Saturday 26 April 2014

Sending a message !

Occasionally a film producer manages a great scene that sticks in the mind of viewers and becomes something of a legend.  Many regard the final scene from " Thelma and Louise " as such a classic, depicting Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis holding hands as they deliberately gun their car over the edge of the Grand Canyon and choose death rather than  prison.

Another classic generated a remark often quoted very tongue in cheek.   In " The Godfather ", Mafia boss Don Corleone is angered at the refusal of his request and suggests he will " make an offer he can't refuse ".   As a result, the offending person awakes to find the bloodied head of his champion racehorse sharing his bed.

The Sydney underworld either has a sense of humour - or someone is in very deep trouble.   A resident of the western suburbs was startled to hear noises outside his home in the wee small hours and went to investigate.    He found the windscreen and side windows of his vehicle smashed - and a bloodied horses head on the bonnet.

The police are investigating and media comment suggests that this may have been " a drug deal that went wrong ".   It is certainly symptomatic of the unrelenting wave of crime washing over the Sydney drug scene and the involvement of criminal bikie gangs.    The gun culture is very much alive and well in this twenty-first century and some compare it to the " bootlegger " days of Chicago during prohibition - back in the early days of the twentieth century.

Fortunately, the victims seem to be mainly mobsters eliminating competitors rather than members of the public suffering harm.   It seems that the supply of guns comes from both illegal imports - and local gun factories that are even churning out automatic weapons.    The problem is that drug profits are so huge that we are seeing the clash of virtual " armies " fighting for their share of the market.

Don't expect improvements anytime soon  !      The first rule of commerce applies.   Whenever their is demand, supply will inevitably follow.    It is a fact of life that huge numbers of otherwise honest citizens crave drugs - and are prepared to break the law to gain supply.

Perhaps the fact that the Americans closed down open gang warfare by repealing prohibition may be a point to ponder in tackling our crime problems !

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