Monday 14 February 2011

A ray of hope !

The Egyptian revolution was different ! There was a tyrant in the seat of power - but no hugely commanding opposition leader waiting in the wings. In the end for sheer necessity the army took the levers of power.

So far the omens are favourable. The Egyptian armed forces have promised that they will respect the peace treaty with Israel and will lead the country towards democratic elections to form a civilian government.

The stumbling block could be religion. Egypt is a Muslim country with about a ten percent Coptic Christian content. Mubarek maintained a supposedly secular regime, but in recent times there have been church burnings and violence against this minority. Some Islamists may see the revolution as a means of installing a theocracy similar to Iran.

The Egyptian military has shown resolve and clear thinking. During all the turmoil they stood aside as neutral observers and let public sentiment run it's course. Let us hope that the enchantment that comes with absolute power does not turn heads - and create a new military dictatorship - as has happened in many newly emerged nations.

Egypt is now the key to the whole future of the Middle East - and it's array of Muslim countries. If it morphs into a democracy with religious tolerance it could well be the template to a bright new world.

The opposite is too horrible to contemplate !

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