Sunday 31 January 2010

The artful dodgers !

The " free insulation " scam has just about run out of steam. Now the scammer ringing your doorbell is likely to be offering a set top box so that you can continue to enjoy television when the country goes digital.

There will be many variations on the offered scam. Some will insist that the price is subject to a future government reimbursement, while others will claim installation is required under newly passed laws - and failure to do so could attract a heavy fine.

In some cases the set top box actually does work - except that the price demanded is way above what it can be obtained for from a legitimate electrical store. In others, it is a worthless piece of junk that does absolutely nothing.

Unfortunately most householders are sitting ducks because of lack of knowledge about the change to digital TV. Most are aware that it will happen, but it will occur slowly and selectively across the nation - and be complete in 2013.

The best protection from door to door scams is to assume every caller is a crook trying to extort money. Ask to be given the proposal in writing - and then take the trouble to check it out with either the licensing authority involved - or a registered trading company in a similar line of business.

Rarely will that be necessary. At the first sign of a demand for verification these scammers f0ld and depart - and look for another victim !

Saturday 30 January 2010

Price parity !

Cole's Supermarkets have announced a new policy. Prices of grocery items will be the same in all their stores - from the smallest country town to the big city stores.

But hang on a moment ! It sounds great - but what does it really mean ?

If prices vary at the moment then an adjustment will be required to achieve price parity in all stores. Some items will go down in price - but some will have to increase.

It sounds like the old adage of " the swings and the roundabouts ", but we live in the real world and what we are talking about here is the first rule of commerce - make a profit !

The way this will have to work is fairly simple. On " price change day " emails will be sent from Cole's head office to all stores detailing the " specials " that will apply for that week.

Unfortunately individual store managers will have no say in using prices as a means of attracting business. " Big Brother " back at head office will rule the roost on prices and store managers will be " managers " in name only.

It might look good on paper, but there is a certain inevitability about a common pricing structure.

We can expect more prices to head " up " than those going in the opposite direction !

Friday 29 January 2010

Comparing schools.

Yesterday the education website went online for the first time - and was swamped by 4.5 million " hits " by 2 PM, causing it to crash.

We have dire predictions of doom from opponents and a rosy expectation of improvements from the government. What is undeniable is that parents are interested in knowing how their children's schools are performing.

There is certainly an element of risk in publishing a " warts and all " picture of each school and allowing comparisons. There will be winners and there will be losers in the popularity stakes - but the alternative is to lock this information securely away like some sort of dirty secret.

The only way to upgrade non performing schools is to drag them into focus, identify the cause of the problems - and implement measures to bring them up to scratch.

Now that schools have been dragged kicking and screaming into the public gaze it is up to parents to apply the pressure on the education authorities to spend money and take measures to achieve improvements.

Judging by the number of people who took the time to access the website - there is no doubt that the education authorities have a tiger by the tail. The information on schools is now out in the open - and the government will be judged on it's success in fixing the problems !

Thursday 28 January 2010

A new bureaucracy !

In an attempt to shelter the Department of Community Services ( Docs ) from criticism NSW Health has introduced a filter between them and reported cases of child abuse.

Newly formed NSW Health Child Wellbeing Unit (HCWU )will now receive the reports of child abuse and pass the most series cases to Docs for investigation and action. Docs is the only agency with the legal authority to take children into care and remove them from danger.

HCWU will refer lesser cases to other agencies, thus allowing Docs to concentrate where intervention may prevent death or serious harm.

This simply introduces another level of bureaucracy to spread the load and dilute the blame when things go wrong.

Docs receives about 300,000 reports of suspected child abuse a year. Investigating all of these is far beyond the resources of the department, and not all cases advance to the stage where harm is likely. In many cases, someone snaps - and the end result is serious harm to a child.

Shielding children from harm can never result in success in every instance. It requires a judgement to be made - and the people making that decision are only human.

There will be failures in the future - and the only thing that will have changed is the sheeting home of blame. Now it will be divided between Docs and HCWU. - with finger pointing from both sides of the divide.

And as usual the political solution to such problems is to increase the bureaucracy !

Wednesday 27 January 2010

A peaceful Australia Day !

What a difference a day makes ! In contrast with last year, yesterday's Australia day was peaceful and fun for the crowds that gathered at Belmore basin.

There were only twelve arrests - and the lack of trouble can be squarely attributed to the big police presence and the implementation of sensible rules on alcohol.

In previous years the event has been marred by groups of drunken yobbos wandering through venues, causing fights and vandalising property. As a result, family groups with children were becoming reluctant to attend.

Perhaps the key to this year's success has been the pre-event publicity of what was in store for trouble makers. Laws are in place for alcohol free zones and it was well publicised that the police would be there in force - and would have a zero tolerance for offenders.

This is a lesson to be learned for kerbing the late night drunken activities that plague the streets of our CBD.

The yobbos can be contained - if there is sufficient police on patrol to enforce the law and it becomes clear to patrons that undisciplined behaviour will see them end the night in the cells.

The only limiting factor is finance. It takes money to maintain the police numbers to keep our city streets safe - and that is the question we need to hammer home to the state government.

It's called " priorities " - something we need to demand - loud and clear !

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Our Australian flag.

It was almost inevitable that the visit of Prince William close to the Australia day celebrations would provoke the Republican lobby to demand a new Australian flag.

If we do eventually become a republic, that will not automatically see our present flag discredited. Some countries retained the Union Jack on their national flag as a symbol of their origin - and it should be remembered that the American state of Hawaii proudly bears this symbol - with the full support of their citizens.

A TV network called a snap poll to gauge the feeling for a flag change - and the result was overwhelming support for retaining our beloved ensign. Only eighteen percent supported change - with a whopping eighty two percent demanding it remain unchanged.

If in the future this feeling changes then a simple adjustment might best serve the needs of this nation.

Suppose we removed the Union Jack - and replaced it with the Aboriginal flag ?

We would be simply changing the message from a statement of from where we originated as settlers, to an acknowledgment of the Indigenous people who were the original owners of this land.

It would be a unifying move - a flag which included the Koori culture and at the same time honoured those who came after I788 by way of the stars of the Southern Cross and the Federation star.

A national flag - after all is said and done - is supposed to be inclusive of all Australia's people !

Monday 25 January 2010

An era ending ?

Once it was the ambition of any red blooded Aussie boy to don the red and yellow costume and become a surf lifesaver. That was back in the days when lifesaving was a male only sport.

Now the girls are also patrolling Australia's beaches, but it seems that lack of interest is resulting in Illawarra beaches falling short of the required numbers.

This summer Sydney clubs have sent as many as sixteen of their people to patrol Scarborough, Fairy Meadow and Coalcliff - because the numbers are no longer available locally. This will not continue next summer.

There are plans for recruiting drives and club leaders are wracking their brains trying to find a way to get more young people - men and women - into serving this great service to the public.

We are experiencing a surge in drownings, probably a mix of increasing temperatures luring more people to the beaches - and migrants from land locked countries who lack the knowledge of surf dangers.

Perhaps this apathy is simply the result of our changing world. A host of other entertainment activities vie for our attention - and the " me first " generation has become self centred.

It would be a pity if this great Australian institution should die because of lack of interest - and the lives lost made a sacrifice to apathy.

Hopefully, the Illawarra can do better than that scenario !

Sunday 24 January 2010

A " Death " tax !

It is said that " Tax " and " opportunity " go hand in hand. The moment an opportunity opens the tax man is not far behind. Such is the case in Switzerland.

A decade ago the Swiss took a merciful approach to euthanasia. It is no longer illegal for help to be given to those wishing to end their lives, and this has resulted in an efficient industry serving this need.

Now the government is considering imposing a special tax of fifty thousand Swiss Francs ( $A 53,000 ) on those customers who are foreigners - and who have not lived in the country for the previous year.

Many who travel to Switzerland to end their lives are suffering terminal illnesses which result in a painful death. Only a handful of countries offer a merciful release, but now it seems that the Swiss tax man is treating death as an import industry.

The clinics which provide a dignified and painless death charge a fee of about 8,400 Swiss Francs. If this tax goes ahead it will be added to the customer's bill.

It does tend to underline that old witticism - that the only thing that is certain is " death and taxes ! "

Saturday 23 January 2010

Timing is everything !

No wonder we are called " the lucky country ". By a sheer convergence of circumstances we have attracted the right kind of tourism promotion that millions of dollars would not have bought .

Prince William paid us a royal visit that would have had wide coverage by the British media - and it just happened that Australia turned on that magic weather for which this country is renowned.

Just at the time that the United Kingdom is slowly recovering from the worst snow storm in decades. The Eurostar trains were halted beneath the channel. Schools were closed. Many people were without power or heating - and suddenly here is Prince William speeding across a sparkling Sydney harbour and fronting various events under a vivid blue sky.

We spent millions on that " Where the bloody hell are you ? " campaign - and it was a fizzer.

We got this magnificent promotion of Australia as the place to be - for free !

It's all a matter of timing. If only we can put together another visit by a person who will attract media attention - and combine that with our natural assets when they combine with what is missing in the target country !

That is impossible to plan - but who needs plans when you are " the lucky country ? "

Friday 22 January 2010

Our money compromised !

It is becoming evident that we can not withdraw cash from an ATM or make an EFTPOS purchase in a store with any degree of confidence that we will not become the victim of a " skimming " bandit.

At the moment, the banks are taking the loss and - after a delay - restoring the missing money.

What we are witnessing is a technology battle. The brilliant human minds that developed the computer and the internet are besieged by equally brilliant criminal minds that are devising ways to penetrate its security for their own purpose.

It is a battle that will never be fully resolved because as fast as one solution is put in place., human ingenuity triumphs in devising a new way around that obstacle.

Unfortunately we have reached a point where we simply can not do without the computer in handling our money and our commercial transactions. There is no going back to signing cheques or buying goods with credit provided by individual stores.

The present mess could be made a lot easier if the banks were prepared to put their hands in their pockets and engage the bandits with the newest technology available. Devices that read fingerprints or the configuration of the human eye offer far greater security than a PIN - but that also costs a lot more money than the present system.

In the end, it will all come down to a simple matter of profit - or loss !

When reimbursing customers starts to hurt the bank's bottom lines you can be sure the decisions will be made and state of the art security systems will appear.

But don't think that will happen without cost to you - the customer !

It is hard to determine who are the bigger thieves - the banks or the bandits who plunder bank customers.

Just watch those bank fees escalate to cover the cost of security updates - when that eventually happens !

Thursday 21 January 2010

Political storm clouds.

It is said that when America sneezes - the world economy gets a cold !

Yesterday President Barack Obama's ability to get bills through the US Senate took a hit when voters turned away from the Democrats, and elected a Republican to represent Ted Kennedy's old seat in Massachusetts.

This was unexpected. Boston has long been a Democratic stronghold and yet that political party lost 47 to 52. It seems to be a sign that all is not well with the voter's perceptions of Obama's policies.

The loss changes a critical balance of power.

President Obama can no longer rely on the numbers to prevent a Republican " Fillibuster " - and that may be the measure that dooms his all important health insurance reforms to defeat.

America is slowly emerging from the worst recession in decades and now is not a good time to introduce a doubt on the president's ability to legislate. There is every chance that this will slow the world recovery.

Further evidence that economic health is inescapably linked to politics !

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Of kings and presidents !

Yesterday Australia welcomed a young man who may one day become king of England.

Whether he will also become king of Australia has yet to be decided.

We live in a changing world. At the start of the twentieth century the world had many countries ruled by a monarchy. At the dawning of the twenty-first century they had shrunk to a mere few.

Britain retains one of the great royal houses - and yet Britain also has changed over that period. The sun has finally set on the British empire - and the country that was once at it's heart is now a mere member of the European Union.

Australia has also changed greatly. Originally few of it's citizens were from other than England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales. Today they represent just about every continent and island of this planet.

Who shall rule and what form the government will take will eventually be decided by referendum.

The monarchy has served us well in the two hundred and twenty two years of our existence.

There will be much debate and considerable soul searching before any decision on the future is made.

Whatever the outcome - it will be an Australian decision - made by the people of this country !

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Detention illness increase !

Research by the University of Wollongong has revealed that putting people into detention decreases their health levels - and that this accelerates with the time their freedom is restrained.

The research was conducted on 720 people held in immigration centres and revealed a 3% decrease in health for those held for just three months - and a whopping 45% for those held for two years.

This is probably academically interesting, but the result comes with the implied suggestion that we should refrain from putting people into detention centres - and gaols - because if we cease doing that we will have a healthier population.

It ignores the reality that if some people are not kept in detention, the health of the rest of the community will suffer !

Detention usually serves one of two purposes. For criminals it is punishment for a crime committed.

For those who try and force their way into our community by arriving - unannounced and uninvited - it is to stop them disappearing into the diaspora until we check their bona-fides.

In a perfect world there would be no need for prisons or immigration detention centres. Unfortunately we live in the real world - hence this report will certainly be of interest in the library of scientific knowledge, but nothing will change because this is a case where reality comes into conflict with the best of human emotions.

In such cases - reality always wins !

Monday 18 January 2010

Alcohol - and Australia Day.

In just over a week we will again celebrate Australia Day. That should be a day when citizens not only enjoy themselves, but take pride in this wonderful country that is the envy of the world.

Unfortunately for some it will be a day on which to get stinking drunk, cause injury to others - and probably end up in a police cell.

It is hard to understand what motivates those who set out to get deliberately legless. Alcohol can be a good friend - and a deadly enemy. Misused - it is the cause of death on the roads and the reason ordinarily sensible people find themselves explaining the unexplainable - to a magistrate !

The police and the government are looking for solutions, and one of them is to ban the sale of full strength beer early in the day, and high alcohol content drinks as day turns into night.

That sounds reasonable, but it does not do anything about curbing the urge to drink to excess.

Abuse of alcohol has been a problem since the dawn of time - and the emergence of the first civilization. A total ban on it's sale is not the answer - as the Americans found out when they introduced prohibition.

Maybe the answer is a reduction of the alcohol content of all beer, wine and spirits.

Alcohol is heavily taxed, hence paying more for less would at least make getting drunk out of financial reach for some people.

Unfortunately that solution would punish the average sensible drinker and cause discontent.

It seems that alcohol is the ultimate unsolvable conundrum - which will result in unpleasant headlines again in the aftermath of the coming Australia Day holiday.

Sunday 17 January 2010

Censorship - alive and well !

The Chinese government is determined to control every aspect of the lives of it's citizens. It's biggest threat is the Internet - which allows the free passage of ideas, information, commerce - and specially dangerous to a Communist regime - complaints about government corruption and mishandling of human issues.

Freedom of speech - and freedom to express ideas - is seen as a threat to the state machine in China. The Communist government imposed restrictions on the Internet that required search engine Google to apply restrictions that do not apply in any other world country.

Now Google has announced that it will no longer apply these demands, even at the risk of closing off China as a source of contact with the rest of the world.

This is the result of a cyber attack that many think was instigated by the Chinese Communist government. It involved the theft of intellectual property and hacking into the email accounts of human rights activists.

This clash of ideology is reminiscent of events after the end of the second world war, when the Communist world in Europe tried to shut out any contact beyond it's borders. Books and newspapers from the west were banned, and jamming stations were set up to prevent the people listening to radio broadcasts from other countries.

There was an attempt to portray Communist life as " a worker's paradise " amid claims that people in capitalist countries were miserable - and starving ! The fact that they had to build walls to stop their citizens escaping illustrated the failure of this attempt at " mind bending ".

The Chinese people have accepted the transformation of Communist dogma from the sheer brutality of the old Warsaw pact days to a combination of " Communism with a capitalist face ". It is now glorious to get rich - provided you do not seek to rock the Communist stranglehold on power !

Unfortunately the Politburo seems to have missed the point that in today's world the Internet is vital to interconnect commerce. If Communist dogma results in Google leaving China and the Internet being replaced with some sort of " China only " communication system the world's present commercial powerhouse will become stunted.

Love it or hate it ! The Internet can not work without free use by those who sit at a computer keyboard !

Saturday 16 January 2010

The cost of rescue !

Once again a contingent of fifty police and SES volunteers spent two days searching the Blue Mountains for an overdue " canyoning " party. Five were eventually rescued and one died as a result of a rock fall.

The Blue Mountains are well known as an area of rough terrain which is poorly signposted. People regularly get lost in this wilderness. Rescue attempts involve many gruelling man hours - and a degree of personal risk - for the dedicated people who undertake searches.

As was depressingly usual, this hiking party from the prestigious Shore Grammar school did not bother to carry an EPIRB emergency location beacon.

Had they done that, their whereabouts would have been instantly known - and rescue would have been a matter of simply sending in a helicopter. Time and effort would have been saved - and perhaps a life would not have been lost.

What is so frustrating is the availability of emergency location beacons to anyone thinking of entering national parks such as the Blue Mountains. The police and the ranger stations ask visitors to register where they intend to travel - and give a timetable - and take an EPIRB to sound the alert if they strike trouble.

This is a free service - with an EPIRB there for the taking. Unfortunately, a life saving offer that is ignored by a huge number of people.

Maybe it's time to get tough with the people who by their careless attitude put others at risk and cause expenditure to mount search and rescues.

We impose heavy fines for those who travel in cars and fail to use the vehicles seat belts - and those who journey in boats without safety vests.

It would not be unreasonable to demand that those who venture into areas such as the Blue Mountains first record their intentions and timetable with the ranger station - and take an EPIRB on their trip as a safety measure.

That could not be considered " revenue raising " - if failure to comply resulted in a heavy fine !

Friday 15 January 2010

Rules for refugees.

The Indonesian government is losing patience with 240 Sri Lankan asylum seekers who for the past three months have been defying their host country and refusing to disembark from their refugee boat.

This is a similar situation to the 78 from the same country that did a similar sit-in on the Oceanic Viking.

In both cases these refugees are demanding fast access to resettlement in Australia and avoiding the need to wait their turn in an Indonesian refugee camp.

These people are queue jumpers. They are trying to force their way into Australia ahead of huge numbers waiting in refugee camps in many parts of the world - and they are using force to achieve their aims.

The UNHCR imposes humanitarian rules for the management of refugees, but these assume that the people seeking relief will comply with their hosts directions and rules. These people are being militant - and it's time they faced a level playing field.

Receiving countries have every right to deny refugee status to those who make arrogant demands and refuse cooperation. Such action on their part should mean the immediate suspension of UNHCR status - and their return to their country of origin.

When those 78 refused to leave the Oceanic Viking the ship should have immediately sailed - and it's next destination should have been Sri Lanka. The Indonesian have good reason to send the present 240 packing back to their former homeland.

The claim that they may face sanctions holds no weight. Asylum seekers who try and impose entry rules of their own making simply void the principle of protection.

So far host countries have been bending over backwards to meet unreasonable demands. Its time that ceased - and asylum seekers learn that they have obligations as well as rights.

Ignoring them should result in those rights being withdrawn !

Thursday 14 January 2010

Police pursuits !

The ultimate horror would be to have some criminal being pursued by the police crash into your car - resulting in the death of one of your family.

Exactly that has happened in recent days, plus several similar crashes that badly injured other innocent victims.

The New South Wales police union has suggested the introduction of a new law to inflict a mandatory prison sentence of three years on those who refuse to stop when ordered by police - and who instigate a police chase.

The strength of such a law would be the " mandatory aspect ". Those who deliberately take off in a car and try and escape would face a certain gaol term.

The law as it presently stands provides the magistrate with the ability to send an offender to gaol, but few do. Offenders put police and other motorists at risk in the knowledge that if they present a " sob story " they will most likely escape with a fine.

A mandatory gaol law will not prevent all police pursuits, but it will make some offenders stop and think. Someone who has just committed a shoplifting offence would be crazy to incur certain gaol when the police were onto him or her.

The imposition of such a law would take time to sink in, but once the media reports started to roll there is a good chance that even thinking about trying to outrun the police would become a negative thought.

Anyone who deliberately puts other drivers at risk of death or serious injury - deserves certain gaol time !

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Whats in a name ?

It was probably inevitable, but now we have controversy over the use of the word " catastrophic " to describe the top spectrum of bushfire weather.

Former Rural Fire Service chief, Phil Koperberg thinks it is inappropriate - and prefers the word " extreme ". Others complain that it was applied to yesterday - and there were no fires in their area.

This seems to miss the point.

While there may have been no fires burning, the temperature was 42 c, the humidity a low 9% - and the wind was blowing at 56 kph.

Had a fire started, those conditions would have duplicated the conditions in Victoria last year that saw a high death toll of those defending their homes. Such conditions are a very good reason to urge residents to evacuate !

It is useless to wait until a fire actually starts to issue such a warning. By sheer good luck no arsonist struck - there was no lightning strike - no power lines dropped and sparked.

It really doesn't matter what word is used in fire warnings. The main objective is to have a warning that people recognise as a description of conditions that may lead to their deaths - if they choose to ignore it.

After that - it is up to them to make a decision !

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Road deaths - the real reason !

People are dead because of road accidents and speed is being blamed as the primary cause. Maybe it's time to have a long, hard look at the real reason !

Ever since the first cars appeared on our roads, governments - both state and Federal - and both brands of politics - have used them as a milch cow to attract money for treasury coffers.

Everything to do with cars - and the people who drive them - is heavily taxed. We pay tax on driving licenses. Registration. Insurance. Sales tax on the vehicles itself. Tax on spare parts and servicing. Tax on tyres - and the biggest tax of all - tax at confiscatory levels on the fuel that we need to make them work !

Only a tiny portion of all that tax money is returned to motorists to deliver better, safer roads !

Every year the number of car registrations increases and more cars and trucks compete to travel on our network of sub standard roads.

The Hume highway connects this country's biggest cities - and yet it is not possible to travel between Sydney and Melbourne on a divided, multi-lane highway because sections are still a two lane road.

We face speed restrictions and all manner of new laws designed to make our unworkable roads manage. What we are not getting is the money we pay as motorists put back into providing a safe road network.

Our roads are already at crisis point, and there is no chance that the rate new drivers buy cars and become motorists will decrease. The only way we will get relief is if we get tough with both our state and Federal governments - and give them an option.

Fix our roads - or we hand you a pink slip.

It's time every tax dollar derived from transport went to create a national road system to keep the wheels of commerce turning - and to make driving a matter of safe arrival - and that won't happen until motorists deliver a message that no government can ignore !

Monday 11 January 2010

The threat of death !

The latest sporting event to be threatened by terrorists is the Commonwealth games, scheduled to be held in India.

After that will come the World Cup, in South Africa - and then there will be the next Olympics.

Add to that the grand finals of a dozen sporting codes scattered around the world, plus international cricket - and you have a smorgasbord of events with the opportunities for death and destruction.

It will be tempting for individual athletes to make the decision not to attend - and who could blame them ? That same decision must cross the minds of the huge numbers who risk their safety by becoming spectators. Performing on the field or just sitting in the stand is all the same to the terrorists.

A world without sporting spectacles is almost unimaginable ! And yet if our athletes give way to fear and if the spectators cease to attend - that is precisely what the future could hold.

Hopefully, the security people will be up to the task and no events will be cancelled on security grounds.

Centuries ago, the Olympics were such an important event that wars were put on hold so that they could be held. Hostilities ceased - to be renewed only after the closing ceremony and the lowering of the flags.

It seems that human behaviour has made little progress since the days of the gladiators !

Sunday 10 January 2010

Art - or pornography ?

It looks like the state government is about to impose a ham fisted law to try and resolve the " art " or " pornography " issue when it comes to the nude photographs of children.

This reached a crescendo recently when the works of artist Bill Henson were seized by police. After everybody had fulminated from either side of the debate, the photographs were returned - and the art show resumed - but the rumblings continued because the issue had not been resolved.

Now it is proposed that " art " may be a defence, but that defence will lapse once a determining body has declared the work pornographic.

The sticking point is the nature of that " determining body ".

People have very different ideas about which side of the divide such scenes fall - and we apply double standards. Let us examine such an example.

One of the most acclaimed sculptures in the world is the statue of " David " - which is complete with genitalia. It is views by millions - and there is no call for it's genitals to be covered.

Contrast that to a recent " Art by the sea " exhibition on the Sydney coastline. Someone entered a statue of a " little boy lost ". Like many children on beaches - he was naked ! There was an outcry - and the statue had a costume imposed.

The composition of a " determining body " will be a political decision. No doubt " balance " will be an issue, but whatever decisions it reaches will not please everyone - and governments usually opt for what pleases the most voters.

Once a mechanism for judging " art " is put in place it tends to be set in concrete - and that takes no notice of changing public attitudes.

Perhaps the decision to enter this field of combat comes under the heading " of where angels fear to tread ! "

Saturday 9 January 2010

Rights - and obligations !

The union movement has instigated a programme named " Union Start ", in which young people are encouraged to visit schools to instruct future members of the workforce on their rights as employees.

It is also a thinly designed tool for attracting union membership - and perhaps political allegiance to the Labor party.

It is certainly a good idea to make sure that those about to enter the workforce understand matters such as appropriate pay rates, allowances that apply, superannuation, annual leave - and the termination rules that apply to casual employment.

But - employment is a two way deal - and those people getting a job have obligations to their employer, and it does not seem that " Union Start " is interested in that side of the coin !

It would help if this training programme also took a little time to get the message across that work is not something to do when the surf is a little flat - that employers expect their people to be punctual so that their place of business can open on time - and that employees will be expected to dress appropriately so as to not offend customers.

The union stance seems to instruct on ways to legally avoid getting the sack. Maybe a better approach would be to avoid the reasons an employer seeks to remove an unsatisfactory employee.

A little time and effort for each way improvements could pay dividends for both parties !

Friday 8 January 2010

Lasers - and sport !

It was probably inevitable, but spectator behaviour now includes shining a laser in the eyes of competing players to try and influence the result of a game.

This happen when the Socceroos played Kuwait at the Asian Cup qualifier in Kuwait city.

Unfortunately it is likely that the practice will increase and extend to many other sports. Lasers are both cheap and readily available - and because they are only about the size of a pen they are easy to conceal.

Followers naturally want their team to win, but international betting agencies allow money to be wagered on results, and wherever money becomes involved crime inevitably follows.

The sporting codes need to crack down heavily if this is to be nipped in the bud. In the Kuwait city incident the media took clear pictures of the laser light shining from the audience and photo enhancement will probably allow the perpetrator to be recognised.

A laser can cause eye damage - and in some cases blindness. It's use to prevent a sportsperson from performing should be classed as an assault similar to the use of a weapon - and attract an appropriate penalty.

Sport needs to act now - and quickly. A penalty regime needs to be put in place before this form of conduct spreads. Once the practice becomes widespread the only option would be the banning of live audiences - with sporting contests something that the fans watch on television.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Modesty - and air safety !

The battle between terrorists and those responsible for keeping air passengers safe has moved into a new era. The amount of explosives needed to bring down a passenger jet decreases and human ingenuity ups the ante when it comes to concealment.

The Nigerian passenger who attempted jihad on Christmas morning had concealed the explosives by having it sewn into the crotch of his underpants. The aim was to take advantage of natural modesty. That was the one place a pat down search would not linger.

It is now likely that terrorists will take that one step further. Just as drug smugglers try to get their narcotics through customs by concealing it within their bodies, terrorists can be expected to try concealing explosives within their bodily cavities.

The only way to be totally secure that no explosives are being carried aboard aircraft is for every passenger to be subjected to a scan by a backscatter X-ray machine.

These machines see through clothing and actually detect any foreign matter concealed within the human body. The only disadvantage is modesty. The subject is electronically stripped naked by the search conducted by this machine.

That is a small price to pay for being certain that you will survive the flight.

This is the twenty-first century and we are used to going near naked on the beach. Obviously the sexes should pass through different machines, and the machine operators would be of the same gender as the passenger - in which case the inspection would be little different from a strip search conducted by security now when suspicions are aroused.

Those that object would have an obvious decision. Submit in the interests of the safety of others - or choose another means of transport !

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Debt recovery.

The state government is considering mobile speed cameras as a way to reduce the rising road toll. A greater contribution to road safety would be more of the cameras that can detect stolen or unregistered vehicles by a number plate check.

At the same time, it would be worthwhile to give some consideration as to the reason we have so many unregistered cars on our roads.

The debt recovery office uses cancellation of both registration and driving licenses as a tool to force the repayment of fines.

The problem is that if the person owing the money continues to drive, they become an outlaw not covered by the compulsory green slip insurance policies that safeguard the victims of road accidents.

The green slip system only covers cars that are legally registered and driven by a licensed driver.

Anything that removes more illegal vehicles from the road adds to road safety, and along with more detecting of such vehicles it would be a good idea to offer regular payment reduction of fines as an alternative to the present system.

Just adding more cameras to increase the number of fines issued simply adds to the problem of unregistered cars driven by unlicensed drivers !

Tuesday 5 January 2010

World's tallest - target ?

Fireworks and celebrations yesterday to mark the inauguration of the world's tallest building - the mighty 8I8 metre Burj Dubai in the Middle East desert kingdom.

This " skyscraper " will contain several hotels, commercial offices, apartment accommodation for 1044 families - and even a Mosque on the 158'TH floor. It is estimated that when fully complete it will be home or work for 12,000 people.

It must also rank as one of the world's most tempting targets for al Qaeda !

Osama bin Laden has never had scruples against killing Muslims. He only counts as " allies " those Muslims who share his brand of Islam - and even amongst them those who accept and follow his edict of jihad against all unbelievers.

The bin Laden brand condemns the Islamic world to a life of militant poverty, where women remain uneducated and unemployed - and men seek glory by bringing death to others by self immolation.

How offensive this gleaming skyscraper must be to him. It is a symbol of " modernity " - something he hates - and it is also a symbol of Islamic success by Muslims who accept the trappings of the western world - and have achieved this right in the heart of the Muslim world.

Just as the World Trade centre was the prime target for the start of his evil crusade, the Burj Dubai must be a structure he hopes to see crashing to the ground as the result of one of his plots.

That is something that must occupy the minds of all those who live, work or play in this magnificent building - with the hope that those defending it are equal to the task !

Monday 4 January 2010

An unlikely author !

The announcement that our prime minister has become the author of a children's book will be greeted with astonishment by many citizens.

Is this the same Kevin Rudd who was accused of being such a slave driver that his personal staff were suffering " burnout " - and leaving in droves ?

Running a country like Australia is serious business, doubly so when the guy sitting in the Lodge has aspirations to also be a world leader. Our prime minister has had a finger in many big issues - not the least being the Copenhagen meeting to try and find an answer to global warming.

Obviously things have changed if he has found the time to ruminate on the comings and goings of his dog and cat, Jasper and Abbey - and their life amongst the luxury surroundings of Kirribilli House with it's harbour views.

The proceeds from " The great Australia Day kerfuffle " will go to charity because our PM doesn't really need the money, but many will be bemused that he found the time to write a children's book in his first term of office.

The usual book efforts of prime ministers take place once they retire - and ponder the past as they write their memoirs.

At least this prime minister is different !

Sunday 3 January 2010

The communications " war " !

2010 looks like being the year that the war between " landline " and " mobile " hots up to fever pitch - and so far mobile is winning hands down.

There are some amazing offers from the mobile companies. For very little each month they will give you a whiz bang new mobile phone - and a hefty credit to make calls and send text messages. Each offer from a rival company is soon exceeded by it's competitors - and the phone user is the winner.

Not so with those who still have a landline phone.

The problem is Telstra. Telstra owns the copper wire that connects your home phone to the telephone exchange - and Telstra dictates what it will cost for each user of that service by way of monthly rental.

All the phone companies are stuck with this charge and as a consequence their approach is to bypass the landline system and promote mobile.

The thinking has changed. Once the equipment and system is in place the actual cost of making a call is not material. The equipment actually does the job automatically, hence if the cost of making calls is not an issue - the profit comes from getting you to connect to that owners network.

We are fast approaching the stage when owning a phone will be simply the network connection fee - and all calls and texts will be free.

And then there is the internet.

Because of that excessive Telstra landline fee the mobile people are pushing " wireless " as the way to go - and like mobile phone charges - this service is dropping in price almost daily.

It must be galling to those unfortunates who hold Telstra shares. Arrogance and an inability to read the market is making their company redundant !

Saturday 2 January 2010

A calculated risk !

Four hundred and fifty passengers and twenty-four crew members spent New Year's eve taking pictures and celebrating the new year while flying over the frozen continent of Antarctica.

A Qantas A380 Airbus departed and returned to Melbourne for that journey, and the flight captain remarked that this was his fortieth trip over the south pole. It seems that a tragedy thirty years ago has slipped most people's minds.

On November 28, 1979 an Air NewZealand DC 10 on a similar joy flight crashed into Mount Eerebus, an active volcano - and all 257 people aboard died.

For a while, flights to the Antarctic ceased because the risk was considered excessive. It seemed madness to deliberately fly a plane load of people to a place where an emergency landing was impossible - and in the event of a crash - any hope of rescue not even a remote possibility.

But - now we are doing it again !

There is no doubt that aircraft design and management has made improvements, but there is also no denying that unexpected events cause problems which require an immediate descent. Fortunately in most cases the ailing aircraft makes it to an airport somewhere along the route - but that becomes impossible when flying over the frozen continent.

Passengers must know this risk when they pay money to visit the south pole, but in the event that one day their luck runs out - and we have a plane somewhere on the ice - with survivors that can not be rescued - then the whole concept of such flights will again be adversely questioned.

It is a sobering thought when making that travel decision !

Friday 1 January 2010

What a new year brings !

Last night a lot of people stayed up late and watched the fireworks as a new year arrived. Some made resolutions - and most at least wondered what interesting events would occur during the next three hundred and sixty five days.

The " gloom and doom " people might be interested to know that there is an asteroid whizzing around in space that has a chance of colliding with the earth - in twenty six years time. According to the science people - in 2036!

Of course that needs to be taken in context. This great hunk of rock has been making passes at the earth for centuries and will miss by just 30,000 kilometres in 2029 - and that is termed " a close encounter ".

The odds of it actually " dinging " earth have increased from one in forty five thousand - to four in a million. That should be enough to dismiss it from most minds.

The asteroid even has a name. It's called " Apophis " - and now we can go back to nursing that new year's eve hangover - and worrying about how we can pay the Visa card and the gas bill.

Forget about Apophis. If we are still around that will be something to mix with the fireworks when we get ready to welcome a new year twenty six years from now !