Saturday 9 May 2009

Sale of the century !

A lot of people in this state must be wondering just what the state government has in mind with the proceeds of their never ending sale of our " crown jewels ".

They have been temporarily thwarted in their attempts to sell off the power industry. Prisons are not changing hands, but it seems the state is opting out of running them and intends to bring in a " prisons for profit " private management arrangement.

Now the latest thing for sale is the eleven aged care facilities - including Garrawarra located near Helensburgh.

This is at a time when statistics show that we are facing a coming surge in age care needs as our population increases the ranks of senior citizens. That sale simply does not make sense !

The interesting thing is to discover what plans the state government has for the money they will receive from all these fire sales - and on that they are strangely silent !

They have in mind a Metro - with a seven kilometre track - that will cost billions and not do a thing to service the main population of western Sydney - but that is just as likely to be dumped before it starts - like so many other similar schemes.

It seems more likely that this state government is is selling off the crown jewels purely to finance day to day running costs of the state, and that is a sure way to send the citizens to the poor house !

You don't have to be an economist to know that families that sell their assets to maintain their lifestyle have only one certain destination - and that is the bankruptcy court !

A sure sign of the times is the plan to sell off state lotteries. This is an enterprise that must rank alongside printing money as a source of profit.

When the public buy lottery tickets they pay one hundred percent of the funds before the draw even takes place. Sixty percent of that money is returned to them in the form of prizes - and the government pockets the other forty percent.

Who in their right mind would even consider selling such a cash cow ?

The big question is - what is the government planning to do with our money ?

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