Thursday 25 December 2014

A Peaceful World ?

Christmas Day !   In much of the world little kids wake to see what Santa Claus brought them during the night.   People give one another presents - and that meal on Christmas day seems to be an extravangza of food.   It is the one day of the year when all the shops are firmly shut - and yet in the rest of the world it is just another day.

Some people in a reflective mood engage in "what if " thoughts.  What if this world had just one commonly held religion  ?  That would certainly shut down a lot of religious wars - and we could cobble together the good bits that do have some sort of agreement to create a religion that covers all bases.  It would probably resemble that old alliteration than a "camel is a horse designed by a committee "- but surely it would be better than the mess we have now.

Another great point of contention are the lines drawn on maps that supposedly define national boundaries.  In most cases they are a throw back to the colonial era.  An explorer from a European country was the first to arrive in some part of the world, planted a flag on the beach and claimed it in the name of his king or emperor.  It rubbed up against the find of some other country's explorer - and that became the boundary between competing colonies.

"What if " the United Nations declared all national boundaries invalid - and gave all the citizens of this world a ten year period to freely move and select where they chose to spend the rest of their lives ?   That wouldn't probably work.   Some parts of planet earth are vastly more desireable than others and the people who have the good luck to already live there would certainly resent an inflow of others - and fight to preserve their living space.

What about a common language ?   Surely the ability to communicate should help iron out many world problems.  English seems well on the way of filling that void.   It is certainly the "commercial language " - and have you noticed that in the wide array of sport the winners today always seem to give a gracious acceptance speech in accented English ?   English is also the required language for those who fly and direct the aviation industry.

Then there is the question of colour.   Less than a century ago the intermarriage between whites and blacks was not only uncommon, it was illegal in many countries.  Times have certainly changed and it seems likely that several centuries from now the colour of planet earth may have diverged to a light brown.  It seems certain that people of small stature will become taller with access to more plentiful food and national characteristics will blend as genetic integration proceeds.   The really big question is whether this assimilation will breed a more harmonious race of people ?

That brings up the matter of population - and our ability to feed the ever growing number of new world citizens ?  The resources of planet earth are finite and we are already squabbling about water rights and the mix of mining and agriculture.  Surely sanity must prevail !   Unfortunately, the greatest population surges are occurring in the regions that can least afford to feed and educate it's young people.   Those hungry and illiterate are usually angry people - and that anger usually finds release in trying to take from others what they deem to be lacking in their lives.

It is a sobering thought on Christmas day to reflect that the former white races of Europe have for centuries dominated this world.   We seem to be entering an age of equality.  Countries considered poor and backward are gaining industry and competing with the old world order and the future looks like a much more homogenized planet.

Now "if only " the world has the wisdom to put aside it's differences of religion and clash of cultures  and meld the supply of goods on a rational basis to spread prosperity.    That would be possible if world leaders could find the foresight to integrate supply and demand to the national ability of member countries to contribute.   Unfortunately, common sense usually comes a long way second to national aspirations !

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