Monday 11 July 2016

The Morning After !

The awful reality of that " Brexit "  vote is starting to sink in to the British people !   They look to the political leaders to sort out the mess - and find empty chairs.  The Conservatives are navel gazing as they manoeuvre to fill the vacancy left by David Cameron's resignation, and across the aisle at Labor its misfit leader just receiving a crushing vote of no confidence.

Withdrawal from the European Union is a step into the unknown.  There is just no precedent to set a guiding star.  Whatever arrangement is eventually thrashed out will need the approval of all the remaining members and even one obstinate maverick can swing a wrecking ball.   There is a real chance that the negotiations may become vindictive just to set an example to other countries thinking of a similar exit.

Perhaps the biggest danger is the threat to the unity of the United Kingdom.  Scotland gave the country a scare when it narrowly rejected independence in a recent referendum, but Brexit has again raised that question.   In Northern Ireland the prospect of national borders, passports and visa inspections will certainly put fresh pressure on the peace accord.

The sad thing about the Brexit referendum was the discord it revealed within the British population.  London and the other big cities voted solidly to remain.  Young people and professionals also supported the remain side, but the old and those living in what are termed the " rust belt " so badly affected by globilization heeded the siren call of  " renewal  " !

The " Leave " crowd cleverly extolled a return to an earlier age of full employment when a host of small industries gave the country a vast manufacturing base.   That world no longer exists and the empire on which it rested has long dissipated.    The voices that promised that Britain could " have it all " by simply leaving the EU are now strangely silent !

The standard of living in Britain will heavily depend on who gets the job of prime minister and whether that person is up to the job.  Boris Johnson, the former Lord Mayor of London looked to be a shoo-in but it seems obvious that he jumped on the " leave " bandwagon opportunistically and had absolutely  no plans when it succeeded. He has removed himself from contention.

Britain needs a leader who is a realist to sort out this mess.  It is important that the parliament achieve discipline and it is very likely that this issue will be returned to a decision by the people by way of a new election.   That makes the leadership issue in the opposition Labor party critical.   It is vitally important that both sides of politics are headed by astute leaders capable of arising above the mundane matters of politically skirmishing to deal effectively with a national crisis.

Withdrawing from the EU will decide whether Britain becomes an orphan nation on the perimeter of Europe, or successfully integrates as a trading partner with a new working relationship alongside its former inner colleagues.  Gains and losses will be integral parts of reaching a working consensus.

The nation narrowly delivered a decision with the Brexit referendum.   Now it has to live with the consequences !

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