Sunday 28 December 2008

A " Dark Knight " opportunity !

A lot of people are in trouble because of what they perceived as a sure fire, money making opportunity.

In July toll company Brisconnections floated at $ 3 a share - but quickly tanked and the share price dropped to an incredible one tenth of one cent a share. Many jumped in and bought huge quantities, lured by this companies stated promise of paying a 5.95 cent dividend in November. It looked like a sure fire road to immense riches.

What few bothered to find out was the fine print. Brisconnections floated on the condition that shareholders pay an additional $1 per share on April 29, hence the holders of those shares suddenly found themselves facing a payout way beyond their means - and to add to the misery - the company cut that dividend back to .05 cents - and delayed it until after the $1 call.

Shocked shareholders learned that they could not abandon their shareholding - and they faced loss of their homes, cars and personal wealth if the company pursued it's legal obligations and sued them for the money.

The shares are on the market - but of course there are no buyers.

It is amazing that some smart entrepreneur has not seized the opportunity offering. Those in trouble would heave a sigh of relief if they could find a buyer for their shares - and the debt would immediately transfer to the new owner.

What an opportunity for a person with absolutely no assets. No house. No car. Not a brass razoo in the bank - to offer to take those shares of the hands of distressed buyers - for a fee.

It would be a case of a " Dark Knight " riding to the rescue - and in the process becoming incredibly rich provided the money was a " donation " to a third person who had no business connection with the buyer.

There would be no point in suing a person without assets - and those with assets would be more than willing to pay a handsome fee to preserve those assets.

Opportunity knocks !

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