Friday 16 September 2011

A man of honour !

Independent councillor Greg Petty shocked Wollongong council when he declined to vote on the selection of a deputy mayor.  With the vote tied he had the casting decision - and his action resulted in the matter being decided by a draw from a hat.

Wollongong voters decided who got the Mayor's job by way of a direct vote at the recent election, but five councillors nominated for the deputy post and this was to be decided by an open show of hands.  The person with the lowest vote was eliminated - and the process restarted until only two contestants remained.

Surprise !   Surprise !      This was a council election to restore democracy after the previous council was sacked for corruption - and those running for office were quick to suggest that the city move away from party politics - and that independents would be the choice of the voters.

An independent Mayor got the top job, and for the first time a bunch of  clearly designated Liberals swept into office, with the balance made up of Labor, Greens and Independents.

Despite the pledge to keep party politics out of local government, the choice of a deputy mayor was tied between a Liberal and a Labor contestant - and the voting was clearly along party lines.    Liberal John Dorahy was supported by the  four elected Liberals,  one other independent and the Mayor.    Labor's David Brown was supported by the four elected Labor councillors - and the two Greens.

That left the choice in the hands of independent Greg Petty - and he declined to throw his weight behind either of the two political parties - and so the names went into a hat - and Labor's David Brown got the job.

As to be expected, Greg Petty has got a lashing from many on both sides of politics for that decision, but he has clearly nailed his colours to the masthead - and he is going to be true to his independent status - and not be beholden to either political party.

It looks like Wollongong council will have a savvy independent sitting right in the middle of the party divide.  When a decision becomes split along party lines Greg Petty will have the casting vote and his decision on the deputy mayor issue indicates that he will make his own decision after considering all the facts.

Perhaps Wollongong has got the form of local government that it hoped and prayed for !

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