Tuesday 27 June 2017

Ducking the Issue !

There is an expectation that the various levels of government - Federal, State and local councils - will scrupulously obey the law.  A glaring example of how and why that is not happening concerns an address in one of Sydney's most fashionable suburbs.  Anyone thinking of buying a home in Hunters Hill would expect to pay a multi-million dollar price tag.

7-9 Nelson Parade, Hunters Hill is a vacant block of land.  Many decades ago this was the site of a small manufacturing business that resulted in the ground becoming contaminated with lead, arsenic, petroleum residue - and low level - but very dangerous - radioactive matter.

This is like a ticking time bomb in the middle of Sydney.  The contamination took place over a hundred  years ago and eight years ago - following an enquiry - parliament ordered that it be cleaned up.   The site owner is the government's own " Property New South Wales " and this clean up order was reinforced in 2014 by a directive from the Environment Protection Authority.  Absolutely nothing has been even started.

As a result, surrounding properties are subjected to contaminated dust blowing about by the wind and because it is steeply sloping land, water run off leaches into the Parramatta river, where people swim and fish.  All levels of government seem to be in breach of their own legislation.

The reason given for this lack of action highlights yet another government failing.   Work has not commenced because there simply is no gazetted reception site to which the contaminated soil can be relocated.   Despite repeated enquiries and many false starts we are no closer now to establishing a national repository for this nations nuclear waste - and we have an entire continent at our disposal.

The ticking of that particular time bomb is getting louder.   Apart from the used fuel rods from our nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights, the amount of isotopes and nuclear contaminated material used in hospitals becomes greater each year and this is stored away in countless lightly protected sites, awaiting removal when a permanent security dump is established.

It is the usual NIMBY problems.  Whatever site is proposed inevitably draws a screaming crowd of nay sayers who vigorously and vocally protest.  Both sides of politics have had their time in office and both have failed to be decisive with this issue.  It has become the proverbial " hot potato "  threatening to burn the fingers of all who address the problem.

It is not possible to keep ducking this issue indefinitely.  When a site is finally chosen it will generate flak from those living nearby - and relief from those who might otherwise have had to contend with in in their area.   That is something governments have to accept - and in this instance it is a decision that is long overdue !

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