Wednesday 31 October 2007

Inflation !

All levels of government constantly preach against the evils of inflation - and urge industry to exercise restraint and keep price increases to a minimum. It seems to be a case of " Do as I say - not do as I do ".

A litany of recent price increases are all associated with services provided by the government. Electricity is hiked miles above inflation, bus and train fares face a second big increase in just sixteen months - and just about every other fee and fine is showing an upwards trend.

Teachers in the TAFE system have called a strike - to protest at a nine percent increase in student's fess for the coming school year.

What an amazing example of creative thinking those who plan this price increase have shown. Unemployment generally is at a historic low but this is counter balanced by the highest youth unemployment in decades.

The country is desperately short of trades people - and yet the kids leaving school can't get a job - because they have no skills to offer.
So - what do we do ? We hike the cost of the very TAFE education that would provide those skills and for many - move it beyond their financial reach !

Governments throw subsidy money at all sorts of causes. Common sense would dictate that getting the kids into the workforce should be at the head of the list.
This is not the time to create further financial obstacles - but now would be a good time to completely abolish TAFE fees for a set period of time, expand the TAFE system to provide places for all who want to learn - and get the kids the skills they need to get a job and lift their self esteem.

The alternative is to leave them in the dole queue to settle into a life of idleness - and possibly crime - and become a lost generation !

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