Thursday 16 October 2014

Stopping the "Cringe " !

Many of the citizens of this country are going to be hopping mad this morning.   It seems that Woolworths has pulled a popular T shirt from their shelves after tweets that describe it as a "racist singlet ".   It simply featured the Australian flag - and the slogan "If you don't love it - leave ".

There seems to be a concentrated campaign from the far left of politics to denigrate the Australian flag and everything that is an emblem of the type of people we are - and what makes the Australian lifestyle unique.  We seem to be encouraged to adopt some sort of  "cringe " to avoid offending the sensibilities of newcomers to this country.   Any sort of criticism is eagerly promoted on social media and the fact that what many would describe as a "wholesome message "was a big feature of it's withdrawal from sale on a Greens Facebook page.

Christmas is fast approaching, and once again there will be calls for Christmas decorations to be muted.  Kindergartens are discouraged from having nativity displays for fear of offending those of other religions.  The playing of Christmas carols in shopping centres is now frowned upon and it is notable that  there are some attempts to actually rename "Christmas " as some sort of summer holiday event.

Many true blue Australians were offended to hear that a body corporate had banned the flying of an Australian flag at an apartment block.  It was thought to be "controversial "- and could offend others and attract some sort of physical retribution.  This body corporate was within the legality of it's charter, but what a message to send.   We are too afraid of offending others to display our own national flag.

Perhaps the ultimate insult was the order to Australian servicemen and servicewomen not to wear this country's uniform when off base.  It was thought that the sight of an Australian uniform could so upset the sensibilities of those who supported overseas terrorism that it might provoke a physical attack.  Even school cadets were banned from wearing their uniforms in public.

It seems that we have the farcical situation of Australia being the preferred destination for vast numbers of the world's dispossessed who were prepared to risk death in leaky boats to reach our shores, and yet when they reach here and gain sanctuary - they immediately demand we change our way of life and adopt their customs.  The solemn pledge they make to gain their citizenship certificate is instantly dismissed - and those of our political left support their demands.

Perhaps the problem is simply that we Australians are bending over backwards to be sociable - and paying far too much attention to the endless criticism coming from that strange mix of Greenies, Anarchists, lapsed Communists - and the general range of loonies who make up the raving mix from the far left of politics.

One of the bogies they have contrived is a fear of Islam.    They seem to have convinced us that the entire Muslim population of Australia is about to launch anarchy and mayhem on the rest of Australia - and the only way to prevent the onslaught is to cave in to their demands.   Reality presents a very different story.  The vast majority of Muslims living here are happy to practice their religion and dread the small minority in their midst making all the noise and constantly harping on the very reasons they fled their original countries.

There is no doubt that this group contains some very dangerous people, and it is likely that some will resort to violence at the urging of overseas terror leaders. Two police officers were attacked by just such a jihadist - and that is a price we will have to pay because of the nature of the revolt that is fracturing the Islamic world.  A power struggle within the Muslim world is being enacted on the world stage and it is inevitable that some in our Islamic community will choose to fight that battle here.

It is frightening when we see a screaming mob of protesters waving placards and smashing cars and shop windows as they progress through city streets, but their numbers are small in comparison with the Australian Muslim community - and many in that group are unwilling participants under pressure from jihadists to put in an appearance - or face retribution from hostile Imams preaching at their mosque.

It's time to stop the cringe.  It's time to stop being over sensitive and caving in to every bleat from the apologists of left wing politics.  It's time that T shirt went back on the shelves at Woolworths - and it's time we wore it with pride.

We need laws in place to assist the security services to control the zealots intending to break our laws and we need to accept the consequences that those laws will impose on our convenience and way of life.  This is a fight the jihadists are determined to bring to our shores and it will not be avoided by a policy of non-confrontation.   The more we back down - the greater will be the demands - and the threats that go with them.

It is time we recognised the Australian flag - as our battle ensign !

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