Wednesday 21 June 2017

A " Religious " War !

The aim of Islamic State was the same as its forerunner - al Qaeda - to unite the Islamic people of the world in a war against what they termed " the Infidels " and impose their extreme version of that religion  on the people of all nations by force.   The tactics they chose to achieve that end was the use of terror.

They have been very successful in using the western world's social media to recruit and radicalize young people with pliable minds to their cause. In some cases they succeed in having westerners convert to Islam while they inflame their own people with the need to engage in jihad as a religious necessity.   They detest Muslims who practice Islam in a secular manner.

This is a declared war and its leaders take cover within the insurrection taking place within the borders of Syria and Iraq. Their operations have devolved into urging followers in western countries to launch " lone wolf " attacks using whatever weapons they can gather.   This seems to have mainly taken the form of motor vehicles - and knives.   This has resulted in atrocities in France and Germany, and now in England.

Unfortunately, it seems that someone has taken " the bait " and a white non-Muslim deliberately drove a van into a crowd of Muslim worshippers leaving a Mosque in London.  Ten people were injured, some very badly and one person died at the scene.  The forty-eight year old white man driving the van was heard shouting " I want to kill all Muslims ".   He was held by the crowd until police arrived and arrested him.

It is very important that this man receive exactly the same treatment and punishment as Muslims caught during terror events.  It would not serve our interests well if whining civil rights lawyers managed to use " mental illness "  excuses to justify a light sentence.  If anything, the sheer stupidity of replying to terror - with terror - should justify an additional ten percent added to whatever sentence is imposed.

Of all countries, England has good reason to remember the barbarity that is possible when religions collide.   There were decades when " the Troubles " in  Ireland saw sane and deeply religious people on both sides of the sectarian divide resort to a level of savagery last seen in the dark ages.  Bombs in shopping queues maimed innocent women and children and innuendo was sufficient for people to " disappear " without trace.   It is only in very recent times that they have learned to live together again - in relative peace.

It is hoped that the British government has the good sense to implement measures that are " seen to be an adequate response ".   Bollards to protect crowds on streets near Mosques would be reassuring and all eyes will be on the court system.   A little common sense will go a long way to maintaining trust between Muslims and non-Muslims.

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