Thursday 25 December 2008

Opportunity knocks !

Christmas day ! This morning countless kids will shriek with joy as they open their presents. Later, families will celebrate the festive season with Christmas dinner. The only bleak thought is the certainty that for a few people Christmas will be a tragedy - because of accidents causing death on our roads.

There never will be a completely safe road system - but the roads we have leave a lot to be desired. We badly need a divided highway linking Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane - and the Princes Highway - linking the sea-bord towns between this state and Victoria is an accident waiting to happen.

There is a plan to spend our way out of the looming recession, and top of the list of things to do should be the creation of the road system this country so badly needs.

It will be a huge task. We compare our present roads unfavourably with other countries, but in all fairness it must be remembered that Australia is a continent similar in size to the United States - but with a population of just twenty two million - compared to their three hundred million people.

This world recession is not going to be over soon - and spending our way out of trouble is likely to be a multi year project. There are plans to improve the road system in the pipeline - but they need expansion and fine tuning to soak up the expected unemployed and deliver a road system that will not only save lives - but create the commercial network the economy needs.

A good road system would return a handsome dividend for this country's future !

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