Thursday 30 September 2010

The Salvos under fire !

An arson attack on a second Salvation Army store in just over a week is sending a clear message. The days of leaving donated goods outside these welfare shops is coming to an end.

Originally, dropping off unwanted goods was a charitable act to save the Salvos the task of picking them up - and thus saving them money. Unfortunately some people saw this as an opportunity to help themselves to items that took their fancy - while others saw it as an opportunity to save on tip fees - and get rid of unwanted - and more importantly - unusable rubbish.

Mattresses and furniture piled against Salvo stores constitutes a severe fire hazard and the number of stores torched in recent times indicates that it has become an unacceptable practice.

It seems that we need not only a law change - but practical action using both video cameras and the police to change the culture. The drop off must cease and donations to charitable organizations preceded by inspection and acceptance.

Unfortunately this will reduce the quantity of pre-loved goods available to those who need help, but to continue to see stores burning is just not acceptable.

As usual, it is a case of the few spoiling things for the many !

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Who to believe ?

Former prime minister Paul Keating went to court and beat a charge of disobeying a red light. He is crowing that this success vindicates the right of " the ordinary person " to challenge when incorrectly accused of an offense.

Who is he kidding ! Paul Keating is not an " ordinary person ". Those who have held high office in this country are instantly elevated to the status of " celebrity" - and treated as such.

This charge amounted to a conflict of evidence between Keating - and two serving police officers who witnessed the event. The magistrate chose to ignore the evidence of sworn police officers in favour of a driver whose status in life is now simply " citizen ".

In all fairness, this was a humiliating slap in the face for our police. In most circumstances the evidence of police officers takes precedence because observing wrong doing is their job - and they have a right to be believed. Without that credibility our system of law would be unworkable.

In this case we would have to consider whether the magistrate was leaning towards his own political persuasion - or bowing to celebrity status by finding for an important man in preference to police officers.

Whatever the reason - it sends the wrong message to the public !

Tuesday 28 September 2010

A blow to morale.

The decision to charge three Australian soldiers with what amounts to a " war crime " will not go down well with the troops serving in Afghanistan. Fighting insurgents who wear no uniform and who hide amongst the civilian population removes most of the certainties of the battlefield. It makes civilian casualties almost inevitable.

There are certainly rules of engagement that apply, but paramount must be the right to defend oneself - and that involves returning fire.

The Taliban have no respect for the civilian population unless they unswervingly support their extreme religious views. They willingly use them in dangerous situations to create scenarios to disparage the activities of our troops. It would seem that our military authorities have risen to this bait.

The coming trial will weaken morale and result in added danger for our soldiers. Who can blame them for walking away from confrontation if any action taken can be construed as a war crime - and result in that action being second guessed in the unforgiving atmosphere of a military court room ?

The right of self defence must always be at the discretion of the troops involved !

Monday 27 September 2010

The gutless ones !

It looks like Julia Gillard is edging away from a decision on Euthanasia. She will allow a conscience vote, but claims to be " conflicted " on the subject. That could be an excuse for deliberately refraining from passing the necessary legislation to bring relief to the terminally ill.

If parliament votes in favour, but the government declines to frame the supporting legislation - the matter will lapse. It seems that gutless political parties on both sides of parliament are terrified of the backlash from the churches and have run away from the obvious way of settling this matter - put it to a referendum !

Poll after opinion poll shows that the great majority of Australians approve of the right to die for those with a terminal illness. Opponents claim that nobody need suffer because medical science can control pain. Honest members of the medical profession disagree - and admit that the pain of terminal cancer is beyond the ability of drugs to control.

The excuse that appropriate legislation might be too hard to frame is a cop out ! Euthanasia is a fact in Belgium, Holland and Switzerland - and in three of the American states.

Time to front up and make the hard decisions ! Time to bite the bullet !

Sunday 26 September 2010

Onus of proof !

This week the state government made a law change that could potentially cost innocent citizens a lot of money.

The old law enabled police to seize your property if they could prove that it was obtained by criminal activity. There was a time limitation that prevented such seizures going back beyond six years.

The new law reverses the obligation of proof. The police need to prove nothing. You need to be able to prove that your motor vehicle, holiday home, jewellery, bank account and share holding was legitimately acquired - and there is now no limit on how far back the investigation can go.

What a potent weapon if a police prosecutor takes a dislike to a citizen - and decides to play hardball !

Do you have receipts for all those items that you have acquired over the years ? Your wife's jewellery - even the engagement ring you bought her years ago ? And what about that ten year old painting you bought on impulse at an art show - and which has increased in value since the painter became famous ?

Not only do you need to keep the receipts for all acquisitions, but you need corresponding proof of where the income came from that funded those acquisitions.

Seems that even if you have a winning bet at the TAB you should demand payment by cheque - and avoid anything in cash that can not be traced - and proven !

Of course this new law is intended to bring grief to the criminal fraternity - but when the law changes it can often have unintended consequences. In this case it is a wakeup call to review your financial situation in case someone makes a malicious claim about the source of your wealth.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Rewriting history !

The claim by the Iranian president -Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - that the attack on the World Trade centre in New York was actually carried out by the United States government - ignores one pertinent fact.

Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda cohorts have been crowing about the success of their terrorist attack - and freely admitting their involvement.

Ahmadijnejad joins a long list of other " nutters " who try to rewrite history to fit events into their own distorted views. This same president also claims that the Holocaust didn't happen - and that the story was invented by the Jews to create sympathy.

Unfortunately, this man is president of an unstable country that is trying to develop nuclear weapons - and he has clearly stated that if they had such weapons neighbouring Israel would be their first target.

Fortunately, there are signs that the ordinary people of Iran are tiring of the theocracy running the country - and there is every chance that this discontent will eventually lead to another revolution. The fact that " religious police " beat women in the street for the offence of wearing lipstick or nail polish - or showing a wisp of hair from under their head covering is reminiscent of the rule of the Taliban.

The more the president preaches nonsense - the faster this discontent moves towards open rebellion !

Friday 24 September 2010

Indian humiliation !

This year's Commonwealth Games are on the brink of collapse. Not only is there a question about the building integrity of the venue, but there are health concerns because of Monsoon floods that create stagnant pools - leading to the chance of water borne diseases affecting athletes and visitors.

Of immediate concern is the state of the village serving the games. It is unfinished - and in many ways dangerous with exposed wiring and unconnected services - and it is filthy. In it's present condition - it is a health hazard and has been rejected by several countries.

The fate of the games hinges on a desperate attempt to rectify the faults, get cleaners working to remove the filth and debris - and convince athletes that they will be safe.

If that succeeds - another variable is waiting in the wings.

Followers of al Qaeda are at war with the rest of the world. Those that adhere to this militant form of Islam are dedicated to attacking all and any world event - and killing both foreigners and fellow Muslims.

In their fanaticism they reject the right to live for all who do not follow their narrow
views on Islam - and these Commonwealth games are high on their agenda for mayhem.

Already India has been humiliated by having it's preparations revealed to the world by way of the nightly news. Perhaps worse is to come - or this event may fade into history as the Commonwealth games that were cancelled because of the debacle.

It will certainly make many countries think twice before putting up their hand to host similar events - or even future Olympics !

Thursday 23 September 2010

New twist - old mystery !

The " Titanic " was probably the most famous shipwreck in history. On a night in 1912 this ocean liner hit an iceberg on it's maiden journey and sank - with the loss of 1500 lives.

Now a new reason has been given for the disaster - and in many respects this sounds reasonable. In 1912 shipping was fast changing from sail to steam, and this change brought with it a change in the meaning of helm orders.

Put simply, under sail a helm order was an instruction on which way the tiller steering the ship should be turned. Under steam - which way the ship should turn - thus the same order wrongly interpreted could have the opposite result.

It is now claimed that Titanic actually turned towards the ice berg - not away, and continued towards destruction for two minutes before the error was noticed - and corrected. As a result, the collision was inevitable.

Certainly a very entertaining theory - but strange that it has taken near a century to emerge.

And doubly strange that the person revealing this " fact " is also on the eve of publishing a book on the famous shipwreck !

A new twist on an old mystery should have the cash registers ticking away as new interest drives sales.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

The opportunists !

It didn't take long for those with crime in mind to exploit the opportunities offered by Facebook !

It is just too tempting for us to brag about our plans for an overseas holiday - and at the same time we produce a list of our friends for the bandits to use in their scam.

How easy to create an emergency - and ask for financial help to get us out of a black hole ? We lost our wallet ! A faulty ATM swallowed our debit card ! We have been arrested on a trumped up charge ! We have been the victim of a street robbery !

It all sounds so plausible. Our friends know that we are overseas and when that call for help arrives the request makes sense. We immediately send money to the indicated source.

Unfortunately there are smart crooks in this world, and the ever expanding use of technology gives more scope for cyber crime. A good reason to think long and hard before we commit to using any of the new and attractive communication methods that are constantly evolving.

Or at least restrict the content to harmless chit chat !

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Bandit country !

A new area of crime has emerged. Someone stole $ 100,000 worth of solar roof panels from a building at Yallah TAFE during the past few days.

Potentially this offers a bonanza. Properly installed and hooked up to the electricity system these panels could not only power the users home, but feed electricity back into the grid system - and earn a healthy reward.

But - there is a problem !

Before that can happen the installation has to be approved by the power authority, and the panels have to be inspected and checked so that they are properly installed - and that will involve their serial numbers being recorded - and those stolen panel numbers are on record as being stolen.

Gotcha !

Most likely the stolen panels will be used to provide cheap power to some bandit's home, but there is always the chance that installation by amateurs may lead to disaster. Electrical power is a dangerous item. It needs to be treated with care - or it can cause electrocution - or house fires.

It seems that we now must not only lock our doors and windows against thieves, the solar panels on the roof are also high on the list of desirable loot.

Monday 20 September 2010

Euthanasia !

At last a benefit is emerging from the mix of independents keeping the Federal government in office.

When the government of the Northern Territory voted to allow euthanasia in approved circumstances, the Federal government applied laws that only applied to " territories " to overturn that decision. In effect, those people to our north were denied the right to manage their own affairs.

The Greens and the two independents have combined to force Julia Gillard to allow a conscience vote - and there is every chance that euthanasia will again pass into law if that is the wish of the people concerned.

This will be hotly contested by the churches - with their " make them suffer until their last breath " approach to death. It seems that they value human life more than that of animals. We face punishment if we let a dog or a cat suffer an agonising death, but deny a comforting needle to any human suffering a similar fate. Surely that decision is up to the individual !

In this country church and state are separated - and yet it is the influence of the churches that have kept euthanasia from becoming law. This conscience vote will only pave the way for the territories to access what can be implemented by the states under existing laws.

What remains to be done is a referendum to allow the wishes of the people to be determined on euthenasia - and for the politicians to abide by the outcome of that vote.

Perhaps this concience vote is the first step in a merciful journey !

Sunday 19 September 2010

The TV network battles.

The TV networks want you to watch their programmes - but they do not want you to record them !

The whole purpose of machines that record TV programmes was to allow watchers to record one and watch another prime show that appears at the same time. Or to have access to a favoured show when you are engaged in some other activity - and not sitting in front of your TV set.

It seems that the three commercial networks - and their recently opened second channels - are deliberately sabotaging the use of recorders by staggering the starting and finishing times of programmes. The official programme guide is useless - and as a result viewers get missed endings and a virtual time warp.

The only channels that stick scrupulously to time are the ABC and SBS.

The day is fast coming when recorder manufacturers will beat the networks by developing recorders that record all channels on a 24/7 basis, allowing viewers to review the weeks programmes and cherry-pick the shows they want, irrespective of the time frame in which they are shown.

The electronic world quickly rises to all challenges !

Saturday 18 September 2010

Dogs - and beaches !

The " traffic light " system allowing owners to exercise dogs on beaches is working well. Beaches designated red bar dogs entirely - those designated orange allow dogs at certain times - and green gives free access at all times.

Next week a revised plan will go before the administrators inflicted on Wollongong by the state government.

It is totally unreasonable that a decision on a matter so basic to residents of this city should be decided by a trio of people who do not live here - and who will be gone in a matter of months - leaving the consequences of their decisions to linger.

The imposition of parking meters - which we neither needed or wanted - comes to mind !

Something that concerns so emotive an issue as allowing our pets to exercise should await the return of an elected council. The people we vote onto council are people who live in this community - and know the issues.

Administrators who make bad decisions suffer no consequences. Elected councillors are judged at the next election !

Friday 17 September 2010

Justice delayed - Justice denied !

From 1975 until 1979 the Communist Khmer Rouge seized control of Cambodia, and in that time they tortured and executed 1.7 million people - about a quarter of the Cambodian population.

The world reeled at this horror and few can comprehend the perverted rationale for such action. The regime wanted to revert to a simpler way of life and removed those with even a rudimentary education. Doctors - teachers - business people were culled - and even those wearing reading glasses were marked for death.

What also is beyond understanding is the fact that now - thirty-one years after the Communist regime was toppled - the United Nations is putting on trial the perpetrators of this death regime. But - the trials will not even start until mid-2011 - and those accused are all octogenarians.

Why this delay ! And what punishment can you deliver to those who are now over eighty years old ?

It is said that the wheels of justice grind slowly. It is also true that justice delayed is - justice denied !

Thursday 16 September 2010

Wrong place - wrong time !

Any Australian contemplating overseas travel would do well to ponder the political situation in the place to be visited. It is all too easy to get arrested for no wrong doing - but merely because you were " in the wrong place - at the wrong time ! "

Three Americans have spent over a year in prison in Iran - accused of spying - when they were hiking near an ill defined border between Iraq and Iran. A dispute near Islands claimed by three countries has seen a fishing boat and it's crew seized by Japan - and it's captain facing a long gaol term.

Relations between Australia and Fiji are tense and there is always the possibility of similar action of retaliation if the Fijian government decided to force the issue by arresting an Australian tourist on trumped up charges.

Political tensions - religious tensions - and some very strange local laws and customs provide a mine field of risk for all oversea travellers from many nations.

When we make travel plans it would be a good idea to first consider all the possible risks involved - and that includes the sudden deterioration of existing tensions that may deliver us as pawns in a chess play not of our own making.

Better to be safe than to stray into the interplay between nations !

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wollongong - cityof sclerosis !

It seems incredible, but traffic is still prevented from using the short section of Keira street connecting Crown and Burelli streets.

When this was closed to traffic and made a virtual bus stop years ago the city traffic flow was disrupted and movement north/south became a tedious and disjointed journey. Finally, the council saw sense and promised that the problem would be solved by reopening this stretch - by last June !

The bus stops have been removed to Crown or Burelli streets, the pavement has been repainted with new traffic lanes and the traffic lights reworked to allow an all way " Barnyard scramble " - as is the case at Crown and Kembla intersection.

So - what is holding up the parade ?

Pure, sclerotic nonsense ! It seems the bureaucracy is sitting joining paper clips and twiddling it's thumbs - and it is now " hoped " that traffic may get to use this important piece of roadway - by this Christmas !

That's three more months into the future ! Just what does it take to make something happen in " the city of sclerosis ? "

Tuesday 14 September 2010

A lack of logic !

In a democracy the wishes of the majority are supposed to apply. The minority is supposed to make way for the needs of the majority - and yet we have a glaring example of the opposite at Heathcote.

The main road link between Wollongong and Sydney is the F-6, which at Waterfall simply becomes renamed " the Princes Highway " and continues as a six lane divided road.

These six lanes become a traffic jam when they reach the traffic lights at Heathcote. For an inexplicable reason the speed limit drops to fifty kph - and three lanes become two because of kerbside parking outside a handful of shops. At morning and afternoon peak this jam stretches back to Waterfall.

The illogical thinking behind the refusal to implement a clearway at peak is the demand by those shopkeepers that customers be allowed to park at their door instead of using available off street parking.

It is a clear example of the many being inconvenienced for the benefit of the few !

Apparently it will take a change of government for sanity to prevail !

Monday 13 September 2010

Police crackdown !

During this past weekend Australian and New Zealand police conducted a massive crackdown on drunken violence and drink driving. The event was widely reported and big police contingents set up roadside breath tests - and concentrated on clubs and pubs that had a history of drunken brawling.

Across this state 737 people were charged with 1101 offences. Here in the Illawarra 26 people were charged with 59 offences - and breath testing resulted in fifteen people arrested for exceeding .05 - with a further two disqualified drivers detected.

Despite wide knowledge that police would be out in force there was little sign of abatement of excess drinking - and drivers continued to get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. It was simply a case of " violence as usual " on the club and pub scene.

The police have indicated that there will be another crackdown before Christmas !

Periodic police blitzes at three month intervals are clearly insufficient. To get the message across we need a lift in police manpower every weekend to drill it into thick heads that drunken behaviour is not going to be tolerated. Heavy arrest rates will eventually spread the message - and achieve the objective.

The police will claim that they have neither the budget or the numbers to sustain such a campaign - but the whole reason for having a police force is to make the streets safe for ordinary citizens - and that is not happening when drunken mobs go on the rampage and drunken drivers threaten the safety of others.

If it takes an increase in the police budget - and the recruitment of more police - then so be it ! The present situation is unacceptable !

Sunday 12 September 2010

Act of God !

The aftermath of that earthquake that hit the New Zealand city of Christchurch will be interesting. Citizens will be scrambling for their insurance policies to see if their insurers are going to opt out of paying by hiding behind the " act of God " exclusion !

Remember that rain storm that hit Wollongong back in 1998 ?

We had the ridiculous situation where the majority of insurance companies met their obligations - but three big insurers refused claims because they insisted that the event was a " flood " - which was not covered, rather than a " rain storm " - which was !

In some cases, different tenants in the same building had different outcomes. The same water damage - in the same building - but one paid out and the other refused because of insurance company attitude.

Australia is not as earthquake prone as New Zealand, but they do occur here - as evidenced by events in Newcastle some years ago.

Might be a good idea to have a read of the terms and conditions that apply to your insurance policy - and if it is delightfully unclear - insist on your insurer making clear it's acceptance of earthquake claims - in writing !

Better to be safe - than sorry !

Saturday 11 September 2010

Burning the Koran !

Some say that any publicity is good publicity. That is certainly the case for an obscure religious sect in the United States. This sect claims to be a new religion - and despite having just thirty-two followers and being totally unknown it has achieved world news status.

It's leader has threatened a public book burning ceremony today - the ninth anniversary of the attack on the twin tower World Trade centre in New York.

The particular book to be burned is the Koran, the holy book of Islam - and that has thrust the threat on news broadcasts from every country on this planet - and in particular - is seen as an attack on Islam in most Islamic countries.

If the preacher heading this sect was looking for recognition - in the hope of attracting more followers - he has certainly succeeded - but at what cost ?

This totally unprovoked action will certainly incite Muslims inclined to jihad and there is every chance that a few may be moved to violence against non Muslims.

That seems to be part of the price we must pay for democracy and the right of free speech. Some religious boofhead can make an outrageous statement attacking another religion with impunity - and if that results in injury or death to others - bad luck !

We live in a crazy world !

Friday 10 September 2010

Opportunity knocks !

Human nature and opportunity are taking advantage of the cleanup following Sunday's fierce wind storm. Council work crews are trucking away debris caused by the storm - and finding all manner of household waste mixed in on public land.

This ranges from whitegoods to general junk - and in many cases residents have taken the opportunity to prune unwanted vegetation and put it out where it will become a council responsibility.

Opportunists seem ever present. Charities with clothing bins are plagued by all manner of unwanted - and usually unuseable - goods left beside their bins which incur both transport costs and tip fees to remove.

Some people blame this trend on ever rising tip costs but in fact getting something for nothing seems deeply entrenched in the Australian psyche.

We already have the council's annual free kerbside pickup as a service and yet some residents abuse even that by dumping a mountain of rubbish - while others dump elsewhere under cover of night to keep the front of their premises pristine.

Unfortunately the illegal dumpers mostly get away with it. Eventually this discarded rubbish becomes such an eyesore that the council has no option than to deal with it - and that cost is shared city wide by all residents !

Thursday 9 September 2010

Moving the goal posts !

What do you do if the goods you just purchased fall far short of the claim made for them ? You raise hell with the department of consumer affairs - and you expect to either get a refund or the goods replaced.

Students studying music c0mposition at the University of Wollongong will not be so lucky ! Their course has been downgraded and instead of high quality teachers providing excellence what remains of the course will be taught by casual staff. The ranking achieved will therefore have lesser significance in the music world as a result.

These unfortunate people will end the course owing a substantial sum in HECS - and yet what they are achieving at the end of the course is far less than what was promised when the course began.

Surely if the goal posts are moved - the HECS need to move with them !

If the course is downgraded, then those students should have the same right to go to consumer affairs and petition to have the money owing by way of HECS to suffer a similar fate.

Otherwise - it is a clear case of double standards !

Wednesday 8 September 2010

What if ?

What if Tony Windsor and Rob Oakshott had not agreed to support Julia - and each has chosen a different party ? Equal numbers. No winner. Back to the voters for another election ?

Then again, maybe a totally different approach that has never been tried before.

What if we banned political parties and insisted that every issue that came before parliament be subjected to a conscience vote ? All the people we sent to represent us would make up their own minds without the party whips demanding party loyalty - or the member would be disenfranchised at the next election ?

To make that work we would need Julia and Tony to be appointed joint prime ministers in deference to the old, abandoned party political system. Both would have equal time to present their take on each item of proposed legislation - and then all the members would have a free vote.

It would restore decisions that affect us mug voters to the men and women we elect to parliament, not to be decided by the factional bosses who carve up power and pull the strings to direct their puppets.

Of course it is a ridiculous idea - and we have no hope of ever seeing parliament working like the original concept - where every village sent it's wisest person to vote and make decisions. We are stuck with party politics since almost the dawn of time - and that will not change any time soon.

But - so far there is no law to prevent us dreaming along the lines of " what if ? "

Tuesday 7 September 2010

A door finally closes !

Many Port Kembla residents will throw a party at news that the 198 metre smelter stack is to be demolished. There was fear that as long as the stack remained there was always the possibility that the state government could have a change of heart - and approve a new copper smelting industry in the suburb.

Copper production at Port Kembla commenced in 1908 when Port Kembla was a small village. The suburb grew around the smelter and in recent decades the outpouring of noxious gases made residents lives a misery - and forced the relocation of the school.

Time after time new owners promised that technology would overcome the problems - but it didn't - and eventually the plant closed.

Sometime next year photography buffs will have a chance to capture interesting shots. The stack will be prepared with explosive charges which will cause it to make a spectacular fall along a chosen site - and that will not be done cheaply.

It will take thirty workers sixteen months to prepare the stack for demolition - and it's end will cost a whopping eight million dollars.

And residents will give a huge sigh of relief when it happens !

Monday 6 September 2010

Those selfless volunteers !

On a day like yesterday we can only have praise for those magnificent people who leave their own families to deliver help to strangers suffering damage from the high winds that affected this region.

The personnel of the State Emergency Service ( SES ) are volunteers who are on call when danger strikes. Apart from donating their time to tarp damaged roofs, cut up fallen trees and rescue people from rising waters - they put their lives at risk by doing this work under dangerous conditions.

Without them, storm damage would be left unattended because there simply is not enough government workers on the payroll to get the work done. The SES knows this - and their dedicated people fill the gap.

They are a quiet, unassuming lot and their contribution to our welfare is often unacknowledged.

That is something that those who draw up the annual honours list should keep in mind !

Sunday 5 September 2010

Hearing - and safety !

Today's newspapers report the story of a young woman killed in a Sydney street accident. She was hit by an ambulance responding to an emergency - and apparently didn't hear the siren because she was wearing headphones and listening to music.

This raises an interesting question !

We are heavily fined if we drive a car and use a mobile phone at the same time. We are punished if we ride a pushbike or a motorcycle and fail to wear a safety helmet - and we will be unmercifully prosecuted if we dare drive a car - or permit a passenger to ride in that car - with seatbelts unfastened.

Fair enough ! The state is looking after our safety - and as we all know and understand - the state is far wiser than us individuals. It is not about the money ! These ever increasing fines are not revenue raising. The kindly old state is merely looking after our welfare because they need our votes at election time.

So - could this be a missed opportunity !

Surely - in the interests of safety - we need a new law to make it illegal - and to impose a draconian fine - for anybody who dares to don headphones and listen to music - while they are driving a car, riding any type of two wheeled conveyance - or walking on a public footpath.

Just think of the people potentially saved. All those idiots who listen to music while taking a walk - will eventually have to cross a road and be at risk.

And - of course - a new source of fine revenue is always handy to those kind government people who rule our lives !

Saturday 4 September 2010

An opportunity lost !

Just what are the qualifications necessary to be appointed the minister for the Illawarra ?

It would help if that person had either lived or spent some time in the Illawarra. It would help if that person had business interests here - but most of all it would help if that person had even a basic understanding of the aspirations and problems facing this region !

It is hard to see how state Treasurer Eric Roozendaal qualifies on any of the above criteria !

The job of Treasurer carries a work load only second to that of Premier, and yet we have four elected representatives of seats in the Illawarra who were bypassed and the job was given to a person who can not possibly give it the time and attention it deserves.

It says a lot about the confidence this state government has for the " seat warmers " who enjoy a good salary and all the perks that go with it simply because this is a Labor voting area - and party loyalty comes way before any consideration of ability.

And the sad thing is that most of them will probably be re-elected next March.

So much for any hope this region has of progress !

Friday 3 September 2010

Not so subtle bribes !

There is something disquieting about the horse trading to secure the vote of those who hold the balance of power in the Australian Federal parliament.

One of the four - Andrew Wilkie - has declared in favour of the Labor party and it has been disclosed that the ageing Royal Hobart hospital will be given a huge injection of funds for refurbishment.

It happens that Hobart is the centre of Mr Wilkie's electorate and that hospital probably does need work - but then so do a host of other hospitals scattered across most Australian cities. It could be inferred that this promise is merely a bribe to help Mr Wilkie make a decision.

No doubt there are many promises flowing from both sides of politics to secure the votes of Bob Katter, Tony Windsor and Rob Oakshott.

Nobody can blame the four independents from seeking improvements to their electorates following their good fortune in gaining the balance of power, but we frown on sporting teams that cheat and hide player overpayments - and teams that throw matches for betting rewards. Surely holding the treasury to ransom in providing treasure is a similar form of corruption ?

Whatever colour of government emerges from this round of horse trading will surely have about it a stench that will take a long time to go away.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Double standards !

Actors and musicians facing court plead with the magistrate to not record a conviction - because if they do they will not be able to get a visa to visit many countries and this will spell the end of their professional career.

Contrast that with the actions of so called " humanitarian refugees " - who pay people smugglers to disobey international law which requires them t0 seek refuge in their first landfall - and bring them to Australia.

Once here, they disregard Australian law when it decides they are not refugees and stage riots, damaging their living facilities and in some cases injuring protection personnel.

Surely a person who is asking to be taken in by this country and granted citizenship should scrupulously adhere to our laws as evidence that they are good persons and will be a good citizen.

The moment such people willfully break our laws this should be taken as evidence that they are not acceptable here - and promptly returned to their country of origin.

If Australians must have a clean record to holiday overseas - then surely we can expect nothing less from those we did not invite - but who are trying to force their way into this country.

To do less is a double standard !

Wednesday 1 September 2010

The nit-picking mentality !

Wollongong and the south coast desperately wants more tourists to increase job opportunities and spread the wealth. It is therefore disappointing to learn that one of our premier tourist attractions has put an exciting new development on hold - because the nit-pickers are holding up approvals.

Jamberoo Action park's " Kangaroo Island " project will involve five exciting new rides and will cost $ 30 million to create. Work can only be done in the winter off-season - when the park is closed - but frustrations with zoning has seen this year become a lost opportunity.

So - what is the problem ?

The hordes of eager people trying to get to Jamberoo in summer create a traffic problem on the road - and the car parking facilities at the Action park need expanding.
That should be no problem because the park is located in the countryside and surrounded by vacant land.

It all comes down to a matter of zoning. To park cars you need the land to meet the zoning requirements of the local council - and that has raged in a battle in the Land and Environment court - hence without finality the whole project has come to a standstill.

Another year lost - and the nit-pickers are still shuffling paper and indulging in arcane recriminations !

The unemployed of the Illawarra would like to see these sort of issues resolved quickly - so that job opportunities are not limited by such bureaucracy - and lack of project progress continues to to show this region as backward.

We deserve better !