Wednesday 9 February 2011

Zero alcohol content !

It has been suggested that we need a law change to require zero alcohol in those who drive cars - and that this apply to drivers of all ages.

Once again what seems a good idea on the surface is laced with unintended consequences.

Just as many young drivers faced with a zero alcohol limit have found, achieving a zero alcohol reading is not always possible. Many proscription and other over the counter medications contain alcohol. Eating very ripe fruit will give a slight reading - and of course if this law comes into force the traditional plum pud and brandy sauce on Christmas day is out of the question for any car driver.

This is where the unintended consequence comes into play. A zero requirement is draconian. A mere flicker above zero must be taken as a crime and that driver will suffer a huge fine and loss of license - and that for something that can have absolutely no dangerous effect on negligibility grounds.

There has been a steady downward trend in the law - from .08 to .05 - but zero should not be an option.

Many will doubt that any further downward legislation will affect the road toll - because those involved in alcohol related road crashes are well above any legal limit anyway.

If the politicians push for a lower limit - and they do that at their peril - common sense dictates that .02 would be the safety bottom line.

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