Friday 28 January 2011

A total smoking ban !

There is still a grey area when it comes to the rules on smoking in outdoor dining areas. The law is sufficiently vague to allow a range of interpretations by individual proprietors. There are calls for a complete ban wherever food is served.

Only the old remember the days half a century ago when people wandered the aisles of supermarkets while smoking - and there were ash trays in banks, shops - and even doctor's waiting rooms.

There is no question that smoking is the cause of premature death - and that passive smoke is dangerous to others. The laws have been remorselessly tightened and it seems that the day is fast approaching when the only place a person can legally smoke will be on their own property.

Even that may have restrictions. We can no longer smoke while driving in our car if children are present. That law may be extended to a smoking ban within any dwelling that also contains children.

The creeping ban on places where we can not smoke is a huge incentive for people to quit. The percentage of people who smoke is constantly declining and now nicotine patches are being heavily subsidised to help those making a decision to quit to succeed.

Public opinion has definitely turned against the smoker, despite protests by the civil liberties people. A total ban on the sale or possession of tobacco may be a long way into the future, but if restrictions follow the present relentless path that can not be ruled out of the question.

Buying shares in tobacco companies may not be a good long term investment !

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