Saturday 23 May 2009


We have become blase about the technology that surrounds us. It would be a rare home in this country that lacks a television set, DVD recorder, sound system and a computer. Our high school children are at the cusp of being given their own laptop to help their studies.

Now Australian scientists have made a break through in the astonishing discipline of nano-technology !

It is possible to store two thousand movies on a single DVD disc, and the potential is there to increase the capacity of the present DVD disc by an amazing ten thousand components - and all this should be commercially available within five years.

And like all great discoveries - it is really simple. Present DVD recorders read a single colour track. Australian scientists have managed to break this single colour into the entire colour spectrum - and record separately on each of the colours within that spectrum by simply altering the angle of the reader.

No doubt it will be a seven day wonder when this technology hits the market - and then like so much else it will be absorbed and taken for granted. Nothing surprises us for long these days - and it is only the old and the middle aged who remember when it was necessary to get out of your chair and go to the television set to change channels and alter the volume.

The remote control was a magnificent boon when that arrived - but today it would be hard to imagine any entertainment device that lacked one !

Such is the speed of progress !

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