in such short supply in Australia that they rule the roost - and what they want is what they get !

There is also the matter of such problems being swept under the carpet by the state government.
This government is vocal on the need for whistleblowers to be protected, but at the same time it has written into hospital employees contracts the provision that speaking publicly on any matter can result in instant termination.

Whatever happened to free speech ?

The lack of maternity facilities at Shellharbour bucks against statistical trends. The Illawarra population is expanding and that growth is concentrated in the new suburbs south of Shellharbour. These house young people who are starting their families - but for the convenience of the government and the doctors the maternity facilities are concentrated at a hospital a half hours drive away.

It is time for a change of thinking - and a reallocation of services to where they are most needed !

Sunday 2 December 2007

The freeloaders !

The fire services in this state - the New South Wales Fire Brigade - which serves metropolitan areas - and the Rural Fire Service cost $ 484 million a year to maintain. Unfortunately, this cost is not spread over all users !

Due to a curious arrangement the fire service gets government grants - but the main source of income is a hefty levy imposed on all household insurance policies.
The problem is that many people simply do not bother to insure their property - and as a result these freeloaders get the services of the fire brigades for free !

When the fire alarm rings the brigades do not look up a list of those insured before responding. All property receives the same service and therefore a disproportionate share of the cost falls on those to have an insurance policy.

Local councils have raised a proposal to share the load equally. They propose abolishing the fire levy on insurance policies and add it to the rates applicable to all property.

It sounds good in theory, but many will be suspicious. The councils will probably require a hefty administration fee to administer this levy - and the insurance industry is known for dirty tricks. Many fear that the old levy would not be completely abolished - and rather given a new name and absorbed under a new guise !

There is no doubt that the old levy on insurance premiums is both inefficient and unfair. Conversion to a property tax would achieve uniformity - but before we rush into such a scheme it would be wise to examine all the loop holes - and ensure that insurance premiums receive the full reduction once the levy ceases !

Saturday 1 December 2007

The poisoned chalice !

Once again this city's Methadone centre - the facility regional chambers of commerce are anxious not to attract - is in the news !
The original consent hours were 7 am to 5 pm - Monday to Friday, and 7 am to 1 pm Saturday.
The centre has contravened these hours, opening at 6 am and attracting protests from surrounding businesses.

A Methadone clinic is a necessity in any city. The problem is one of location. This centre is in Denison street, basically an industrial area and home to a major fire station - but it is also adjacent to the Picadilly centre - a former group of shops that have now fallen on hard times.

The patrons of a Methadone clinic are obviously drug addicts, and their presence is not conducive to a mix with the shopping public. It is not unusual to see a person overcome with drugs lying on the footpath, or to see acts of violence and anger.

All logic supposes that such a facility should be located at the city hospital - just over a block away - but this falls foul of local politics. The hospital is surrounded by specialist doctors consulting rooms - and doctors have political clout and would not tolerate a mix of drug addicts and their patients.

Now a new opening schedule is being negotiated and the likely outcome is 6 am to 2 pm, Monday to Friday - and 7 am to 11.30 am Saturday.

Whatever the hours - the main problem remains. A Methadone clinic is not compatible with surrounding retail businesses and as long as it remains in it's present location in Denison street there is little chance of a rejuvenated and prosperous Picaddilly centre.

The shopkeepers and property owners are the holders of a poisoned chalice !