Tuesday 5 January 2010

World's tallest - target ?

Fireworks and celebrations yesterday to mark the inauguration of the world's tallest building - the mighty 8I8 metre Burj Dubai in the Middle East desert kingdom.

This " skyscraper " will contain several hotels, commercial offices, apartment accommodation for 1044 families - and even a Mosque on the 158'TH floor. It is estimated that when fully complete it will be home or work for 12,000 people.

It must also rank as one of the world's most tempting targets for al Qaeda !

Osama bin Laden has never had scruples against killing Muslims. He only counts as " allies " those Muslims who share his brand of Islam - and even amongst them those who accept and follow his edict of jihad against all unbelievers.

The bin Laden brand condemns the Islamic world to a life of militant poverty, where women remain uneducated and unemployed - and men seek glory by bringing death to others by self immolation.

How offensive this gleaming skyscraper must be to him. It is a symbol of " modernity " - something he hates - and it is also a symbol of Islamic success by Muslims who accept the trappings of the western world - and have achieved this right in the heart of the Muslim world.

Just as the World Trade centre was the prime target for the start of his evil crusade, the Burj Dubai must be a structure he hopes to see crashing to the ground as the result of one of his plots.

That is something that must occupy the minds of all those who live, work or play in this magnificent building - with the hope that those defending it are equal to the task !

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