Sunday 3 January 2010

The communications " war " !

2010 looks like being the year that the war between " landline " and " mobile " hots up to fever pitch - and so far mobile is winning hands down.

There are some amazing offers from the mobile companies. For very little each month they will give you a whiz bang new mobile phone - and a hefty credit to make calls and send text messages. Each offer from a rival company is soon exceeded by it's competitors - and the phone user is the winner.

Not so with those who still have a landline phone.

The problem is Telstra. Telstra owns the copper wire that connects your home phone to the telephone exchange - and Telstra dictates what it will cost for each user of that service by way of monthly rental.

All the phone companies are stuck with this charge and as a consequence their approach is to bypass the landline system and promote mobile.

The thinking has changed. Once the equipment and system is in place the actual cost of making a call is not material. The equipment actually does the job automatically, hence if the cost of making calls is not an issue - the profit comes from getting you to connect to that owners network.

We are fast approaching the stage when owning a phone will be simply the network connection fee - and all calls and texts will be free.

And then there is the internet.

Because of that excessive Telstra landline fee the mobile people are pushing " wireless " as the way to go - and like mobile phone charges - this service is dropping in price almost daily.

It must be galling to those unfortunates who hold Telstra shares. Arrogance and an inability to read the market is making their company redundant !

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