Saturday 15 August 2009

Death - and the law !

Perth man Christian Rossiter wants to die. He is a quadriplegic and is entirely reliant on carers for his every need. He can not wipe away a tear or scratch an itch - and his sustenance is delivered via a feeding tube directly to his stomach.

This week the Chief Justice of the West Australian court delivered a verdict that will allow him his wish. The Chief Justice set legal precedent when he determined that Mr Rossiter's carers can legally obey his wishes and cease the feeding process.

This case was brought about by the carers, concerned that their legal position was unclear and needing legal clarification to avoid uncertainty.

In one respect, this decision is humane. In another, it inflicts on Mr Rossiter a painful and lingering death, something that he could avoid if he had even a small amount of mobility.

Many will remember events of some decades ago when Bobby Sands and several other prisoners of the Maize prison in Northern Ireland chose to starve themselves to death rather than endure life imprisonment.

The media presented harrowing accounts of their wasted bodies and torment. Death by starvation is neither pleasant nor swift, but it seems to be the only solution available to a quadriplegic in Australia.

Strangely, we offer nothing better - but should a person inflict a similar fate on a dog or other animal we would be almost hysterical in our rage, and that offender would most likely see the inside of a gaol cell. We have a strange sense of priorities.

We claim to be a humanitarian country - but not as merciful as the Swiss or the Dutch. Mr Rossiter is weighing up his options after this verdict, and may instead choose to travel to Switzerland where he can be legally assisted in painlessly ending his life.

Our gutless politicians shy away from putting the question of assisted suicide to a referendum, fearful of the backlash from the churches that may remove their snouts from the gravy train.

That is a decision that rightfully belongs to the people of this country !

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