Thursday 14 July 2016

Ideological Fanaticism !

Every five years Australia takes stock of the herd by requiring every citizen to fill out a census form.   This will take place on Tuesday, August 9 and we have the choice of doing it online or using the traditional pen and paper approach. As usual, the nit pickers are in a frenzy about some of the questions asked !

This time around the census contains the option of ticking a " No Religion "  box in answer to the religious question.   In the last census the form listed most of the worlds religions and then offered a box labelled " Other ".   Twenty-two percent of respondents wrote in descriptions such as " Atheist ", " Agnostic ", " Humanist "   - and some Sci-Fi wags claimed to be followers of " Jedi " !

One of the problems of living in a democracy is the " majority rules " tenet that applies.  If the census shows that Christians have become the minority in this country then whoever exceeds that count has a legitimate right to expect the legislators to support their view.   We are already under pressure from what can only be described as " Ideological Fanatics " who demand that their views be placed on the political agenda.

One of these demands is the introduction of " gender neutral " to replace the traditional " male " or " female " description of gender.   This opens a very complex can of worms, not the least of which is deciding which bathroom a person of neutral gender may use.   It is biologically possible to achieve a gender transfer - with the help of a surgeon and some fanatics insist that this " gender neutral " state is necessary for the time that person meets neither standard.

Of course that three letter word " sex " is the most emotive in the alphabet.  It has many people frothing at the mouth over " men in womens bathrooms " and insisting that whatever description appears on birth documents must apply.  It seems to completely  ignore that many toilets are for use by a single person and are intended for either sex.

We have just suffered the harrowing experience of an over long election campaign.  The most amazing points of view have come out of the woodwork and many are what could only be described as " extreme ".  Sadly, there has been sufficient voting support to elect a handful who express these views and they will be in a position to influence the decisions of the parliament.

It was encouraging that when this election was finally decided it was agreed that both sides of politics would compromise to ensure that legislation for the common good of the country passed into law.  Unfortunately, the combative nature of the political system makes that unlikely.  The main objective of whoever is in opposition is to prevent measures that make the government look good, and persuade the voters that putting the opposition in power would deliver better results.   In many cases, measures bitterly opposed miraculously become policy should such a result happen.

It seems that this " ideological fanaticism " is a growing element in the society in which we live. Perhaps the emergence of social media features such as Facebook has enhanced the bully pulpit from which commentators can espouse their views.   Perhaps we have simply become more argumentive because we gain in stature and attract a following.   The very fact that many of those who initially attracted the most scorn now are called " The Honourable " and sit in this country's parliament attests to the elevation that is possible.

The usual outcome is that the people's choice - delivers the outcome that the people deserve !

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