Saturday 16 May 2009

Priorities !

It is clear where the priorities of our cash strapped state government lay - and revenue raising tops the list.

Twelve million dollars was allocated for improvements to the accident prone Picton road. What makes this traffic corridor so deadly is a mix of worn road surface allowing water to pool when it rains - and consequently causing cars to acquaplane - and lack of a divided two way carriageway.

The money is not sufficient to provide a divided road, but at least the provision of a wire rope divider system would reduce the head-on risk - and resurfacing of the road surface and better water run off would eliminate acquaplaning.

You would think that both these measures would take priority - but instead the government has them way down the list - preceded by the hurried installation of five " police enforcement bays " at a cost of $ 50,000 each.

This will make it more convenient for the police to safely conduct speed traps - and keep those dollars rolling in to the treasury !

Obviously, speed is a factor in road safety, but time after time the coroner has made a finding that lack of traffic separation and water pooling on the road has been the main cause of fatalities.

It seems this state government has it's own set of priorities - and money heads the list !

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