Tuesday 15 August 2017

Creating a " Favela " !

A few days ago the state government and the Sydney council reached an agreement in which a tent city of homeless people in Martin Place was dismantled and its residents dispersed.  At the time, it was claimed that alternative accommodation had been found for those so obviously conducting " street theatre " to bring the plight of the homeless to the public and create a political issue to motivate the politicians.

Many people greeted the arrival of council trucks to remove the campers with a sigh of relief.  Martin Place is the hallowed site of our war memorial and while the camp was scrupulously orderly it was an act of civil disobedience.  Shopkeepers who pay big rent and earn their living in Martin Place had traffic diverted and the public was prevented from using this thoroughfare as a normal part of the city.

Sadly, it seems that about a dozen of the sixty who set up camp in the city centre have reverted to sleeping rough in surrounding areas.  Individual reasons why they have left the temporary accommodation provided are varied but it is also a fact that every day there are newcomers without shelter either living in their cars or finding a spot in a doorway or under one of the road overpasses.

One of the reasons that tent city was so popular - was the safety aspect.   There is safety in numbers, both from the low life types who would think nothing of bashing or robbing the destitute, to the police who issue " move on " orders.   There is constant pressure from city merchants to have the police clear away those who use businesses closed at night as a refuge and sometimes leave unwelcome calling cards when it reopens in the morning.

The obvious answer is to set aside a venue where the homeless could set up camp with safety and which would allow charities to concentrate their efforts to provide relief - but that is anathema to the authorities.   There is the fear that it would quickly become " permanent " and form the base of a growing " Favela " !

In many parts of the world " Favela " is another word for what others call a " Slum ".   The homeless build crude shelters our of whatever they can find - tin, timber, cardboard - bits of plastic sheet - and over time this evolves into a permanent suburb of awesome dimensions.  Residents tap into stolen electricity and water supplies and usually it is crime ridden and ruled by gangs.

A Favela can take on a life of its own.  In some cities they are so well established that they are constantly modernized and have their own rules and ordinances, ruled over by criminal elements. They are " no go " areas for the police and often pose a huge fire risk for the residents.  They accumulate power and strike fear into the governments which lack the ability to bring them under control.

That is the situation facing the government of this state.   The homeless are scattered and disorganized - and the state prefers them to stay that way.   That tent city was a wakeup call. Obviously setting up camp in Martin Place was a temporary show of force, but what if they select a park or somewhere inconspicuous and defy efforts for removal ?

That is a manageable risk while the numbers are small, but should we encounter another economic downturn that swelled the housing crisis we could have a situation that quickly ran out of control. The government would be wise to take the homeless situation seriously.  If it is ignored it can quickly take on a life of its own !

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