Wednesday 17 June 2015

Armed - and Dangerous !

Parents of children attending a western Sydney High school are alarmed to receive a letter from the principal advising that the school is holding a knife amnesty and urging support to convince those carrying knives for their own protection to hand them in.  It seems that this all stemmed from a 2011 fight between two students which resulted in knife wounds that saw the school go into lockdown and a strong police presence.   From there a creeping anarchy enveloped the play area and fires were being lit in the school grounds and knives were both carried and traded as Granville Boy's High developed into an armed camp.

Another sign of the maelstrom of mixed cultures that is western Sydney is the practice of locking away those students who are too "feral " to be handled by teachers into a confined area - where they are left unattended for the entire school day.  That raises the question of what alternatives are available to schools when they encounter pupils who aggressively refuse to conform to the learning process and actively disrupt classes  and rebel against teaching staff  ?

It seems that the ultimate weapon is suspension for a period of time.  The option of permanently expelling a troublesome student comes into conflict with the law that requires all those of school age to be educated and a host of well meaning restrictions that shield minors from the punishments that apply to adult offenders.   Sadly, a mere handful of aggressive misfits can totally destroy the ability of a school to churn out educated young people capable of getting a job and enjoying life - and they seem safe from any sort of retribution.

Over the years a variety of schemes have been tried - and failed.  One of these was to establish a sort of  "boot camp " special school for delinquents and try to get them into shape with a tough teaching regime.  Mostly, this was seen as a challenge by those selected and their behaviour became so severe that the scheme had to be abandoned on safety grounds.   It is impossible to educate those who are determined not to conform.

For education planners that has been put in the "too hard  basket for many years.  The fact that it encounters contrasting laws makes it insoluble, but we have entered a new age and today those that lack an acceptable education standard when they leave school are condemned to a life of penury and hardship.   We are fast reaching the stage where labouring jobs for the uneducated just cease to exist.

It is all very well to cite the laws that require us to provide an education for all and at the same time allow a small minority to disrupt and prevent the majority from attaining that benefit.   This will not be achieved by herding ferals into schools they refuse to attend and allowing them to wreak havoc on those who have the misfortune to be allocated that same place of learning.

It is probably unacceptable to simply withdraw education facilities entirely, but we need to accept that there are some who will not fit into a normal curriculum  and there is no purpose in insisting that they attend a normal school.  It might be better to change course and accept that some may be more suitable for practical skills.   Perhaps a return to teaching rudimentary skills such as welding and carpentry - or the wide field of agriculture.  At least those seeking a job would have some sort of  attraction to offer a potential employer.

As this knife amnesty illustrates, the presence of a disruptive minority usually infects others with a need for self preservation.   Once the need to have a knife for defence becomes the norm - the herd instinct kicks in and it becomes prevalent - and with that the play of hot tempers can lead to tragedy.

If the present laws are preventing change - then it is time to change the law !

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