Saturday 17 March 2018

Integrity !

It is most unusual for a person holding one of the nation's most important security functions to be terminated without facing court and having the matter dealt with in the full glare of the media, but Roman Quaedvlieg was head of the Australian Border Force which is responsible for policing entrances to this country and the grounds for his sacking was a breach of integrity.

It is evident that making that decision was taken at the highest level of government.  In fact it took no less an authority that the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove to use the powers of his office to legally terminate the appointment and that was after he was stood down for ten months on full pay because of his decisions which undermined his capacity to continue as ABF Commissioner.

It seems that love and personal relationships were responsible for Commissioner Quaedvlieg losing his $620,000 a year job.   It is alleged that he changed recruitment procedures to get his girlfriend a security position at Sydney airport and failed to declare his relationship with this woman.  These lies alerted the law enforcement watchdog.  Interception of messages revealed that the Commissioner had left his wife and started a new relationship with this woman, and he was in a position to influence the selection of a candidate for employment.

Perhaps this is an indication of changing times.  Of all jobs, that of Commissioner in a law enforcement capacity has the potential to deliver great reward if it is misused and over the decades several state police commissioners have left office in disgrace.  It has been proven evident that when the boss of a police force is less than squeaky clean, then lesser ranks become susceptible to lining their own pockets by using the power at their disposal.

This may seem like a minor indiscretion.  In the commercial world the " old boys network " is often used to get the son or daughter of an influential citizen to the head of the queue in job selection and that is rarely questioned.  Some would see that as one of the perks of attaining high office, but the men and women who work in border security are at the very forefront of our defences against drug importation.  A few kilos of many substances can deliver a reward of millions of dollars and that is sufficient to justify enormous bribes to turn a blind eye.

Roman Quaedvlieg made a serious error of judgement - and he has paid a high price for it.  The decision will send shock waves through the higher echelons of other police forces and help curb temptation.  We expect honesty and integrity at all levels when we make contact with police and generally this is forthcoming.  It is comforting to know that checks and balances are in place and today integrity levels reach even into the Commissioners office !

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