Friday 7 August 2009

The right to die !

A case will shortly go before the West Australian Supreme court to determine whether we have that most basic of personal decisions - the right to die !

Christian Rossiter, a 49 year old with total paralysis has asked his carers to cease feeding him. He is kept alive by way of a feeding tube and describes each day as a " living hell ".

Any able bodied person has the right to terminate their life. Decades ago this was a crime, but the courts have rescinded that law. The reason this appeal is going to court is the need of his carers to establish the legality of their actions if they cease feeding their patient.

While it is not illegal to terminate ones own life, it is a crime to assist in a suicide - and the carers need to know if agreeing to withhold food could be construed as so acting.

Switzerland permits assisted suicide in certain cases, as does several other countries and Dr Philip Nitschke, a right-to-die advocate has been pleading to have a similar merciful law applied here.

Opinion polls indicate that an overwhelming percentage of the population approve of such an idea, but as usual the opposition comes from the churches.

The politicians quail at the idea of putting that question to a referendum. Such is the power of the various religious bodies that a hysterical campaign could imperil their parliamentary seats - and in such cases self interest comes well before the wishes of their constituents.

We are a secular society. The moralistic attitude of the churches has brought misery and grief in many areas of human relations in past centuries. A much more open approach now prevails - and the right-to-die issue may be the last frontier.

Let us hope that the Supreme court has the courage to make a wise decision !

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