Wednesday 26 February 2014

Cyber Bullying !

The untimely death of media celebrity Charlotte Dawson has shone the spotlight on what are termed " Trolls " and their use of the Internet to post derogatory comment on users of social media.   It is called " Cyber Bullying " - and when it results in depression that leads to suicide it has to be taken seriously.

The benefits conferred by the development of the Internet are huge.   It is now hard to imagine life without it, but as with most new innovations it comes with both benefits and liabilities.  Smart minds saw the communication potential of the Internet and social media programmes such as Facebook burst onto the scene - and were slavishly adopted by millions of people.

All over the world huge numbers of people report daily - and in some cases hourly - such mundane matter as  what they had for breakfast and what clothes they will be wearing that day.  Postings on social media are regarded as conversations between friends, but they are open to the entire world - and it should not be surprising that they stir the ire of some other Internet users.

Jealousy and greed are part of the human makeup.  The entire social media panoply covers people who are famous for their achievements - and even former friends who may have become enemies because of a social tiff.   Here is an anonymous instrument that allows a detractor to post comment that hurts - and get the satisfaction of wielding power from the shadows.   For some who lead mundane lives, this is the ultimate extension of the power of retribution.    The ability of a little nobody - to detract and cast down the powerful with a mighty weapon.

This brings together a number of sharply contrasting factions.   We value the principle of " free speech " and defend the media against censorship - and yet we also demand that social media take down offensive attacks against media users.   That raises the definition of " offensive ".   The thin skinned object to even the mildest criticism.  There are laws against defamation - but the defamer must be recognised to be prosecuted - and the truth of the accusation is usually the biggest defence.

Social media has been slow to react to complaints, but it has taken down comment when the subject matter has been extreme.   It would be impossible to create a filter that would please everybody and fortunately there are helpful organizations like " Beyond Blue " to offer help and counsel to those distressed to the point of suicide.

Perhaps the greatest defence against cyber bullying - is the oldest remedy in the world.   Simply cease to log on to the social media site that is the source of the offensive comment - and ignore it.    The cyber bully gets satisfaction from the distress caused - and when there is no distress - there is no satisfaction. !

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