Friday 25 April 2014

Remembering " The Great War " !

A century ago events in Europe spun out of control and the first shots were fired in what was called " the First World War ".  It was a titanic clash that consumed millions - and it changed the world as we knew it.  Today, visitors to the battlefields are numbed by the sheer magnitude of war cemeteries that stretch for miles. This was a slaughter that caused some to refer to it as " the Great War " , while others thought it would be the " War to end Wars ".

It didn't !    Twenty years on, we were at it again.   This time we were more mechanised and far less men in uniform died, but war had moved onto a new front.  Civilians died in their thousands as cities on both sides became bombing targets.   Starvation became a weapon of war,  and unspeakable acts of savagery were common in the quest for victory.

The only conclusions that can be drawn is that civilization is no more advanced now than it was back in the " Dark Ages ".   When events lead to war, the veneer of reason and respectability peels away and we are capable of reverting to the baser instincts that some would describe as " savages ".

As we pause to remember the centenary of the Great War, events are inflicting death and destruction  between living human beings in countless bloody conflicts around the globe.   The killing is going on in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Sudan, Egypt - and the people of Ukraine are facing an army massing on their borders.

Many recent wars have concluded.   The Rwandan genocide has ended and that country is slowly reverting to normal.  Sri Lanka fought a war that lasted decades and the losers are still counting the cost - and leaving the country in droves to avoid reprisals.    Anyone who thinks the world is at peace - must be an optimist !

The question in many people minds - is what does the future hold ?   Australia is not looking to enlarge it's borders or seeking territorial conquest.   We are a peaceful nation and pose no threat to our neighbours - but we live in a dangerous world.

If war threatens Australia it will be from the aspirations of others.   A wise statesman once counselled that " if you hope for peace - prepare for war " - and that was sound advice.   A strong defence structure deters aggression by others.

That provides logic for spending billions of dollars to ensure that our fighter aircraft are at the cutting edge of the technology needed to defend this nation - and hopefully - make a potential enemy think twice !

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