Thursday 14 January 2010

Police pursuits !

The ultimate horror would be to have some criminal being pursued by the police crash into your car - resulting in the death of one of your family.

Exactly that has happened in recent days, plus several similar crashes that badly injured other innocent victims.

The New South Wales police union has suggested the introduction of a new law to inflict a mandatory prison sentence of three years on those who refuse to stop when ordered by police - and who instigate a police chase.

The strength of such a law would be the " mandatory aspect ". Those who deliberately take off in a car and try and escape would face a certain gaol term.

The law as it presently stands provides the magistrate with the ability to send an offender to gaol, but few do. Offenders put police and other motorists at risk in the knowledge that if they present a " sob story " they will most likely escape with a fine.

A mandatory gaol law will not prevent all police pursuits, but it will make some offenders stop and think. Someone who has just committed a shoplifting offence would be crazy to incur certain gaol when the police were onto him or her.

The imposition of such a law would take time to sink in, but once the media reports started to roll there is a good chance that even thinking about trying to outrun the police would become a negative thought.

Anyone who deliberately puts other drivers at risk of death or serious injury - deserves certain gaol time !

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