Monday 31 December 2012

Road Trains !

There is a certain inevitability about the news that " Road Trains " are to be allowed to use the Hume Highway once the Holbrook by-pass is complete - and the Hume is a divided four lane highway all the way between Sydney and Melbourne.

Back in November, 2005 the law was changed to allow what became known as " B-Doubles " to use the nation's road system.   This was a 26 metre freighter consisting of a prime mover towing two semi-trailer bodies,   There were many restrictions imposed to ensure road safety, but over a short period of time the economics of B-Doubles saw this system expand and now the majority of road freight consists of this configuration.

We are about to experience an upgrade to a 35 metre " B-Triple ", consisting of a prime mover towing three semi trailer bodies.   This is already legally used in the Northern Territory - with the exception that there these " Road Trains " can extend to four semi trailer bodies behind that prime mover - and they are not restricted to divided, multi-lane highways.

The trucking industry is appealing for Road Trains to also use the Pacific highway, but this is being opposed.  What is not being said is the situation that will occur when these road trains reach the entrance to both Sydney and Melbourne.   Their freight needs to get to a destination within that city - and logically the road trains will seek to be allowed to move within the confines of the city highway system.    We already see B-Doubles delivering freight to our supermarkets.    Get ready to see that morph into " B-Triples " once this juggernaut becomes the norm.

Statistics show that heavy trucks figure disproportionally in road accidents causing death.  One of the most frequent complaints about road trains from drivers in the Northern Territory is the incredible amount of water they throw up when driving in rain.   They are almost impossible to pass when encountered on ordinary two-lane roads - and inevitably that is where they will eventually end up if this plan goes ahead.

It seems that we are caught in the coils of an economic dilemma.    There is constant pressure to keep the cost of living low by improving low cost freight capacity and that means bigger and longer trucks.    At the same time, an expanding Australian population is flooding our road system with more new cars each year - and the money to build a bigger and better road system is diverted to other priorities.   A mere trickle finds it's way for this purpose.

Whatever restrictions that are applied - or promised during the " selling " of this proposal - are unlikely to prevail for very long.    Wherever you encounter a B-Double on our roads today, expect that to be a B-Triple road train within a short period of months after the legislation becomes law.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Something stinks !

Two of the world's biggest banks have just been hit with massive fines - and yet it is apparent to most people that something stinks in the world banking industry !  HSBC has been fined $ 1.9 billion for conniving with drug dealers to launder money and breaking the sanctions imposed on Iran by the world body.   UBS has been fined $ 1.7 billion for manipulating the LIBOR rate - the mechanism which controls the rate of interest charged within inter-bank commercial lending.

What is missing is a penalty for this criminality coming home to roost on the heads of those who actually run these banks.   The people who take home multi million dollar salaries and get obscene bonuses for the work they perform walk away whistling ' Dixie " !    They are not required to stand before a court, nor are they threatened with a prison sentence.    They retain their positions - and nothing really changes.

Of course, they claim that what happened was without their knowledge and shift the blame onto " rogue traders " further down the management line.   Even if this is true, they deserve dismissal for incompetence.   The head of such an organization has a duty to know exactly what is going on in the firm they head - and ignorance is no excuse.

These huge fines sound like they are delivering a suitable penalty - but they miss the mark.   They are a mere fraction of the profits these banks make and much of that profit has come from the criminal activity for which the fines are levied.   The banks will still post big dividends to their shareholders - and they would have been even bigger - but for these fines, so the real penalty is being sheeted home to the very people who had the least to do with this form of criminality.

With the same people heading the banks, where does remorse come into the equation ?    They are no doubt sorry - that they got caught.   Most probably the fines will not stop with the few already levied and more banks will be drawn into this web of deceit, but the regulatory authorities were also lax - and it seems that no heads have rolled there as a consequence either !

It sounds like an " I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine " type of situation.   Justice will not be served while the big guys at the top remain the top item on the totem pole.   This type of criminality needs appropriate consequences - and that means dismissal, corporate disgrace, a suitable gaol term - and a ban from holding any management position for a long period of years.

As things stand, a repeat scenario a few years down the track seems almost a certainty !

Saturday 29 December 2012

The " Hostage " dilemma !

A new threat has emerged for Australians living overseas or taking a holiday in countries with a restive insurgency demanding the formation of a Muslim state.   The risk of being kidnapped and held for ransom.

Such is the situation for  Warren Richard Rodwell.   This Australian and his Philippino wife ran a shop in Mindanao and has now been a captive of  Abu Sayyaf for more than a year.  His captors recently posted a picture on YouTube showing him with a current daily newspaper to deliver a " proof of life " message.  They initially demanded a ransom of two million Australian dollars, but this has now been substantially reduced.

This man is in great peril.   Abu Sayyaf is a terrorist group with a long history of financing their activities from the proceeds of kidnapping for ransom.  When demands are paid, victims are usually safely released, but when their demands are not met the victim is usually summarily executed.   In a statement on YouTube, Rodwell says he has lost hope - and trusts neither Abu Sayyaf or the Australian government.

It is a fact of life that the position taken by Australia is that it does not pay ransoms for the release of it's citizens.   This throws the onus back onto friends and family of the victim, and the outcome then depends on whether the friends and family have the resources to raise the money.  It also helps if the victim is an attractive woman or a celebrity well known to the media.   The worst possible scenario - a victim who is a " nobody " with no rich friends or supporting media interests.

Australia's Foreign minister reiterates the Australian position of not paying ransoms and passes the rescue buck back to the government of the Philippines.   It is a sad fact of life that military rescue attempts of hostages have had a sorry history of failure.  In many cases they have developed into a fire fight in which the hostages have been killed.

It seems that Abu Sayyaf have taken a more reasonable stance on their demands.   They have dropped that ridiculous two million dollar tag down to somewhere near twenty thousand dollars and with a bit of serious renegotiation's it might drop even further.   It all depends on whether Rodwell's wife can raise any sort of money, and whether he has family and friends in Australia who are able - and prepared - to help.

So - Australians thinking of taking an overseas holiday need to asses the risks of wherever their travels will take them.    Do not expect the Australian government to come to the party with ransom money if you are kidnapped, and it would be wise to sound out family and friends attitudes before you leave.

The fact that Warren Rodwell's situation has hit the pages of the Australian media may change his situation.   There is a possibility that a " white knight " may emerge or public subscription may raise the ransom money.  If he is released, it will certainly be a newsworthy event and we will hear about it.

If nothing else, this tragic case should make Australian travellers think long and hard before venturing into places where kidnapping for ransom is even a possibility !

Friday 28 December 2012


Euthanasia - or the right to decide when you want to die - hits the headlines from time to time.   Suicide is perfectly legal these days - provided nobody helps you end your life.  If they do, they commit a crime and they could end up before a court and receive a prison sentence as punishment.

That very word - Euthanasia - makes politicians jittery and sends the churches into tirades of apoplexy.  They claim sole rights to be the moral administrators of the " dieing business " and in many cases have a " make them suffer until their last breath " attitude.    In some cases, breathing your last in a church run hospital could be a very painful end.

In recent times we have tolerated  marvellous institutions called a " Hospice " or " Palliative care ".   It is usually housed in a state run medical facility, and it is intended as a humane place for the terminally ill to end their days.  The medical people who run them are dedicated to stopping pain, even if this means administering pain killing drugs that will shorten our life span by days, hours - or even minutes.   This is a subject that the legal fraternity dodges like the plague.   Nobody wants to tackle the fine line between easing a human over the line between a dignified, humane death and the awful pain that a disease like cancer can inflict in it's final stages.

The problem is that not every person with a terminal illness is able to access one of these helpful facilities.  You simply can not walk in the door and announce that you want to die.   Access is controlled by the medical profession, and here the religion of the attending doctor can have a big influence on how you are treated.   Those who are simply tired of living are usually given the " bum's rush " !

We have had dedicated proponents of Euthanasia put a case to make help in ending life legal and they have usually been vilified by both church and state.  The names Jack Kevorkian and Philip Nitschke come to mind.    Both have devised methods which allow those who believe they have the right to decide their end of life to carry out this function by their own hands, without putting friends and family at risk by the necessity of assistance.   Unfortunately, that is of little help to those with physical limitations.

Some countries have bitten the bullet and enacted legislation that allows the medical profession to help those seeking to end their life.   In each case, participating is a personal decision by the doctor involved and usually he or she will not grant that help to all seekers.    The applicant would need to present a compelling case.  In particular, the easing of pain is usually the deciding factor.

So - we in Australia have a sort of defacto Euthanasia system that is totally ignored by the police, courts and government.   Kindly doctors increase pain killing drugs to the old and feeble in the full knowledge that these will shorten their lives, and in the government run palliative care units the administration scrupulously looks the other way as ending pain takes precedence over longevity.

Every now and then some case attracts media attention because of claims made in respect of inherited estate or a moral objection emerges and the whole subject gets a thorough airing.    There are calls for the law to be made clearer - and the politicians run for cover and the churches beat their chests and claim the moral high ground.

When the dust settles - back to " business as usual ".    It seems that the " dieing business " is a matter of luck.    Hopefully, you end up in the hands of compassionate people - but unfortunately not everybody has that good fortune.

Thursday 27 December 2012

A fateful decision !

Wollongong relies heavily on two industries to underpin it's workforce, and they are both intertwined.   We make steel in this city - and we mine coal.  On Christmas eve the Planning and Assessment panel tasked with approving mining operations gave assent to Gujarat NRE to start their number 5 Longwall operation at Russel Vale colliery.   Many people will give a sigh of relief that jobs have been saved - but others will wonder what sort of monster has been unleashed in the earth far below this city.

A century ago coal was mined by men wielding picks and shovels.   Pit ponies spent their lives underground, hauling skips of coal to where they could be brought to the surface.   Mining was a dangerous job and the unions were strident in demanding ever improving pay and working conditions for miners.   The introduction of mechanical equipment to mine coal was treated with deep suspicion and resistance.

Eventually, the mining companies won the mechanical battle and today the economics of mining rests on the use of Longwall equipment to gouge out an endless stream of coal at a cost that meets world competition.   The existing Longwall at Russel Vale mine had exhausted it's coal seam and 520 mining job were dependent on a new Longwall operation getting the green light from the Assessment panel.

The problem with Longwall operations is that it leaves a big hole where the coal has been removed, and this leads to subsidence of the land above.   A group calling itself   " Illawarra Residents for Responsible Mining " ( IRRM )   has wanted this issue put before a public meeting to be fully examined before any decision was reached.    Obviously, that will now not happen.

Conditions were attached to this approval.  The length of the new Longwall has been reduced from 1145 metres to 845 metres and this will reduce the impact of subsidence on the land above, but the boffins are unclear on how mining by this method will interact with the dams, lakes, rivers and streams that supply our drinking water.   At the same time, the earth beneath our feet is under attack from gas miners who intend to apply a " fracking " process to un-mined coal to release methane gas stored in the deposits.

IRRM wants all forms of mining closely examined to determine future outcomes for this city before we make decisions that set events in motion.   Unfortunately, we do not have the time factor on our side.  Gujarat NRE either starts to mine coal again - or those 520 miners are out of a job.   That must have had a major impact on the Christmas eve decision.

It seems to be a matter of crossed fingers - and hoping for the best.    In a perfect world, these sort of decisions would take place after long and exhaustive investigation of all the aspects involved.   In the real world, future risk takes second place over the issue of jobs that put money in people's pockets and sustain the community in which we live.

That hasn't changed since the days when coal was mined with pick and shovel !

Wednesday 26 December 2012

A hidden agenda ?

There is a fine line between legitimate marketing plans to attract customers to improve sales results, and using unfair tactics to drive  competitors out of business to achieve monopoly status.   In the important food and grocery trade, two giant companies dominate and have a fast approaching eighty percent market share  Their ambitions have expanded and now they are dominating both the hardware market segment - and the supply of car fuels.

It is the use of petrol discounting that is causing the Australian  Competition and Consumer Commission ( ACCC ) to investigate the practice of giving discounts on petrol sales to customers who buy at least a $30 purchase in a single transaction at their stores.   In a worrying trend, the usual four cents per litre saving has been doubled to eight cents - and it seems likely to remain valid for extended periods of time.

That extended discount is a powerful incentive for car owners to shop exclusively for petrol at the company's petrol station chain.   The Holden Commodore has a seventy-one litre tank  and the discount delivers a $ 5.68 saving.

The problem is two-fold.   The two grocery companies are so big and powerful now that they are in a position to use bargaining muscle on the oil companies to gain preferential price supply, enabling them to offer discounts without hurting their bottom line - and the small and independent petrol resellers face competition they can not match - and their numbers dwindle to the point when a two brand petrol monopoly is a real threat to price stability.

The job of the ACCC is to maintain competition in the marketplace across the entire supply system and prevent the establishment of monopolies that can be used to unfairly impose price hikes.   This investigation will look at whether this discount scheme on petrol is intended to thin out the independents by making them uncompetitive - and if that is to the detriment of all those who buy petrol.

Cynics will not be holding their breath awaiting a verdict that delivers justice.   There have been many enquiries into the petrol pricing system and none have reached a logical conclusion.   The oil companies are just too big and powerful to be brought into line, and the two grocery chains have the fire power to make both Federal and state governments back off.

There have been promises to bring clarity into petrol pricing, but the present " price cycle " argument is little more than a joke.   Holiday peak demand always sees the price of petrol hike - and this Christmas break has delivered the usual result.  When the GFC hit some banks were judged " too big to fail ".   It seems that the oil companies are " too big to discipline " - and the grocery duopoly are fast reaching that same status.

The ACCC was brought into being with high expectations that it would have the teeth to create a fair market place.    It has won a number of small victories,  but when it comes to the big issues it seems to be a completely " toothless tiger ".

This investigation is taking on the big end of town.   An " inconclusive finding " is certain !

Tuesday 25 December 2012

" Mission Impossible " App.

This morning, as presents are unwrapped under the Christmas tree it is a fair bet that many teenagers will be expecting to see a shiny new tablet as a gift from their parents.    The " Tablet " in all it's forms is the newest miracle gizmo from the world of electronics and it can do just about everything in a computer's capacity - but in slimmer, lighter form.

Coincidentally, on Friday a new Facebook Poke App was released that will bring older parents memories back to that popular television series -" Mission Impossible".    You may remember it's introductory scene.  A secret agent receives a tape with his mission instructions - with the warning that " it will destruct in five seconds ".

This new App - which is a free download - allows users to post photographs to friends - with the capacity to make them self destruct after a nominated number of seconds.    It is on the screen briefly - and then gone forever in three - five or maybe ten seconds.

Sounds like fun - but there could be a sinister side.   This would seem to be the perfect tool for teenagers under peer pressure to indulge in "sexting." - and for the uninitiated - that means exchanging nude photographs between boyfriends and girlfriends.

Some may be deluded into thinking that self destructing photographs are harmless.   Just a quick peek - and that erasure delivers security.  It ignores the fact that the receiver may take a screenshot - and the picture may live on forever - and one day come back to haunt the subject.

Many people who later became celebrities have been humiliated by indiscreet pictures that they had long forgotten.   In some cases this has ruined promising political careers, and in others the embarrassment has caused them to step down from a lucrative competition.

Today's teenagers live in a world of intense peer pressure.  To refuse to go with the crowd is a definite reversal of " cool " - and to be avoided at all costs.   It is hard to imagine why anybody would want to see automatic self destruction of holiday scenes shared amongst friends.   The very nature of this App suggests activity to be hidden from all - but a chosen few.

We live in an ever changing world and this is just one of the traps that lay in wait for adventurous teenagers.    Tablets are a fact of life and many will be unwrapped this morning - and that  App is a reality - just waiting to be free downloaded.

Parents are limited to giving good advice - and hoping their teenager has the good sense to impose reasonable limitations !

Monday 24 December 2012

New Computer crime tactic !

It would be hard to find a business in Australia that did not rely on it's computer for record keeping, processing the order flow and payment for goods - and generally keeping the records that underline tax liabilities and accounting procedures.   Criminal gangs from eastern Europe have perfected a new form of piracy that breaks into these computer systems and locks everything down behind encryption data that the computer owner can not penetrate.    They then demand a " ransom " to unlock and restore these files.

This is not an attack system against giant corporations.   The victims are small business and the asking price for restoring the embargoed files is usually somewhere between $ 1,000 and $ 5,000.   Police suspect that what they know is just the tip of the iceberg.  Many people just pay up - out of sheer desperation.

A leading Internet bookmaker found his computers locked down on Cox Plate day, one of the busiest betting days of the year.  A medical clinic had it's client records locked away behind new encryption and even a small country community school was a victim.   We have come to rely on the computer so completely that we are helpless when it fails to meet our needs.

The police advise us not to pay these ransoms and they do so with good reason.   There is no guarantee that paying will result in that promise being kept, and " blackmailers " have a long history of returning to the crime scene to demand more money.   The police themselves have experts skilled in breaking into computer hard drives and recovering information related to crime scenes - but this is a slow and laborious process.   If a business took that course with computer experts they would probably eventually recover the lost information, but in the interim their business may not survive.

These crime gangs are deploying hackers with near genius skills.  Opening an infected email is one point of entry, but they have devised " brute force " methods, using computer power to sort through big numbers of de-fault passwords to crack the code.   They usually demand payment for computer unlocking via remote payment systems that leave few traces.    This is a very sophisticated and highly skilled criminal activity.

Because it is being used successfully, it seems inevitable that it will expand and attack more victims.  The wise will make sure that every aspect of the information in their computer is locked away in a remote memory unit so that if necessary - they can abandon that infected computer and start afresh with new equipment.   This form of cyber crime may be the crest of an information tsunami and it may be a good idea to have a second computer system running in tandem - but fully isolated from that system connected to the Internet.

It pays to protect your computer privacy with good firewalls, but if a computer is a vital component in the business that provides your income, you would be wise to go far beyond firewalls and install a defence beyond the reach of even the most advanced hacker.

When it comes to computers and crime, the only view of the future can be summed up with  " Expect the unexpected " !

Sunday 23 December 2012

" Dodgy " Christmas food !

The few days before Christmas usually brings forth legions of entrepreneurs offering cheap wares from roadside stalls or directly from the boot of cars.  In particular, the popularity of seafood for the festive season  results in many offers of oysters and prawns.

Saving a little money would be a bad trade if the end result is a bout of food poisoning.   It would be wise to think long and hard about the safety of any food products on offer from a " no questions asked " itinerant retailer.

In many cases cheap oysters turn out to be a product stolen from an oyster farm, but what we don't know is if that oyster farm has been subject to a sales embargo because the river water has suffered pollution.   The thieves couldn't care less.    That is not their problem.   They are only interested in making a quick profit and if customers suffer health problems they are almost impossible to trace.

Even if the product offered is legitimate, there is a health problem involved.    This is the hot time of the year and the best these roadside people can offer is a few bags of ice to keep the stock fresh - and that does not last long in the boot of a car.    Shop refrigeration is subjected to regular health checks to ensure food is kept at the right temperature.    Roadside prawns carry no health guarantees.

It is a fact of life that many big food wholesalers use the festive season to clear out stock that has been held in refrigeration too long.     There is an optimum shelf life for most refrigerated food and it is tempting to unload stock that is nearing it's " use by " date to the " roadside merchants " looking for a quick bargain.

As well as food, a risk factor exists in most things offered at roadside stalls.    Some merchants have a stock of " last minute "  Christmas gifts - for those either short of money or who are desperate for something when all the shops have closed for the Christmas break.

Often what is offered is the products withdrawn from sale because they posed safety risks.   The legitimate shops are prevented from selling these toys and they have " jobbed " them out to a roadside reseller at a loss to recoup a few dollars.      A buyer is risking loose parts that may choke a child or dangerous darts that could lead to blindness.    These products are cheap - and nasty !

The big attraction is usually - price !    Whenever something is on offer at a price way below what you would normally expect to pay - it would be a good idea to think it through - and wonder why ?

That usually brings you to suspect this offering has a " dodgy " background.

Which brings into play that old truism -  When the price is low the quality matches the price !

Saturday 22 December 2012

Mining " Subsidence " !

There is an old saying that " your home is your castle ".   Unfortunately, that is far from true.   When you buy a home you get possession of a piece of land, but you have absolutely no control over what is happening deep in the earth below.    In Wollongong, that means you may be living above a coal mine.

Dendrobium mine needs to expand it's operations into new " Longwalls " and there is an application to license the extraction of forty-seven million tonnes of coal from ten new galleries by 2022.    The problem is that this form of mining leaves a vacant hole in the earth where the coal has been -  and over time the earth above " subsides " on the principle that weight and pressure return things to normal.

What must alarm all local home owners is the estimation by coal experts that this subsidence will range from  2 to 2.8 metres at each of these ten Longwall galleries.   The implications are horrifying !

The government has set in place a subsidence restoration board to compensate people for damage to their homes and councils enforce strict building regulations to ensure that homes built in subsidence areas are weight spread and designed for the task, but there is also the aspect of damage to dams, lakes and rivers - and the road and rail systems we rely on for commerce.

Planet Earth is under attack from the relentless drive to extract more and more minerals to support our export industries, and at the same time coal that is not being mined is subject to " fracking " to extract coal seam gas for our energy needs.   We are venturing into the unknown - and at best we are relying on the opinions of experts as to what the consequences may be.

There is alarm that both mining and fracking may damage the Illawarra water catchment area and already some creeks have shown signs of water loss.  In other places, swamps and still water have methane gas bubbling up from cracks in the sub-surface.    This is apparent where water is involved, but if it is also happening on land we face the prospect of a volatile gas adding to the fury when a bushfire erupts.

The prospect of land falling away to the height of a tall man is a consequence that must be addressed in considering this mine expansion approval.   Of course, money is at risk if that approval is not granted.   A lot of money has already been spent to develop Dundrobium and many jobs are at stake.  It would be a local disaster if the mine was forced to close, but it could be an even bigger disaster if subsidence ruined house owners and industry - and shattered this viable community.

The big question is whether we can take that risk, or if it would be better to mine the coal from dozens of new coal fields located in rural areas of this state.   Unfortunately, that involves the loss of land that is delivering valuable farm crops, and many new mines will be open cut operations, leaving the land sterile for farming when the coal is exhausted.

The impetus for decision making seems to be for short term gain.   The economy needs the tax money mining brings - and the community needs the job that mining provides.   Experts differ on the consequences, and both sides of the argument exploit that uncertainty to push their case.

Pity the people who have to deliver a verdict - one way or the other.  Damned if they do - and damned if they don't !     But the consequences of those decisions are something that our kids and grandkids will have to live with - further down the track !

Friday 21 December 2012

The " Curse of religion " !

Religion can be a force for good - or it can be a weapon of war !  In Pakistan we are seeing religious intolerance condemning children to suffer the crippling effects of polio because the Taliban has issued a Fatwa, condemning to death those who provide immunization against this disease.

Six Pakistani women who were immunizing children were shot dead by militants in coordinated separate attacks in Karachi.   As a result, the immunization campaign has been suspended.  Polio has been wiped out in most western countries, but it remains endemic in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria - and that's where the Taliban holds sway.

The Taliban have their own weird ideas on what constitutes Islam and this includes banning most things the rest of the world considers " normal ".    In areas they control, listening to music, watching television - and even flying kites is banned.    Their " punishments " include stoning to death for adultery and the amputation of hands for theft.   Now it seems that even the control of disease comes within their orbit.

It seems that this polio immunization ban stems from a " revenge motif ".  A Pakistani doctor supposedly helped identify the house in which Osama bin Laden was hiding by using a fake medical check to obtain blood samples.  These were then compared with known DNA to reveal a blood link between the terrorist and the people living in the suspected house.   The Taliban are now saying that all forms of immunization is a cover for espionage - and they will kill to prevent it happening.

This blanket ban is going to spread death and misery in the lands they control.   Countless children are going to have their lives ruined by a disease that it is possible to control - and even completely eliminate.  No wonder we are seeing an exodus of thinking people from Afghanistan and other lands that suffer the brutal edicts of the Taliban on every aspect of their lives.

This is the same Taliban that deliberately shot a fifteen year old schoolgirl in the head - for daring to demand that girl's be allowed education.   No wonder the Taliban need to keep their subjects dirt poor and ignorant. The moment education opens their minds they can see what a miserable life they are living - and they take off elsewhere for a better life.

The Taliban are fighting a losing battle.   They retain control in many places by sheer force of arms, but bit by bit education is seeping into the life of the oppressed and loosening their hold.   It is just a pity that until the numbers grow a lot of little kids are going to die or be crippled by a senseless ban imposed by ignorant fundamentalists who interpret a worthy religion into an obscene form to suit their own purposes.

Eventually, a battle between life saving firms of medicine - and religion - can only have one outcome !

Thursday 20 December 2012

" Quad Bike " ban !

The Federal government is considering passing a law banning children under sixteen from riding "Quad Bikes " - as all terrain vehicles are known - on farms or any other type of private property.  It has no plans to make wearing a helmet compulsory, or forcing Quad bike manufacturers to include roll bars in their design.

There have been fifteen Quad bike deaths this year and last year saw twenty-three fatalities.  The common thread is that Quad bikes are much heavier than a motorcycle and when used on slopes they have a tendency to roll - and the rider is often pinned underneath and either crushed or drowned if the accident happens in water.

This ban on children appears to be tackling the problem from the wrong end.   Quad bikes are the danger, irrespective of whether the rider is an adult or a child.   They can not be registered or legally used on a public road, hence the 220,000 already in Australia are used on private property - or illegally for fun on fire trails or beaches.

Placing a ban on child riders will probably be universally ignored.  We already have a problem with unregistered trail bikes buzzing around public land and the best efforts of the police have done nothing to curb this offence.   The strange thing is that these trail bikes are perfectly legal on private property and we are now proposing to let that legality continue - but ban kids from the four wheel version.

It would be a better idea to make the Quad bikes safe for all riders, and that requires just a simple law to make a roll bar mandatory for all such bikes imported and sold in Australia.  Existing laws make it necessary for riders of both motorbikes and bicycles to wear a safety helmet, and legislation should be amended to include Quad bikes in this requirement.

It would be ideal if such a law would make the owners of the 220,000 existing Quad bikes install a roll bar, but that is unlikely, but all things mechanical eventually wear out and if new machines are safer we will eventually improve the situation.

It seems that this new Federal law is a knee jerk reaction to pressure from child safety authorities.  There is little point in enacting a law that can not be enforced when the safety problem can be tackled by a simple import provision policed by our customs services.

Making Quad bikes safer will save lives !

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Medical Breakthrough !

The health ministry has approved a new test to determine if people are HIV positive - and it will deliver a result in just thirty minutes as opposed to the months of waiting with the old regimen.  Getting tested is as simple as determining blood sugar levels.  It involves a simple pin prick to get results.

HIV has been a scourge on the Australian gay scene since it emerged as a " new disease " several decades ago.   It is thought that it originated in Africa, but nobody is certain how and where the link occurred that allowed it to taint human blood and lead to death from AIDS.

Since 1985, 30,000 Australians have been infected with HIV and 11,000 have gone on to develop AIDS, leading to 7,000 deaths.    It is probably a diagnosis that is feared as much as cancer.  HIV is no longer an automatic death sentence.   Drugs have been developed to treat this disease and there is hope that further down the track a cure may be possible.

At present, the best defence is caution.  The mode of transmission is usually unprotected sex, the sharing of hypodermic needles or the unsafe handling of blood from any source.   Unfortunately, the initial fear of the disease has muted and now many people are no longer using a safety regimen.

The best hope from this new, quick test is that it will induce more people to take the test - and learn that they are HIV positive sooner. Forewarned, they will be introduced to the drugs that keep the disease under control -  and they will be unlikely to unknowingly infect others.

HIV has moved from being a scourge limited to the gay scene.  It is widespread in the general community and in some countries it has cut a swathe that has resulted in big orphan communities, many of whom are also HIV positive from their birth mother.

Australia has been the lucky country when it comes to both HIV and AIDS and now there are no excuses for victims to unknowingly infect others.    If even the slightest chance of infection has occurred, a result can be obtained in just thirty minutes - and all that is required is a simple drop of blood to take that test.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Gun Control ?

The events in Connecticut will again raise the question of gun control in America - and again any positive response will be strangled by the National Rifle Association. ( NRA ).   The sticking points are the " right to bear arms " written into the American constitution - and the fact that the majority of Americans have an affinity for their guns, and once again the division of politics will draw a line on this issue.

Strangely, if America ever did attain gun control it would probably do nothing to prevent this type of mass shooting.   Restrictive gun laws apply in Australia, Britain, Germany and a host of other countries, but from time to time a deranged person goes on a killing spree - with guns that are legally licensed.    Some people will point the finger at recent events in Oslo - which has some of the strictest gun controls in the world.

Gun control in America would certainly reduce rage and spur of the moment killing events, but it is impossible to totally outlaw guns.   The military - the police - sporting people - all have a legitimate need to have guns and as we are seeing here in Australia - the criminal fraternity has no problem in smuggling firearms into this country.

The Newport killings were carried out with legally licensed guns.  Initial reports claimed that pistols were used but we now learn that most victims were killed by multiple wounds - from a rapid fire assault rifle. Some years ago an American president imposed restrictions on the sale and possession of such weapons, but that law was rescinded and now anyone with a clean police record is legally able to go into a gun shop and buy such an item.

America may have more luck passing legislation to restrict the sale of military grade weapons.  It is far easier to make a case for outlawing machine guns in public hands than preventing householders from keeping a pistol for home defence.   Unfortunately, the statistics prove that murders committed with machine guns are much less evident than those that involve cheap and easily concealed hand guns - but at least it would be a start.

At the moment, public opinion probably favours gun control, but once the panic subsides the NRA will skillfully make it's case for " responsible ownership of guns " - and that will coincide with some politicians pushing the " right to arms " barrow.   The logical way to decide the issue would be by a referendum - but that is unlikely.

Perhaps gun ownership in America is too widespread to ever be brought under control.   Owning a gun seems to be part of the American psyche and it is far easier to stop something from happening - than to turn back the clock and reduce what is seen as a basic right when that involves handing in something you cherish.

At this time, being an American seems synonymous with owning a gun.   It would be a brave leader who staked his presidency on altering that stance !

Monday 17 December 2012

This troubled world.

Each nights television news relates scenes of carnage in the streets of cities all over the world.  In Egypt, Cairo is in turmoil as Egyptians fight over attempts by Islamists to force Sharia law through by way of a new constitution.   Damascus and the other cities of Syria are a living hell as rebels and government forces battle for control.  In Africa, hundreds of thousands of civilians are displaced by civil war and religious conflict  - and in the settled states of Europe there is hunger and unemployment as bankrupt governments try to stave off economic collapse.

In contrast, Japan was seen as a model of stability.  It delivered a post war miracle when it became the engine of the world in producing cheap cars and inventing electronic goods in the 1970's and 1980's - but from there it has been all down hill.   Somehow the impetus was lost and the Japanese economy has withered.

Japan is heading towards new elections and  there are signs that a new mood is emerging.   Japan's defeat in the second world war delivered an American occupation and a peaceful constitution.   It was allowed only a modest defence force and it's safety was guaranteed by the mighty United States war machine.  Freed from the cost of defence spending Japanese civil services soared.

Asia is now a fast changing and dangerous place.  A militant China is challenging the United States for both economic and military supremacy, South Korea is emerging as the new country to be reckoned with on the trade front - and North Korea is both a nuclear power and the country fast developing the means of asserting that power on a world basis.    The Japanese people have a reason to be alarmed.

Sabre rattling over disputed islets in the South China sea is causing Japan to assess it's military deficiencies in relation to China.   It faces a formidable foe just across the water and that potential foe has nuclear weapons and a massive war machine.   For some Japanese, now is the time to forget the events of 1941 to 1945 and reemerge as a military power.

This new awakening is showing itself in denials about the atrocities it's forces committed during the second world war.  Many voices claim that the " Rape of Nanking " did not happen.   Others deny that Japan forced the women of invaded nations to become " comfort women " providing sexual services to their troops.  Today's Japanese leaders continue to visit the Yasukuni shrine, the national monument to the war dead of Japan's wars from 1867 to 1951 - despite the fact that it honours men that the west executed as war criminals.

If Japan shakes off it's mood of pacification and starts to rearm we will be well on our way to as Asian troika.   Three countries with the population needed to achieve economic and military greatness are stressing their muscles - and it is inevitable that a fourth will soon join the party.

China is the present leader, but India and Japan have the potential to provide the foil to China, and a rapidly developing Indonesia will soon have the economic clout to be a fourth military giant.    In past centuries, the European states provided the cockpit for countless wars.    It seems that Europe is now destined to be a bit player - and the action has moved to our back yard !

Sunday 16 December 2012

" Proceeds of Crime " Law !

Each Australian state has laws intended to strip criminals of rewards gained from their criminal activities.   It is not unusual to see expensive cars, jewellery and all the " toys for the boys " associated with a rich lifestyle confiscated by the state when a leading drug dealer is convicted and sent to gaol.

It seems that ever hungry state treasuries are seeking to expand the reach of this acquisition law way beyond the intended targets - and this has been nipped in the bud by a Victorian appeals court.

Judy Moran was the matriach of a leading Melbourne crime family  and she was recently convicted of having a hand in the murder of her brother in law, Des Moran.   The Director of Public Prosecutions ( DPP ) launched a court action to seize the proceeds from the sale of Judy Moran's family home, sold for $ 1.07 million - on the basis that it was " used in a crime ".

They lost this action in the Supreme court, had a second bite at the cherry in the Court of Appeal - and lost again.   It was drawing a very long bow to claim that the murder over a family falling out constituted a crime which somehow involved the family home of one of the participants being the " proceeds of that crime ".

Both the Supreme court and the Court of Appeal declined to see a connection that would establish the family home of many years as the " proceeds of the crime of murder " - and that was exactly what the DPP was proposing.

The law is a constantly changing interpretation of it's original intention.  Barristers submit arguments on how they think the law should be applied in certain different circumstances, and judges decide and rule on each of those submissions.  In many cases, a superior court examines this new finding and either gives it the nod - or strikes it down.

Had this extension of recognising assets not directly associated with criminal activity in gaining them as legal targets for seizure by the crown, we would have opened up a brand new revenue stream.   The DPP could have gone after any and all assets of any individual convicted of a crime by using this new interpretation of the " proceeds of crime " law.,

Saturday 15 December 2012

The " Personality " era !

Council meetings are now broadcast live to the people of Wollongong, and this ushers in a new era where the councillors morph from being the faceless men and women who decide our civic affairs - to stage personalities who will be judged on their ability to portray themselves as sharp. witty debaters who can entertain as well as make sensible decisions.

At this stage the conduct of council meetings is still governed by old rules that seem to come into conflict with     this new reality.Those attending a live council meeting are denied the right to address councillors from the gallery, but those at home are permitted to email or " tweet " .directly to the I-Pads that council has given each elected representative.   To further create division, those attending a council meeting are required to turn off their mobile phones while in the building, yet those sitting at home watching the meeting on TV are free to interact with their councillor as they please.

It seems that those dedicated people who take council matters seriously by attending council meetings are to lose their voices and be disadvantaged by the new media which allows those not constrained by rules only applicable within the building to have full access to their representatives as the meeting progresses - while the live audience remains mute.

There is also a danger that this new interaction play will see that old shibboleth of politics - " The Dorothy Dixer " - come into play.    It would be tempting to have cohorts ask questions that councvillors are eager to answer - to bring forth an appealing point of view that could go down well with the voters at the next election.   It seems certain that televised events will reward those with telegenic qualities who are able to portray themselves as " action " men and women.

Of course being an elected member of council is really a lesser form of politics.  For many, it is a stepping stone towards a bid for a seat i n state or Federal politics and therefore all the rules that apply to politicians come into play.   Councillors can choose to ignore questions they do not wish to answer or they can deliver a long winded reply that is short on substance and deflects the focus the question intended to explore.

We live in the " communication age " and televised council meetings are supposed to bring civic affairs within reach of the " little people " who pay rates to keep councils solvent.   How many will bother to tune in to broadcasts is a moot question - and whether future council meetings will degenerate into sessions of actors " hamming it up " for vote catching appeal remains to be seen.

Friday 14 December 2012

Local job malaise !

The announcement that the Illawarra Coke company will close it's Coalcliff plant in 2013 with the loss of fifteen jobs will send a chill through the hearts of the unemployed in this region.   Every commuter using rail to and from Sydney would be familiar with the battery of coke ovens at Coalcliff and to see this go just one year short of a century of operations illustrates the death march that is consuming Australian industry.

Illawarra Coke company is facing hard times because of the GFC and it's affect on European manufacturing, combined with the downturn in the Australian steel industry, a world over supply of coke, the strong Australian dollar - and of course - the carbon tax.

What must concern Wollongong residents is the fact that once this plant closes and those fifteen workers join the dole queue, these jobs will be lost forever.  There is little chance of a reopening when better times return.
Once a plant closes any hope of a return disappears under the weight of the restrictions that apply in compiling an application for a new operating license - and this involves costly investigations of plant and fauna presence, a pollution survey on output and water resources, traffic effects,  zoning compatibility, effect on any Aboriginal past use of the area - and most probably a concerted series of court actions by nay sayers who seem determined to stop all and any commercial activity on the escarpment.

We seem to face a strange conundrum that is new to this day and age. Where once people expected to live and work within their community, it seems that we reject local work sources as too noisy or too polluting to share our cities.   It is doubtful that if there was a proposal to site the Port Kembla steel mill at it's present site, it would have a hope of gaining approval today.    We would demand that it be located on a new site, far removed from the city.

If or when the day arrives that the world needs more coke, it is likely that any new coke oven operation will be located a long way from Wollongong, probably in proximity to one of the new distant coal mines.  As a result, jobs will not be available to Wollongong workers, or if they are - they will be on a fly in, fly out basis.

The first rule of commerce is that to pay for imports you need an almost equal export stream.  We seem to be degenerating into an exporter of minerals, wheat and wool - and little else !   That marvellous world of " services " has gone offshore to low wage countries and now we are told that our education facilities are not up to scratch.   Australian children are not reaching the heights of Asian children and it seems unlikely that we will emulate Germany - where a skilled, high wage work force is dominating machine exports from the entire Euro block.

We need to pour more treasure into expanding our education and work skills, and we need to be less squeamish about a mix of industry and housing to make sure that jobs are where workers can access them.  Otherwise, our cities will become more like Canberra - a place that produces absolutely nothing tangible - but employees a lot of people tapping keyboards.

Unless we address this slide into oblivion, a decade or so from now Australia may be regarded as " the poor white trash of Asia " !

Thursday 13 December 2012

A poisoned chalice !

Back in the days when Wollongong was changing from a " nightsoil " era to a modern  sewerage system a parcel of land at Bellambi Point was acquired by the Water Board as part of it's treatment system.  The city outgrew Bellambi Point and a bigger treatment plant elsewhere now makes this parcel of land redundant to Sydney Water's requirements - and that creates a headache for Wollongong council.

It has been suggested that council buy this land and bring it into public ownership, but this comes into conflict with the notion that most parts of what is now Wollongong had strong ties to the Aboriginal community, and that all unused land be returned to Aboriginal ownership.   This is the issue at the root of the Sandon Point controversy, which has seen part of that land parcel occupied by an " Aboriginal embassy " and an ongoing legal battle fought in the courts.

Wollongong council has wisely decided to stay out of this issue.  The state government is the entity responsible for Sydney Water and council has simply washed it's hands of the affair and will leave it to the government to make whatever decision it chooses on the future of this parcel of prime waterfront land.  A cost factor is involved because Sydney Water will need to remove existing buildings and restore the site to it's pristine state.

Waterfront land within a city suburb would have a value running into many millions of dollars.  At issue is the question of prior ownership before the first fleet arrived in 1788.   The Aboriginal people claim that the settlers " stole " their land - and they want it back.   Action by the High court in recent times seems to support that notion.   Whatever decision is finally made on the future of Bellambi Point will not please everybody !

It seems to be a " poisoned chalice " that will burn the fingers of all who try to settle the issue.  As things now stand, this land is in the ownership of the state government because of it's use by one of it's entities.   Perhaps the wisest choice is to let it remain so - and put it to use as the site of Aboriginal housing to partly satisfy Aboriginal claims.

It seems inevitable that whatever decision is made, it will eventually end up in the courts because the matter of Aboriginal ownership is an ongoing battle that still has a long way to go.  From time to time watershed decisions have been handed down and it is possible that one day " Bellambi Point " may join "Mabo " and " Wave Hill Station " as iconic decisions in that battle.

Wollongong council is showing good sense in standing well clear of this fracas !

Wednesday 12 December 2012

A " Lucky " escape !

Yesterday, the residents of Bulli found the notorious Bulli Pass cordoned off with an exclusion zone because an LPG tanker had crashed and recovery efforts were under way to remove it's volatile cargo.  It seems that this truck suffered a mechanical failure and without brakes - the driver attempted to headup one of the safety ramps.   This failed, and the truck careered deeply into the surrounding bush, but the tank it carried did not rupture.

This was a matter of sheer luck protecting the people who live at the lower end of Bulli Pass.   History carries many reports of out of control vehicles crashing into homes and killing residents, but the damage from a tanker carrying eight thousand litres of LPG crashing and exploding is almost unimaginable.

This raises the question of why trucks carrying dangerous loads are still permitted to use Bulli Pass ?   The law requires all bus and heavy vehicle traffic to engage low gear to descend the pass, but in the event of mechanical failure this road is unforgiving - and at the lower end it is lined with people's homes.

It is a fact of life that commercial traffic must use either the F-6 Mount Ousley road entrance to and from Wollongong, or Bulli Pass, but at least the F-6 is multi-lane and for much of it's descent there are more safety measures - and the concrete noise walls give a degree of protection to nearby suburbs.   It would not be rocket science to demand that petrol and LPG tankers be required to only use the F-6 option as a safety measure !

Port Kembla is being developed as an alternative to Port Botany. It already serves as the entry point for new motor vehicles and work is under way to expand the docking facilities for more shipping, and this will be in addition to the existing terminals for coal and grain.   The only limitations to further expansion is the lack of road and rail access to the rest of this state.

Hopefully, we will soon see a positive outcome in completing the Maldon Dombarton rail link to free up commuter traffic on the existing Sydney line, but there are simply no plans to create an alternative to the slow grind up and down Mount Ousley road - and separate car and heavy vehicle traffic to improve safety.

The only real alternative would be a tunnel through and under the escarpment to create a better gradient and meet up with the F-6 on Maddens Plains.   It will be costly, but Port Kembla can not reach full potential until we deal with our road and rail problems.

What can be achieved by a mere stroke of a pen is an edict to ban dangerous goods being transported up or down Bulli Pass.     That accident with an LPG tanker provides a strong incentive for immediate action !

Tuesday 11 December 2012

The " Art " question ?

Wollongong council is discovering what a labrynth it has entered in trying to decide how to spend half a million dollars on a piece of " art " to feature prominently in the Mall upgrade.    The very word " Art " has multiple meanings to just about every citizen of this city - and getting even a few to reach common agreement would be an impossible task.

The quest drew thirty three submissions and these were eventually short listed to just four.  After consideration, council has decided that none of these are really suitable for the task.  It is back to square one in selecting a focal point for the Mall.

The usual thing that figures large in promoting an area image is the type of industry involved.  Most Australians think of coal and steel when they think of Wollongong, but we are also a farming district and it is quite possible that coal mining and steel making may fade in the coming years.  Wollongong could become a very different industrial city by the turn of this century.

We have a university that is punching well above it's weight.   Perhaps this innovative institution is the future and Wollongong will become a university city known for excellence.   Education is a world growth industry and Australia is already riding the wave of a fast emerging Asian middle class seeking the tools of life for their children.

It would be tragic to waste half a million dollars simply because housing some sort of " Art " in the Mall has been included in the concept.    At best, this was an idea that required further examination, and now the prospects of success are not encouraging.   If local talent is not forthcoming, it would suggest buying something that is already world famous and locating it here is the next option - and that hardly seems to serve the intended purpose.

Half a million dollars is a handy sum of money.   It would be interesting to ask the citizens of this city for their " wish lists ".   What would they like to see in the new Mall that could be achieved with that sort of price tag ?

There is every chance that we would be swamped with suggestions - and they will range from the ludicrous to the imaginative - and possibly one or two will strike a chord that results in something new and exciting emerging that starts a trend.

It seems that the money is there - just waiting to be spent.   All we need is the right project, and the way to make this the " people's Mall " and bring shoppers back to the city is to involve the citizens in the decision making process.

Forget " Art " !     That was an idea from yesteryear.   Lets tap the ideas and aspirations of the people of today !

Monday 10 December 2012

Unintended consequences !

The Migrant Amendment Bill 2012 which passed through the House of Representatives last week is intended to finally close the door on undocumented workers who are taking jobs away from legitimate Australian job seekers.  It firmly puts the onus on every employer to fully check the bonafides of every job applicant by requiring the production of either a birth certificate or a passport to prove that they are legally able to work in Australia.

At first glance, it seems an admirable idea.  We know that there are thousands of undocumented workers in this country and if we implement a filter such as a requirement to prove working validity at the point of hiring the problem is - theoretically - solved !

With this onus of proof comes a new legal responsibility - and with that a draconian regimen of fines for those who fail to adequately carry out this new duty.  It will obviously slow down the hiring procedure and quickly become a new cost factor in doing business, which will be passed on by way of higher prices, but there are other factors that fall under the description of " unintended consequences ".

It is a fact of life that getting in the Australian harvest is almost entirely reliant on backpackers and those who are not entitled to work during their stay in this country.   This is despite the fact that agricultural areas have large numbers of Australians drawing unemployment benefits, who simply refuse to do this type of work.  There is a very real chance that if this legislation is forced on growers we may see a big proportion of next years harvest left to rot in the fields.

The giant mining industry is facing a worker shortage because it's mining sites are far removed from population centres.    There are numerous industries within the big cities which rely on students attending our universities to clean offices and do menial work that simply does not attract legitimate Australian job seekers. The work force that keeps these industries moving comes mainly from people who do not have a legal right to work in this country.   We interfere with that work flow at our peril.

Some will see this requirement to make those seeking work prove that they are either Australian citizens or visitors with a work permit as a back door method of bringing in what was once termed  an "Australia Card . "    This was rejected by the Australian general public as too intrusive - and verging on the concept of a " Police state ".

Will we see the day when some kid hoping to earn a few dollars with an after school job delivering junk mail -  have to front up with a birth certificate to get the job ?    How many existing Australians simply have no paperwork to meet that demand ?     Have the people who framed this bill had the good sense to really think through all the consequences ?

It seems to be a case of " being careful of what you wish for ! "

Friday 30 November 2012

Innovative thinking !

On-Line shopping has been copping a bit of flak from those who see it as destroying the traditional " bricks and mortar " stores, but we live in a changing world and when new people bring innovative thinking to the way we do business they deserve credit for providing a better customer service.

The " old way " of shopping depended on shops full of goods with static price tags - until they decided to hold a " sale ", at which prices were reduced.  That was the signal to rush to the shops and buy, but this degenerated until every day seemed to be a special sale day of some sort and customers grew weary of prices that all claimed to be " reduced " !

There are many on-line offerings on the Internet, but has broken new ground.   Their newsletter offers are entirely special prices and most are available at that price for just a twenty-four hour period.  The range of products is huge and they offer high security when customers give details to pay for the goods purchased.   Most would agree that their prices represent good value for money.

One thing that does annoy customers is to make a purchase, only to see exactly that same item readerttised a few days later - at a lower price.   That can happen if the manufacturer drops their asking price and this saving is immediately passed on to the customers - and 'isnt that what discount selling is all about ? have a new policy that guarantees that if any item is readvertised at a lower price within seven days, a credit for that price difference will be added to that customers account - with no conditions other that it needs to be used within the next six months.   No if's, but's or maybe's on what can be purchased or in what price range ?

On-Line marketing is a new medium, and with that comes new thinking.   Not so many years ago the shops used to open nine to six, five days - and stay hermetically closed all weekend.   Then came weekend trading - and now on-line is offering service on a 24/7 basis.

Bricks and mortar shopping is here to stay, but so is on-line.   What makes this medium so appealing is the attention given to finding out what the customers want and need - and servicing those aspects.   Shopping is becoming a new and exciting experience !

Thursday 29 November 2012

Rights - and obligations !

In a democracy, every citizen is supposed to have equal rights under the law.  No person is above the law and justice is supposedly available to all through the courts.   Unfortunately, this admirable principle falls by the wayside at the first hurdle.

The courts are not free.  It is necessary to lodge fees before engaging in litigation and the wise will engage a lawyer skilled in the procedures to be followed.  In fact, both sides usually hire lawyers and the ensuing court action then develops into a proxy fight in which the litigants sit back and let their legal representatives duel  within the skills of their profession.      It is a fact of life that those with the most advance skills usually win - and consequently they charge the highest fees for their services.

Winning or losing a case involves another " money aspect ". - the matter of  " costs " !    The winner usually applies to the judging panel for the legal costs involved in winning the case to be paid by the losing party, and that can run into many thousands of dollars.    Doing battle in court is not a matter to be taken lightly.

A case in it's preliminary stage in a Wollongong court is testing this " justice for all " scenario.  A coal mining company has started using longwall mining equipment and a number of local citizens believes that the necessary approval for this type of equipment has not yet been granted.  These citizens have joined together under a community name and propose to have the matter tested in court.

The mining company has applied to the court to have those involved in this action provide a surety of $ 40,000 in case they lose and costs are awarded against them.   The citizen group say they can not raise this money and as a consequence - they have no option other than dropping the matter.    They can not have their day in court - because justice is out of reach for them because of the money involved.

As usual, there are two sides to this coin.  If the case was allowed to proceed and the citizens group lost, it seems improbable that they would be able to pay any court costs against them.  If the case presented by the citizens group was so implausible as to be a diversionary tactic it could be considered a ploy to damage the mining company's operations and cause intentional financial loss.   The court could be applauded for ensuring  that obligations were mutually shared.

Supporters of equal rights would see it differently.   A group of ordinary citizens being denied justice on purely financial grounds.   A wealthy mining company that could afford to hire the best lawyers demanding up front money before the case could go to court.    This would raise the question of involvement of " the public interest ".

This is the great levelling factor that comes into play whenever such a case is involved.   If the issue raised by the citizens group strikes a chord with the public one of two things will happen.   Either the public will get behind the group and make it a " public interest " case, funded by public donations, or apply political pressure to force the government to intervene and become involved - and pick up the tab for costs,

Either way, it requires a small public interest group to broaden the issue if it is to proceed further.  This is a reasonable hedge against litigation forced on the court system by a small group of zealots who are way out of step with public opinion.

Our system of courts is far from perfect, but it acts as a filter to make sure that litigation is something carefully considered by both parties before they decide to proceed.    For those involved, losing brings with it a severe financial risk !

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Council " Spin " !

On Monday, a software glitch caused the parking meters in Wollongong streets to fail.   People who put in money found that the machines declined to deliver a ticket to place on view through the windscreen of their cars.   Council " spin doctors " tried to turn this into an advantage by declaring that motorists were enjoying a " free parking day ".

That was absolutely not so.   These bandit machines cheerfully accepted money - but failed to deliver the reward that motorists were paying for - and the council cheerfully collected and banked the money that people paid for no service - and the rangers were cheerfully still booking those who overstayed the time limits that applied.

It seems that council made no attempt to place an " Out of service " hood over each meter management console, which is the usual method of alerting users to a meter malfunction.   As a result, many people who made a visit to several parts of the CBD probably put money in different parking meters because they thought the problem was confined to just one console.    It would be interesting to know just how much money was spent trying to do what is legally required to park in this city.

It is also interesting to ask exactly what council did to alert the public to this malfunction.   Did council issue a news alert to local radio and TV ?

It seems that the council owes Wollongong motorists a day of free parking for the money wasted when machines gobbled their offerings because of a fault.  It would be nice if they declared next Monday a free day in lieu - and put an " Out of service " cover on the consoles to deliver that message.

That won't happen, of course.  Money collected by councils and all other forms of administration is a one way flow.   When that flow is interrupted, all those entities are only concerned if the money stream going in their direction stops.    If it is the other way around - and the public is disadvantaged, they don't want to know about that.

That is the job of the " spin doctors " !

Tuesday 27 November 2012

A " Toothless " Tiger ?

The Independent Commission against Corruption ( ICAC ) was supposed to be the first line of defence against politicians rorting the public purse.  It was supposed to be equipped with the powers to delve into suspicious matters and force witnesses to tell the truth or face draconian sanctions.  There is rising public disquiet that a blatant case of profiteering while in office may be way beyond the reach of ICAC.

It seems that two members of the NSW parliament colluded while in office to create a situation that would deliver almost unimaginable riches - and that these would be at the expense of the taxpayers.  It concerned farmland in the Bylong valley - which was purchased under the names of family and friends by a backbencher who was also a powerful factions boss.   Having acquired this property for it's value as farming land, a minister of the crown granted coal mining rights - which increased it's value to the possible tune of a hundred million dollars in the new owners name.

At the very least, this is a blatant case of " insider trading ".   The coal below the farmland is owned by the people of New South Wales and by transferring a license to mine coal to an individual owner, the value of this commodity is lost to the general pool of income on which this state is run.   It was expected that ICAC would come down hard on such a shonky transaction.

Apparently - not so !    There are calls for those coal mining rights to be disallowed, but it seems that both internal and external legal advice indicates that to do so would open the state to millions of dollars of compensation.   The state government simply does not have the power to cancel licenses once given without opening the door for the new owners to take the state to court to recover the profits such a cancellation would pose.

It seems likely the bandits will get away with their loot.  It is quite possible that those involved will face some sort of charges in court, but if they are not prevented from financially gaining from this deception they will cheerfully accept whatever slap on the wrist is imposed - and walk away immensely rich - whistling " Dixie " !

It is interesting that the political party to which these people belonged turfed them out of party membership and disavowed their actions.   It will be interesting to see if both side of politics can agree in a united front to put in place laws to make sure that this never happens again.

It would be a case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted - but when politics is involved - don't be too sure such a sensible precaution will ever happen !

Monday 26 November 2012

The " Squeaky Wheel " concept !

For an Australian entrepreneur to set up an overseas business deal in a far country is to take a huge risk.  It all depends on which country is chosen - and what sort of " rule of law " prevails, or in some cases - whether there is any actual law in place to protect business dealings.

Our biggest business partner - China - falls into that category.   It's constitution is all sweetness and light, but when it comes to practice those having " connections " with the ruling Communist government are in a position to influence decisions favourably.   The legal system and the courts are not impartial and it is not unusual for bribes to be paid to achieve a desired outcome.

Such seems to be the case for Du Zuing, an Australian cardiac surgeon who had a two thirds share in a $ 300 million medical facility in China.   This resulted in a falling out with his Chinese partners and the doctor has spent two years in a Chinese gaol on unspecified charges - and this arrest has not been common knowledge.   It is not unusual for prisoners to simply " disappear " into the Chinese justice system and languish in gaol for years without ever making an appearance in court or be formally told of the charges against them.

Friends and relatives are pressing the Australian government to make representation in the Du Zuing case but it seems that this is going against Foreign Affairs advice.  The Chinese government is sensitive about it's dirty laundry being aired in public and some diplomats think that publicity will have a worse effect on the outcome.  In this case, the doctor has been stripped of his legal share in a high value project and there is deep suspicion that the court system is being used to prevent him bringing the matter to justice.

Foreign Affairs may be quietly working away behind the scenes, but it all depends on who is pulling the legal strings in China - and how high is their standing in the pecking order.   We would hope that Foreign Affairs is not simply balancing it's brief to maintain good relations with one of our main trading partners against the rights of an ordinary citizen - and deciding not to " rock the boat "  by dragging this case into the public domain.

Bad publicity is a constant irritant to the Chinese government and we constantly see instances where people are released and allowed to immigrate to settle issues.  In contrast, there are probably big numbers of " little people " who have fallen foul of the authorities and who languish indefinitely because a veil of secrecy cloaks the workings of the Chinese detention system.

Perhaps Foreign Affairs would be wise to ponder a truism that is said to have originated from the pen of Confucius.

" It is the squeaky wheel that first receives the oil ! "

Sunday 25 November 2012

A new " Pharaoh " presides !

When the " Arab Spring " swept through the Middle East the citizens of Egypt rose in their thousands to depose Hosni Mubarak from power.   They suffered beatings from the police and many paid the ultimate price of losing their lives as they occupied Tahrir square for endless days to demand a new Egypt.  Young men and women put their lives on the line to usher in a regime based on democracy and which would have as it's cornerstone the rule of law.    The army sided with the demonstration - and Mubarak fell from power.

Not all of those agitating for change had the same vision for the future.  A fundamentalist element desired an Egypt based on Sharia law and would settle for nothing less than an Islamic theocracy.  When elections were held, the previously outlawed Muslim Brotherhood had the organising capacity  to present it's case well - and swept into power.   It had the task of  brokering a new constitution and it succeeded in nominating one of it's own - Mohammad Morsi - as the new president.

Morsi has taken a bold step.   He has simply given himself unlimited power to rule  by decree - and he has granted himself dictatorial power by insisting that his decrees can not be challenged in the courts of law.  This seems nothing less than a coup and some are calling him the " new Pharaoh ".

Egypt is on the brink of a new beginning - and the way ahead is not clear.  It all depends on what sort of person Mohammad Morsi turns out to be.   So far, the signs are promising.
He has shown resolve and clear vision in helping to negotiate a cease fire between Israel and the hot heads in Giza.   Egypt is the only Arab country to have a peace treaty with Israel and so far Morsi is showing no signs of retreating from the mutual obligations that requires.

He will have to show his hand when it comes to the litmus test of this new constitution - and more to the point - whether he has the power to hold the Muslim Brotherhood in check and retain his position at the top of the pyramid of power.  Success will depend on achieving even handedness in fostering good relations between the two branches of Islam - Sh'ite and Sunni - and the ten percent of Egyptian citizens who are Coptic Christians.   To do that, he will have to reign in the element demanding a theocracy.

Egyptian politics will come under immense pressure from surrounding countries.  The Middle East is awash with oil money and hatreds run deep between the tribal entities that head powerful clans.  Morsi will need great wisdom to avoid being dragged into regional politics and having to choose sides between the west - and Arab nations rattling sabres and fomenting war.

The future of Egypt resides in the hands of this enigmatic Egyptian.  It all depends on how he uses the power he has seized and if he remains a statesman with the fate of his country foremost.   The books of history are littered with figures who came to power with good intentions - and later turned into monsters !

It is said that "power corrupts "  - and that " absolute power corrupts - absolutely ! "

Something Morsi would do well to remember !

Saturday 24 November 2012

Mirage becomes reality !

For thirty years the proposed " Marina " centrepiece of Shellharbour's Shell Cove development has been an " on again " - " off again " vision that has both enticed and worried those who have bought building land in anticipation of water views.    Now a construction contract has been signed and delivered.

Coastwide Civil has been awarded a $ 150 million tender to construct a boat harbour that will be slightly bigger than Sydney's famed " Darling Harbour " entertainment precinct.  It will take five to eight years to bring it to fruition, but the turning of the first sod is about to happen.

The creation of the city of Shellharbour was a natural extension of Wollongong city when the population of the Illawarra needed somewhere to grow.   Wollongong was locked in between the escarpment and the sea and the only logical building land was to it's south.   The village of Shellharbour became a town, and from there a natural progression took it to city status.    This was a new city that badly needed a focal point - and the city fathers had a vision of a vast marina serving that purpose.

It has been a long, hard slog.   Finance has always been the main limitation. The nay sayers have opposed going into debt to create the attraction that would be serviced by building expansion on it's surrounding land. It looked set to go and then the WFC hit in 2008 and that saw the plans being put back on the shelf for several years.

The Australian population seems set to expand into new dimensions during this twenty-first century.  It seems inevitable that the overflow from Sydney will see both the Illawarra and the Hunter develop to secondary metropolis status.  It seems inevitable that this new marina will become an iconic suburb with similar status and value to that of Sydney's famed eastern shoreline.

With population growth comes the need for infrastructure.   The day is fast coming when governments will be forced to act on our transport needs.   In particular, the need for a modern rail link with Sydney will become over powering.   It will cost big money to create the tunnels to achieve a high speed link but survival is not tenable using a steam age line that takes a minimum of ninety minutes to travel a mere eighty kilometres.

This marina contract is the first start in big things to come !

Friday 23 November 2012

" Click " Frenzy debacle !

Yesterday was supposed to be the " bricks and mortar " stores answer to the shopping on-line tsunami that is reducing their profits and wooing away customers.   For twenty-four hours these stores intended to take on the on-line crowd at their own game - and offer goods at prices reduced by up to ninety percent.

It was a two pronged assault.   A big number of retailers banded together to offer reduced prices both on-line and over the counter, hoping for a sales bonanza that would combine personal shoppers visiting their stores with the stay at home crowd buying from what they were seeing on their computer screens.

Most saw it as a total debacle, but a few voices claimed sales increases from the people who rushed the bricks and mortar shops.   The biggest calamity was the sheer volume of people who came on-line at the appointed opening time - and as a result the computers crashed for several hours.   Those that persisted and eventually gained access grumbled that the huge savings promised were very much " mediocre " - and didn't live up to the hype.

Rueful retailers admit that they have a lot of work to do to upgrade their computer facilities.  It would seem evident to most computer " geeks " that this was a bright idea ruined by it's implementation by people who lacked the understanding of computers and their limitations.   When you create a surge of people constrained by a narrow time opportunity, you are surely going to overwhelm the capacity of a computer network to handle that sort of situation.

It is a case of " old style thinking " being applied to " new style marketing " opportunities.   The bricks and mortar crowd were still thinking of their Boxing day sales scenario.   Huge crowds waited breathlessly for the doors to open - and then came a stampede of customers rushing to snatch the best of the bargains and get to the cash registers.

That simply does not work in a computer situation.   Forget the huge crowd waiting for a timed access.   Go the way of a steady release of bargain items over the course of the sale time to regulate the customer flow to what the computer system can handle.   It is obviously a case of " teaching old dogs new tricks ".   If the bricks and mortar retailers are going to compete in the on-line scene, they had better become savvy about the do's and dont's of on-line merchandising.

Today, yesterday's experience must be ramming that home clearly  to those in the retail trade.  It usually takes a debacle to wake new players to reality and the next time we see the bricks and mortar people take on the on-line crowd we can expect a more disciplined and nuanced approach that will have better results.

It is clearly a case of " live and learn " to survive in the computer age !

Thursday 22 November 2012

Changing medical priorities !

The disease we fear the most is Cancer.  When it comes to donating money for medical research, Cancer tops the list, followed by heart disease.   Unfortunately, Dementia is now nearing the apex of diseases that will constrict the lifestyle and then kill an ever increasing number of Australians - and it seems set to overwhelm our capacity to provide beds in hospitals and nursing homes.

Medical statistics show that Alzheimers disease numbers are ramping up exponentially and by 2050 there will be 900,000 sufferers in Australia, three times the present number.  This is a disease that slowly gains control of a sufferers brain and reduces their ability to make day by day decisions.   They lose the control that allows them to shower, dress, prepare food and make the minor decisions of everyday living.   It has often been called " the disease of the long good-bye " because sufferers often lose their ability to recognise loved ones and exist in a state of mental oblivion until finally released by death.

There is hope that eventually we will discover a cure or possibly some sort of inoculation to prevent Dementia, but at the moment there are some promising trials under way that may slow down the onset and if that can be achieved, giving as little as four years of grace, then it would reduce Dementia numbers from 900,000 to just 400,000 by 2050.

We have the NSW/ACT Dementia Training Centre right here in Wollongong, at the University of Wollongong Innovation campus.   It suffers the usual problem of lack of funds to progress some promising innovations and we badly need to change our medical funding priorities.    This monster of a disease is set to invade it's way right into the heart of family living and when it does - it changes the way we live and care for our loved ones - forever.

Huge sums of money are donated each year to attack Cancer and heart disease.  An injection of $ 200 million into Dementia research over just a four year period would have a good chance of bringing that promising research to the point where it could slow the disease onset.    That seems the best bet to head off a Dementia epidemic in the short term.

Advances in the recognition and treatment of Cancer and heart diseases are delivering results.  A well oiled money trail is in place, using the patronage of people who have made funding research their careers.  We need these sort of people to help share the load of bringing Dementia research into the main field of medicine if we are going to succeed in stopping Alzheimers becoming the scourge of the twenty-first century.

We all fear death from Cancer or a sudden heart attack.   By comparison, Dementia kills more slowly, but it spreads it's web of misery in a wider  circle that encompasses the entire family.   Without the means to curb it's advance, few will escape becoming at least a partial victim !

Wednesday 21 November 2012

The " User Pays " principle !

The phrase " Once upon a time " comes to mind when we look at the history of education.  In a kinder and gentler age kids completing their school years were usually faced with selecting one of three career options.   If they were academically gifted - and came from a wealthy family - they went to university, spent several years gaining a diploma and thereafter earned a very good living as a professional.

Bright kids from a working class family looked to a trade career and sought apprenticeships in carpentry, welding, plumbing or a host of similar trades.   To gain the necessary qualifications they attended Technical College several nights a week.   The good old " Tech " has been renamed " Trade and Further Education "  ( TAFE ) these days.  The principle of this training was on a " learn and earn " basis.   Work by day and earn the required qualifications by night.

The last category left school without gaining any sort of certificate.  They simply applied for any vacancy offering in unskilled work and spent the rest of their lives labouring or working in a low wage industry. At that time, such jobs were plentiful.

Times have changed in this twenty-first century.   The people with the bright minds have developed machinery to replace manual labour and such jobs are now few and far between.   A changing work place has made university qualifications no longer a sure bet for a top job with a big salary, and the humble tradesman or tradeswoman has emerged as the new elite, in high demand for their services and earning big money in their specialised fields.

The universities are now open to all sections of society, but at a cost.   Course fees are beyond the resources of many families, but education is available on a " lay-by " system called HECS.   Simply rack up the fee to get a qualification, and start paying it back when your income reaches a certain level.   Now precisely the same system is being applied to TAFE students.

Many TAFE students are horrified to find that the fee for the full year Visual Arts course in 2013 will be $ 10,500.   In the 2012 year it cost just $ 1308.     The lesser "Certificate " course has jumped from $ 984 to a whopping $ 7500.

The TAFE world has expanded far beyond the traditional building trades.  We live in the computer age and the jobs of the future are going to be concentrated in areas of technology that are only now starting to emerge.  As an example, the use of Nanno technology is fast expanding the world of cosmetics and medicine and seems likely to take us to undreamed of destinations.

It costs big money to provide the education system provided by both universities and TAFE and cash strapped governments are committed to making education available to all.   To do this, it has become necessary to recoup costs from those gaining benefit from this training - and it seems that high fees are now a fact of life.

It seems that we are seeing a " merging " of the differences between university and TAFE.   What TAFE is now offering is expanding into the higher qualifications only previously available to those who attended a university, and as a consequence - a similar cost structure is starting to apply.

It gives credence to that old saying " that you only get what you pay for ! "

Which goes hand in hand with another venerable witticism.    " There's no such thing as a free lunch ! "

Tuesday 20 November 2012

The " Cannabis " question ?

The National Drug Research Institute has been holding a confidential survey to gain insight into the illegal Marijuana crops being grown in the homes of ordinary Australians.  In the vast majority of cases this is entirely for personal use and in many cases the people growing it claim it gives medical relief.  It is interesting to note that 45% of home grown Cannabis is planted in the back garden of homes, 26% is grown inside a cupboard within the house, and 19% is located in a garage or garden shed.   Obviously, in the great majority of cases, this is out of sight of the police.

The media reports numerous drug raids where giant Marijuana crops are located in bushland or hidden away in drug houses converted with stolen electrical by-passes to grow commercial quantities for the illegal drug trade.   This is the province of the underworld that is making multi-million dollar profits from the drug trade.
In some parts of the world, the criminal gangs involved are in open rebellion against their police forces and this has devolved into gun battles in the streets and the wholesale murder of big groups of people.  Ominously, here in Australia we are seeing the tip of this iceberg with gun play between rival motorcycle gangs who control part of the drug trade.

Referendum held together with the recent American presidential election resulted in two US states voting to make Marijuana for personal use legal.   Colorado and Washington state will defy a Federal law and allow their citizens to do legally what Australian users seem to be doing in their sheds and garages for personal use.
This will be done openly, and this new legal product will attract the usual tax regime which will add to the coffers of state treasuries.   It is anticipated that tax rates for Cannabis will be at similar levels to alcohol and tobacco.

A lot will depend on how the two states use this referendum question.  If it's interpretation allows the commercial growing of Marijuana as an open slather for export to other American states and overseas markets it will probably draw a massive Federal response to ensure that Federal laws apply.   On the plus side, it would virtually shut down the drug barons serving the American market with Cannabis from Mexico, but it would throw open an unstoppable use of this drug across the entire United States if two states were able to legitimately sell and use Cannabis.

No doubt both Federal and state authorities here have toyed with the option of legalising " soft " drugs and separating them from opiates.   The resulting tax bonanza would solve many of their money problems, but they fear the backlash from the anti-drug people and so far it has not been put to a referendum.

Statistics reveal that the police are not seriously going after those mums and dads growing a plant for personal use in their backyards.   Convictions are few, and when that does occur it is usually because someone got greedy and started to sell a little surplus - and came under notice as a "pusher ".

The eyes of the world will be on Colorado and Washington state.   What develops there from that referendum will most likely chart the course of legal Marijuana on a world wide basis.   After all, democracy is said to be the paramount will of the majority of the people.   When they speak, governments would be wise to listen !

Monday 19 November 2012

A wider war ?

It looks like the war in the Middle East is about to take on a new dimension.   The militants in Gaza have acquired rockets with a far greater range and for the first time both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem can come under attack.  There is every chance that this rocket war may escalate to the point that all of Israel could take fire from the two Palestinian enclaves within the country.  The ramifications will obviously spill over into the standoff between the United States and Iran.

The western world is convinced that Iran is enriching uranium with the intent to develop nuclear weapons.It's leaders have publicly announced that it is their intention to " wipe Israel off the map " and it is now evident that they are the source of the enhanced rocket weapons being used from the Palestinian territories.

The M-75 is an Iranian developed rocket missile that is being manufactured in Iran and shipped via the tunnel system linking Gaza with Egypt.   The Egyptian leader, Mohammad Morsi has stated his support for the Palestinian cause and it can be expected that Egypt will not hinder the transfer of these rocket parts across it's borders.

The strategy behind these rocket attacks seems to be to unite the Arab world behind the Palestinian cause - and that seems to be working.   Israel is poised to send troops into Gaza to shut down the rocket sites and across the world Muslims are demonstrating i n support of the Palestinians.  They simply ignore the fact that no country can countenance attacks on it's citizens without launching a response.   The Israeli's are accused of targeting women and children.  The fact that these Palestinian rockets are harming Israeli women and children is ignored.

The fact that Iran has chosen to involve itself in the Palestinian question will strengthen United States resolve to deny it access to nuclear weapons.  The Iranians are utterly unpredictable and should they equip Hamas or other Palestinian insurgents with a nuclear weapon there is no doubt that it would be used against the Jewish state.  If that happened, a nuclear war would be inevitable.

This is fast developing into a high stakes poker game, and the pool on the table is growing very fast on a daily basis.   The danger is that moderates in surrounding Muslim countries may be outflanked in the hysteria generated by this military action, leading to fundamentalists gaining control in places like Syria and Libya.  If that happens, all hope of a democratic Middle East emerging from chaos and dictatorships will be lost.

Sanctions have crippled the Iranian economy, but it seems likely that enriching sufficient uranium to make at least some nuclear weapons is imminent.   The US election is over, and as a result the president's action options are now less restricted.   In the past few days the world has become a much more dangerous place.

It seems to be a matter of " who blinks first " - and both sides are not in the business of blinking !  It will take herculean efforts by world leaders to lead the way out of this mess without a wider war.   The pages of history will record whether or not they were up to that task !