Tuesday 18 August 2009

University " Union fees ".

John Howard's previous government scrapped the compulsory " union fee " all students were forced to pay upfront. This financed a variety of " services ", many of which were not of interest to individual students - and many of which had political connections.

Howard merely made paying them " optional " - and as a result the majority chose not to join this union. Various functions financed by these levies were down graded or ceased, but life in general continued unabated in the university world.

Now the Rudd government is proposing to reinstate a compulsory levy, but not under the name " Union Fees ". Instead it will be called an " Administration Fee " - and $ 250 is being touted as the amount to be demanded.

The proposal is for the Administration fee to be used to provide child care facilities, fund the various clubs and sports within university life - and subsidise meals and the Unibar.

This proposal is vague as to who exactly will control these funds - and how they will be administered.

As in all walks of life, there is a tendency for a few strong willed individuals to seize control by using the general apathy, and once in control take that body in directions not popular with all. In the past when Union fees were compulsory this was often in political directions not favoured by many.

It also raises the question of personal choice. Should a childless university student be forced to supply child care for others - and should such compulsory funds be used to promote sports and fund activities of a social nature not of interest to the student ?

The Rudd government should approach this with caution. The university students delivered a strong opinion when these fees became optional - they overwhelmingly stopped paying them.

It is a fact of life that university students tend to have strong ideas on many issues - and often those ideas violently oppose the direction of government - nomatter which political party is in power.

Reintroducing a compulsory fee could invoke an adage that warns against " biting the hand that feeds it ! "

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