Monday 17 January 2011

The blame game !

We are having damaging floods in both Queensland and Victoria - and Green's leader Bob Brown claims that the coal mining companies should fund the recovery - because they caused the damage.

This politician is very selective in distributing the blame. He is silent on other forms of production that increase greenhouse gases and prefers to point the finger at an industry he wants to destroy - with no regard to the consequences that would deliver to our way of life.

If Bob Brown were to consult the history books he would find records of great floods that have afflicted mankind since the start of time. If he had a look in the Bible he would find mention of a guy named Noar - who built an Ark as a means of flood defence It would be interesting to know who Bob Brown would blame for that flood !

Increases in greenhouse gases probably did exacerbate storm events, but we all equally share in the good life that stems from reliable electricity and the freedom that cars confer on citizens. We have come a long way from the days when we lit our homes with candles and used horses for transport.

And just maybe people like Bob Brown and their green way of thinking could take some of the blame for these floods - because they opposed the construction of dams that would have retained much of the flood water - and reduced the damage.

Playing the blame game is dangerous. Like the proverbial boomerang - it can come back and hit you behind the ear !

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