Friday 17 April 2009

Pirates !

Events off the coast of Africa are reaching a more serious stage. Pirates from Somalia have been successful in seizing ships and extracting huge ransoms for their release, but now the first deaths have occurred.

The Americans killed pirates threatening to kill one of their nationals, and the French rescued a yacht crew with the death of an innocent yachtsman - and the pirates who had seized the yacht.

It is a crucial turning point. For months a stalemate has ensured. The pirates have been scrupulously careful not to kill or injure captive crews - and the ransoms have been forthcoming precisely as demanded.

Now there is almost certainty that the pirates will move the game up a notch. Already an attempt was made to destroy - not capture - an American ship. Clearly a message from the pirates that they will not tolerate rescue attempts that kill their people !

These pirates are also rapidly increasing in sophistication. They are now using " mother ships " as a base to extend their ability to operate further from land, and the loot raised from ransoms is being used to buy faster attack boats and more sophisticated weapons.

There is no government in Somalia. The state descended into chaos and in effect the pirate gangs are a de facto government. If so, this is a government at war with the rest of the world !

If the government of a country permitted attacks on maritime trade by an unofficial navy there would be a reaction from the rest of the world. There would be a declaration of war and that country would come under attack.

That is precisely what is now needed against these pirates. There is no reason why the rest of the world should not conduct unrestricted war against Somalia - including destroying any vessels of any type moving from it's waters and laying waste to port and supply facilities serving these vessels.

Piracy was once the scourge of the seas. It almost disappeared in recent times and it must not be allowed to resurrect and destroy world trade. If Somalia is allowed to run a pirate kingdom unchecked - how long before other countries under financial stress follow suit ?

The decision is one of who rules the waves - the navies of the world - or pirates !

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