Friday 20 April 2012

Electricity - the " control " option !

AUSGRID is suggesting that the future supply of electricity will be controlled by new " smart " meters which will allow electricity suppliers to isolate and switch off " power guzzlers " at the time of peak loads, and will allow consumers to make savings by applying a price/time scale to billing.

These are options that are being considered as the Independent  Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal ( IPART ) moves towards the next round of price increases.

One of the problems facing those tasked with generating electricity is the cost of having equipment on standby to cover the usage peaks that only occur in exceptional weather conditions, and usually only last for a short period of time.   If power usage can be managed to decrease these peaks, massive cost savings are possible.

The new smart meters would allow the power generating authority to simply shut down items such a swimming pool pumps, laundry clothes dryers and air conditioners to lower demand on the grid when demand is nearing capacity.    This option would be in the hands of the electricity supplier, not the electricity customer.

Smart meters would extend the present benefits of " off peak " power to cover a much wider scale.  It is proposed that the price of electricity would vary - according to the hours of the day and the demand on the grid.    For instance, a family with a load of washing could elect not to turn on the machine during a peak period, but wait until that has passed and make a saving by purchasing the power needed at a much lower rate.

This option certainly makes sense.  As things now stand, the price of electricity is constant throughout the day and night, with the exception of those who have a separate off peak hot water heater.   Given a choice of times and prices, it would be possible to heat the house in winter before the morning peak,  and distribute other heavy load uses to a better pricing time.

It would put price management back into the hands of the consumer and allow genuine savings by making a careful plan to select the best times to use heavy load electricity.

It seems to offer the best of both worlds.  The electricity generating people benefit by avoiding the need to construct rarely used generating capacity, and consumers gain by off peak rates becoming extended to a wider section of the day and night.

One of the instances where advances in technology solves mutual problems !

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