Tuesday 13 July 2010

" Nanny state " laws !

There is constant friction between those people who believe in personal freedom and state legislators who insist we must protect people from themselves.

When we drive a car we must fasten a seat belt and refrain from speaking on a mobile phone. Ride a motorbike - or even an old push bike - and you need to wear a helmet to avoid a fine.

The list seems endless. Even a walk in the city involves waiting at the traffic lights for the signal to cross the road - and now the recreation of dropping a line in the sea to cash a fish for supper is under attack.

In the past ten years nine people drowned when washed off rocks while they were fishing. We already have a new law that requires children under twelve to wear life jackets when in any sort of boat - and all to wear life jackets when boating at night or in hazardous conditions. It is proposed that the compulsory wearing of life jackets be extended to all rock fisher folk !

To some that may seem a reasonable extension - but to others it is just one more restriction imposed by a " Nanny state " seeking to impose total control over it's citizens.

The state government has decided not to proceed with this plan. It is on the nose with the voters and an election looms - so controversy is to be avoided. Instead - the government will shell out $ 90,000 to provide another forty new " Angel Rings " to protect rock fisher folk washed into the sea.

Such compromise is the art of politics !

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