Wednesday 13 August 2014

A new " 100 Years War " !

Religious differences have always been a reason for humans to kill one another.  Back in the years of spears and stone throwing one tribe would cheerfully kill another because of claims that their " God " was better than the one the other tribe worshipped.   The history books recount the epic battles of the Crusades when Christian armies clashed with Muslims for the " Holy Land " and it's capital of Jerusalem.   There were six Crusades from 1095 to 1291 - and then things settled down for a few centuries.

Holy war did not end in the Middle Ages.   Many of the wars of Europe were instigated by the Roman Catholic Church trying to roll back the " Reformation " and reimpose it's mandate across that part of the globe.   Eventually, Christianity settled into a semi peaceful coexistence and Islam went through an age of culture, science and philosophy.   The wars that erupted were no longer religion inspired, but concerned with spreading empire and dominion - and the modern quest for wealth.

Once again religion has raised the banner of war - and this time it seems a clash that brooks no quarter.   The Wahhabi  doctrine that was first espoused by Osama bin Laden erupted out of Saudi Arabia and has now been refined by it's adherents to call for the extermination of all who do not immediately conform to it's standard of conduct.   This doctrine calls for Islamic purity and bestows draconian punishment on those who fail to meet standards. Beheading and stoning to death are the punishment for infringement that we in the west see as minor matters.

What is strange is the spread of this new Islamic ferocity.  It is popping up under a plethora of names in many parts of the world.  Boko Haram.   ISIS.   Wherever Sunni Islam has adherents it seems that young men are calling for Jihad and spreading death and destruction against anyone not scrupulously following the teachings they follow.   This " terror " is widening in Africa, the Middle East - and fast spreading to the countries which are referred to as " the West ".

It seems that a new era of religious intensity is opening and the world is about to experience ever widening Jihad.    The fact that this new religious fervour has managed to establish a Caliphate encompassing parts of Syria and Iraq gives it substance from which to organise and provide a base.  Idealistic young men from many parts of the world are travelling to this war centre with the intention of launching Jihad on the rest of the world.

There is the threatening prospect that we may be entering a new " Hundred years war " and that moderate Islam may be confronted with a choice that many will be loath to reject.   The Jihadists preach that Islam is under attack and many with strong religious feelings may feel compelled to answer that call.   A pattern is emerging.   This Jihadist army remains underground and delivers bombings and acts of terror to enhance their cause.   It seems likely that this will be a scenario that will be inflicted on the great cities of western civilization.

Once more the issue of religion splits the world.   There is something about the issue of religious faith that condones the worst excesses when religions come into conflict.   What is being inflicted on those conquered by the ISIS caliphate seems beyond comprehension.   Captured soldiers are being beheaded and their wives sold into slavery.  Even young children are being tortured - and buried alive.   The mantra of converting to Islam - or being prepared to die is the only choice offered.    Religion trumps humanity !

Sadly, there seems little prospect of sanity prevailing.   Just when it seemed that religion was fast fading into the background as the dominant force in people's lives, it has made a resurgence -  and with an intensity that belies belief.   Just as during the last great world war, the citizens of many countries learned to live with the nightly bombing raid on their cities, it seems that we of the twenty-first century are going to learn to live with acts of Jihad terror in our communities.

Such is the draw of intensity of religion on the human mind, that this new religious war may last for a century !

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