Thursday 21 August 2014

The Rant !

It seems strange that politicians in New South Wales are falling like ninepins for the sin of accepting  illegal funding donations from developers and yet a billionaire whose business interests will be critically affected by the laws passed in Federal parliament is quite free to be not only a member of that parliament, but head a political party that holds the balance of power in the Senate.

At a time long ago it was the custom for those elevated to the ministry to stand aside from business interests which might come into conflict with the portfolio they were destined to lead.  That was the normal sacrifice required of those who chose to enter public life as a servant of the people.  They were also required to observe a degree of decorum and choose their words carefully when making public comment.

This weeks rant by Clive Palmer on the ABC show Q&A broke all the rules and he managed to alienate our  biggest trading partner.  He accused China of " shooting their own people ", lacking a justice system, seeking to take over Australia " - and referred to them as " Mongrels " and " bastards " !

It just so happens that Palmer is in conflict with his Chinese trading partner over $ 12 million that CITIC Pacific claims that the billionaire used to finance the successful launch of the Palmer United Party ( PUP ) which he heads.  This will be settled in the courts and it would normally be expected that a dispute of this nature would be quarantined away from public office held by one of the adversaries.  In many minds, Palmer's tirade seemed to tar the Communist Chinese government and the dispute with the same brush.

There is no doubt that this  stoush will colour the thinking of other nations developing trade links with Australia.   The PUP Senate balance of power issue will certainly be noted when they asses the chances of enabling legislation passing through the parliament - and Palmer's personal attitudes will be taken into account when making such decisions.   It is unlikely that this rant will deliver in our favour.

Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie added to the discord by going on talkback radio and demanding that Australia arm itself with missiles to prevent our grandchildren becoming " slaves " from a Chinese Communist invasion.   Few would take this suggestion seriously,  but it will certainly get an airing on Chinese media.

The Senator seems to have applied what is often called the " Hollywood Syndrome " to her sudden elevation in status.   That requires each mornings newspaper to be eagerly scanned - and if no mention of the person can be found - it is deemed an absolute " disaster ".    Fame requires the holder to be the centre of attention - and it doesn't matter what reason is involved.   This same syndrome applies to sporting figures, and often there is a very thin line between fame - and infamy.

Years ago Pauline Hanson used the same tactic to hog the headlines.   Make an outrageous statement - and sit back and watch the talk shows and bloggers devour the " meat " provided.   When all else fails, the celebrity usually falls back on some sort of nude romp.

Hopefully, we may be spared that !

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