Saturday 16 January 2021

Impeachment !

 The world watched high drama taking place in America when the vote for impeachment of the President took place in the Capitol building ringed  with National Guard troops in full battle order.  Trump had the magnetism to convince his hard core followers that his claim that the November election was rigged against him was a conspiracy and had stormed the building in a bid to keep him in office.

The  aftermath is clear.  Donald Trump will be recorded in the history books as an aberration.  Like his predecessor, Richard Nixon, he broke the law and was driven from office despite dividing the nation along political lines.

This impeachment will prevent him carrying out his threat to stand again for President in four years time.  He may still have a degree of backing by redneck supporters, but that impeachment makes him ineligible to throw his hat into the ring again and once he steps from office it is quite possible that he may face court action over his tax returns and questionable business activities.

Donald Trump was reputed to be a billionaire and the family fortune was invested heavily in major landmark buildings and golf courses.  The public is now walking away from using those assets as their way of showing dissent and this throws a question mark over future profitability.

This Trump impeachment will bring necessary change to Americas.  The country that was so vocal against apartheid in South Africa has its own barriers against people of colour.   They are restricted in where they may live and work, and in any confrontation with the police they are likely to be shot and killed.  It is rare for police to face charges when that happens.

There is a growing white supremacist movement in the United States, which Donald Trump encouraged.  Trump supported world leaders who ruled by force and ignored the democratic process.  America is in competition with China for world trade leadership and the support of other regimes will be important in deciding that issue.

For many decades, America was the leader of the free world.  When Trump first took office, he turned his back on those obligations and America was consumed by self interest.  Our planet is facing ecological disaster from a rising temperature and climate change and it is important that the great powers work in tandem if this is to be circumvented.

Basically, Trump's removal brings a new beginning.  The days of the same old faces being returned, election after election is giving way to a challenge from the rank and file who are wearied by the political impasse that has blocked all and every form of progress.  Hopefully, we may see a lot more " across the aisle " cooperation in the future.

Thankfully, America may be turning back to the nation we followed and trusted before the Trump phenomenon changed everything !

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