Sunday 7 December 2008

Tyre danger !

It's a fact of life that most drivers pay too little attention to the tyres on their car. As long as there is enough tread showing to pass the annual registration inspection seems to be the extent of their concern.

Tyre pressure also is widely ignored, despite the fact that under inflated tyres cause drag and reduce petrol economy, and both under and over inflation cause uneven wear and bring the date of replacement closer.

Some people try to save money by using low cost retreaded tyres, but these have a habit of tread separation - and should never be used as steering tyres if the vehicle is to be driven above very low speeds. Retreads function satisfactorily in stop/start commuter driving, but beware using them on the open road.

Now there is a new danger being brought to the attention of motorists. The age of tyres is a factor and many people who have new tyres installed expect that they are buying a product made in recent months.

Beware the dealer who has a sloppy record of stock turnover - or is discounting a line of tyres which may have been a poor seller and remained in the warehouse for years.

Tyres have a manufactured date embossed into their sidewall - and it is important to check this to see that the manufacture date was recent.

Also keep in mind that spare tyre in the boot. Many people do not rotate their tyres to get a spread of mileage and in some cases the tyre in the boot matches the manufacture date of the car - and in an old car that could be a fatal combination.

Tyres have a tendency to perish with age, and when you are doing a legal 110 kph on the freeway that is not a good time to experience tyre failure.

Regular attention to air pressure - and checking the manufactured date when replacing tyres can pay dividends - and make for safe motoring !

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