Tuesday 16 October 2007

Trouble across the Tasman.

News that a group of people attended a terrorist training camp in New Zealand comes as something of a shock.
We tend to regard our neighbour across the Tasman in a similar light to Tasmania - a peaceful, slow pace of living place that is a few years behind the rest of the world.

It seems that the unrest is centred on the original inhabitants - the Maori tribes which have not yet fully integrated into white society, together with the usual mix of malcontents championing causes ranging from " save the whales " to the promotion of anarchy.

What is disturbing is that a cache of firearms was involved, and there are suggestions that a home made napalm bomb was tested. It is one thing to wave placards and hold public protests - but quite another when armed violence and terrorism is on the menu.

New Zealand has long been seen as an Antipodean extension of " England ". The population is of British descent and the country clings to so many English ways - even the police cars mimic the colours used in the UK. It would seem to be the last place on the planet prone to an outbreak of terrorism.

This problem should give Australia a reason to stop and think. We too have an indiginous population that is yet to be fully integrated into white society - and our past and present migration policies have resulted in ethnic groups with a past history of enmity towards each other.

Internal unrest is unavoidable in any such society, but keeping it under control is a problem that we will have to share with our New Zealand cousins. It would be unthinkable that the two best places in which to live on this planet could degenerate into armed insurrection and bomb throwing in public places.

If it takes a strong crackdown to keep the lid on that scenario - so be it !

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