Wednesday 1 April 2009

Digital TV - Disappointment !

A lot of people advanced their buying decision on digital Television because of the advent of fifteen new, free to air channels - five of which were about to come on stream from this month.

The first started this week - but it can not be received in Wollongong.

What a disappointment to viewers living outside of Sydney to find that this new service will be limited to those in the metropolitan area - and what a slap in the face for sporting fans who have paid big money in anticipation of a sporting bonanza !

No doubt the TV people have intentions of sending the new channels country wide - when they get around to it. One of the limitations is the current economic meltdown. It is quite possible that the big money behind television will take a " wait and see " attitude - and monitor the impact of the new service in the city before spending a brass razoo on it's extension.

This is an area on which the Federal government should move. It was a previous government that forced the existing three networks to extent their coverage nationwide so that the majority of Australians were given a channel choice beyond just the local station and the ABC.

Remember the days when country TV started at 10 am - and closed at 10-30 in the evening ?

The recession could be the excuse for a return to the bad old days - if we let them get away with it.

Now is the time for those not living in the capital cities to be heard - loud and clear. And the first port of call should be the politicians.

Remember - those well fed people we elected to represent us and look after our interests !

It's about time they earned their keep !

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