Wednesday 28 July 2010

Sandon point - a lost cause !

It seems that no amount of lost court cases can convince those opposed to housing at Sandon point that they are pursuing a " lost cause ".

The " tent embassy" has been burnt down and resurrected - and now another epic fight has been lost in the Land and Environment court - and there is talk of taking the issue to the High court of Australia.

Court action is expensive - and what is never explained is just where the money comes from to finance all this court action.

Taking a case to the High court is well beyond a few well meaning people chipping in a few dollars for a good cause. It raises the suspicion that somewhere there is a hidden agenda - and that is financed by someone with very deep pockets.

It is about time the real reason for the opposition to Sandon point was made clear - and just where the money is coming from revealed !

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