Monday 7 February 2011

Famine !

It is quite possible that the strange weather patterns that have caused destruction across Australia in recent times will bring about a change in world politics.

Australia is one of the big food exporting countries - and it seems that our contribution to world food stocks is waning.

The need to conserve water in the Murray/Darling river system has permanently curtailed the growing of rice in Australia. Flood rains - and the visit of cyclone Yasi - have put a halt to vegetable and fruit crops - and wheat - that Australian perennial - will not be plentiful this growing season.

This comes at a time of a natural food shortage - caused by the fact that each year the world has more mouths to feed. We number seven billion - and many of these hungry people get by on just two dollars a day.

When food is short - the price rises. The people in the developed countries whinge and grizzle - but they just pay more and continue to be fed. The losers are those who can not pay - and who go hungry.

The food discontent in the third world in making it's presence felt by demand for change - and riots. Much of the anarchy in Egypt started over food prices and there is every chance this will spread right through Africa and Asia.

In some places the unrest will lead to change of government, but in others it will result in a mass migration to other countries - where there are jobs - and food to be had.

Unfortunately, Australia seems to be the number one choice for most food migration people !

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