Monday 26 March 2018

This " Politically Correct " World !

Australia was never a society that embraced " arranged marriages "  as is the custom in many parts of Asia.  Those were the days when most romances followed a very predictable pattern.  A young couple were deemed to be " going steady "  until one day a ring was produced and they announced " an engagement ".   That was regarded as big news in social circles and the families were deeply involved in planning the wedding.

In todays " try before you buy " society, engagements along official lines are becoming a rarity and it is much more likely that the couple will simply move in together and ignore the custom of the marriage ceremony.  Production of children without the sanctity of marriage is no longer unusual and we live in a world of changing family values.  Many new world families are a mix of relationships as a consequence of many failed attempts at a lasting union.

Of course this is deplored by the churches who still the preach the doctrine of monogamy and insist that marriage is forever.  The creation of the " Family Court "  and the concept of " no fault " marriage dissolution eased the misery of failed relationships forced to maintain appearances by the customs of an unforgiving society.

We are now a " politically Correct " society.  How we speak and how we react is strictly governed by protocol.  Gone are the days when a pretty girl walking down the street could expect to be greeted by a wolf whistle.  It is no longer acceptable to compliment either gender on their choice of clothes or hairstyles.  At a time when the tenets of the old order have been abandoned we have many in this new society who have difficulty in finding a mate.

Many decades ago Saturday night was " dance night ".  From cities to country towns a lot of places had a venue where a dance night was held and young men could approach women and ask them to join them on the dance floor.  Many a relationship started in this way, but today it has been replaced by the club scene where casual approaches are frostily rejected. People with a shy or reserved nature find this discouraging.

What is surprising is the number of men and women who are turning to  " introduction agencies " in desperation.   This is really a return to the old " Matchmaker " of yesteryear who connived with families to marry off reluctant sons and daughters who it was feared would be " left on the shelf ". They were skilled in arranging introductions without the beneficiaries being aware of their ministrations.

Todays introduction agencies are purely money making enterprises.  Some genuinely try and match couples but others simply present a list of " availables " and leave it to the client to make a move.
The client listings cover all age groups and in many cases persistent users find that the service costs them a lot of money.

Perhaps that old adage that " a faint heart never won a fair lady "  applies to either age, but political correctness is the impediment which is now not making things any easier !

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