Wednesday 12 October 2011

Compulsory student union fees !

In 2006 John Howard's government removed the compulsory nature of student union fees and made them voluntary.   Predictably, the vast majority of university students opted out - and the universities have been able to deliver quality education without them ever since.

It took a long time for the Socialist government in Canberra to pass legislation to restore that " compulsory " requirement to join a union, but it is now back in place and the University of Wollongong is about to propose a $ 263 union fee from next year.    It has yet to decide if the full fee will be charged, and how this will affect temporary students and those taking external courses.

Union fees were always a contentious issue.   The money gained was used to subsidise services such as the price of meals in the university cafeteria, child minding facilities, sporting clubs, a student newspaper - and in many cases - political activities.

The sticking point for many was the compulsory nature of paying money for services they did not want or need - and in particular - the use of that money to support an aspect of politics with which they did not agree.
In principle, joining any sort of union is supposed to be voluntary, but the nature of compulsory union fees smacked of the " closed shop " approach.

So - we are going back to square one.

Those of limited means trying to get a university education will be hit with  another financial impost, and the period when joining the student union was voluntary clearly indicated the wishes of the majority of students.
This voluntary decision making did not agree with socialist philosophy - which contends that everybody should be forced to join some sort of union.

So far, this new regime change has passed with little comment.   Expect it to become a much bigger issue early next year - when students start to sign up for their courses - and find an outstretched hand waiting for that $ 263 fee !

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