Saturday 17 July 2010

Death of a million trees !

If - as expected - the prime minister calls on the Governor General this morning and calls a Federal election - the scene will be set for the vast expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars to try and secure your vote !

During the course of the campaign your letterbox will be stuffed to overflowing with campaign material. Listen to radio or watch TV and you will be bombarded with political advertisements exhorting you to cast your vote for one of the major parties - or perhaps for one of the hopefuls inhabiting the fringe.

There will be debates. There will be public meetings in town halls. There will be rallies in public places. People will come knocking on your door to deliver a spiel.

In the end, the result will be delivered by a small number of people - those who actually are politically impartial and make up their minds after giving the issues due consideration.

For the rest, their vote will depend on into which family they were born !

Political alliance - just like religion - mostly depends on our early days brainwashing. Children absorb the political credo of their parents, just as the religion of those parents depend on which church they attend.

The pity of it all is that huge forests of trees will be turned into wood chip to feed the presses that will churn out political material that few will actually read.

Lets hope that those thinking few arrive at a wise conclusion !

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