Friday 2 September 2011

Not a vote of confidence !

The Australian Labor party ( ALP ) must wonder what else can go wrong.   On Saturday two Illawarra councils face the voters - and yesterday an endorsed ALP candidate for Shellharbour made a public statement saying " People would be crazy to vote Labor ".    He went on to say  :" They don't really want to change because it's all about power and control ".

Tim Banfield is in number four place on the five member ALP ticket.  Many will say that this is " sour grapes " because he hoped to be placed higher on the ticket - but whatever the reason it is hardly a vote of confidence that will impress voters.

We certainly live in uncertain times.   Yesterday a rumour was running rife in this area that Prime Minister Julia Gillard was " so shattered " by the High court's ruling on the Malaysia solution that she was thinking of stepping down as prime minister and sitting on the back bench.

According to the scuttlebutt, this created absolute panic amongst the ALP front bench people - because nobody wanted to take over her job.   The ALP " brand " is viewed as so tarnished that whoever sits in the prime minister's chair is doomed to lead the party to defeat - and oblivion of the unfortunate leader at that time.

The rumour is probably wishful thinking by some, but then again nobody without a crystal ball is likely to be able to accurately predict the future in these uncertain times - and it was even suggested that with all the ALP front runners ducking for cover, there would be a move to resurrect that old war horse - and failed opposition leader  - Simon Crean for the job !

It's hard to say where these rumours originate, but when endorsed candidates start making statements advising voters to not vote for the party - just about anything seems possible !

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