Wednesday 10 October 2007

Our expanded naval forces.

Tenders have been let for two super ships to be built for the Royal Australian navy. HMAS Canberra and HMAS Adelaide will be a new breed, weighing in at 27,000 tonnes and capable of each carrying a thousand fully equipped troops with helicopter support, vehicles, artillery and all the necessary fuel and supplies to support them in the field.
They will also have a floating dock accommodating four watercraft for landing purposes - and each ship will have a fully equipped hospital with two operating theatres. The cost will run to $ 3.1 billion.

Those who oppose any form of military spending will be critical, but we live in a fast changing world and these new additions - due in 2013 - will give added capacity to project power beyond our shores.
It is obvious that the design of the new vessels is aimed at being able to put a military force ashore and maintain them under combat conditions. Critics will argue that we face no discernible military threat - so why the expenditure of such a huge sum ?

There is no imminent threat of invasion on the horizon, but there is every chance that we will be called upon to intervene as our near neighbours degenerate into failing states.
This has already happened in the case of the Solomon Islands and East Timor. Small, island economies which were once colonies of the great powers are finding it hard to create a vibrant economy without industries or raw materials. In most cases they have looked to tourism but this has failed due to lack of funds to develop the necessary infrastructure.

As their economies wind down to subsistence level there is a chance that for sheer survival they may turn to drug cultivation - or fall victim to the enticement of terrorist groups who offer support in exchange for a secure base for their operations.

Australia does not look to become the policeman of the southern Pacific, but we would be wise to have the infrastructure in place to offer help when one of the neighbouring island communities asks for it. In that respect, these two ships are a step in the right direction !

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